49 | Decade Of Choices

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Rathore Towers

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Rathore Towers.

"Probably the best part of life..", there was a pause, and then he continued,
"Is it's unpredictability."

"And also the worst, to be very frank.", Adityaraj Singh Rathore added from the crowd, beaming.

"No lie in that.", He replied.

Vanraj Singh Rathore stood at the podium. Wearing a pussian blue blazer to match his white shirt, he edged closer to the mic. His aura inevitably spoke of power, it was undeniable.

"And to celebrate the very same unpredictability of life.. we have come together here. The survival against the unpredictability would be more appropriate.", He added, flashing a smile to the press before him.

"Today we celebrate my father, the tycoon Adityaraj Singh Rathore's sixty fifth birthday.", Vanraj added. His lips finally broke into a smile.
The man, now in his early forties didn't seem to have aged a single day.
Except for the handsome moustache and stubble he had kept.
He had carefully dyed his hair to black.

He finally walked down the podium as the party began.

He did not walk back to his father as he got off. He walked straight out of the hallroom. No one stopped him.

He pulled out the packet of cigarette from his pocket, pulling one out. He got into his car, a black Audi and lit the cigarette.

Drawing in a deep puff, he started the car.
He had an appointment today.

Singhania Mansion,Mumbai

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Singhania Mansion,

"The beauty of life lies in the perspective. To some it might be a race and to some, it might just be a joy ride.", Malvika said, a subtle smile constant on her lips.

Her eyes spoke of confidence and of an indomitable spirit. The press and media stood in the large hallroom, recording her speak.

"And mostly, the choice is ours.", She added.

"For me, life is a joy ride. An expedition to the most beautiful places in the world. And I wish everyone could travel the same way and enjoy the wanderlust. Hence, after years of planning and meticulously working on every possible aspect, the Singhania Group of Industries presents to you its special range of flights, ships and road trip cars to the most beautiful and exotic locations of the world.", She said finally.

The hall erupted with claps.

Akshay Singhania beamed back at his sister, smiling proudly.
Malvika thanked the crowd and got off the stage.

She wore a grey blazer over her white shirt with some casual red and blue dots. To match with it, she had dark blue denims. Nothing gave away the amount of power or money that she had. Nothing except the diamond and platinum ring that twinkled on her ring finger.

"You were fabulous!", Akshay said smiling proudly.
"I always am fab, Bhai. I was always better.. just underrated.", She replied grinning widely.

Her phone buzzed.

"Gotta pick the call.", She said sighing as she walked out of the mansion.
Mumbai had lit up brightly today, a relief from the constant rainfall that had been happening since the last few weeks.

"Yes. Tell me.", She asked, picking up the call.

"I thought we were to meet, Miss.", The reply came from the other end.

She drew in a deep breath, looking down at the glistening ring.

"Oh yes. I remember.", She said, trying to sound jovial.
"So when and where?", The man over the phone asked.

"Meet me at Bandra Railway Station. I'm in the mood for a train trip.", She said, tearing her eyes away from the ring.

"Oh of course.. it's Malvika I am talking to. Obviously you'll find some crazy places to meet your fiance.", The man said grinning over the call.

"Welcome to my world.", Saying so she hung up instantly.

The Singhania Mansion was absolutely sea facing. She could see the Arabian sea, feeling the cool yet salty breeze.

"To live a lifetime with someone or leave selfishly when you thought it would be right.. is always a choice.", She whispered, more to herself.


Alexa play kya se kya.. ho gaya..


Stay tuned to know more.

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