23 | Doubts And Partners

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Vanraj :

It had been another week of me living in the hospital
I slowly opened my eyes, after a short nap, to find Mister Rathore right before me surfing through his phone.

My heart skipped a beat. The way Malvika had said about the DNA reports it did seem true, which left me with a giddy and excited feeling. Had it not been for my broken rib I would have been hoping around in happiness dancing on Permission To Dance.

But here I was, lying by a beeping ECG and watching the man who was technically my father casually watching Instagram Reels. 
"You can do better than look into my phone.", He said without looking up.

Reputation screwed already.

"Umm.. No.. It's just that-"
"It's okay. I'm just having fun with you, kid.", He said grinning, still not looking away from the reels. 
"Yeah.. okay..", I mumbled awkwardly.
"How are you feeling now?", He asked finally looking up.
"Alive, I guess.", I said like the stupidest person of the century.

Okay, I was so damn nervous! 

"Praise the Lord you are. Vanshika and Malvika were downright traumatised when we got you here. I've never seen Vanshi become so fond of someone. You've got some magic.", He said grinning. I suddenly realised we shared a similar smile.
"Err.. Not much of a magician though.", I said grinning awkwardly. 
I looked around, Malvika was nowhere to be seen.

"Mukku will be here anytime. She's gone to smuggle some burgers for you.", He said smiling.
I nodded, awkwardly.
"We are taking you home.", He said.
I looked up, surprised.
"I mean you need regular assistance and Vanshi wants to help in that herself. And since I am a good hubby I am fulfilling her wish.", He said shoving his hair backwards.

"And you didn't want me to go home.. with you guys.", I said, and instantly regretted. He looked up at me sharply.
"Sorry.", I mumbled.
He cleared his throat, he suddenly looked serious,
"Look Vanraj, I know why Vanshi is so fond of you. But I recommend you not to give her hope, because eventually you'll go back to your parents. My wife will be heartbroken.", His voice sounded steel cold.

He drew in a sharp breath, "See Vanraj, I will be very honest.. Our son was named Vanraj as well, and that draws some more sympathy for you. But you need not lead us, more importantly Vanshi on.", He was fiercely protective of his wife.
I wish I had known him from before, probably I would have learnt to respect my wife before it was too late.

"Adi.", Malvika stepped into the room.
He cleared his throat and stood up.
"I've got to go.", He said settling his black suit.
"Mister Rathore.", I mumbled. He paused and looked at me, "I understand your concern, but if I am like her son, she is like my mother as well. I can do better than leave her alone to cry."

I had no idea where I got this courage. He looked at me with a strange look, as if unable to decipher anything beyond my words.

"There is a thin line, boy. That's it.", He said before turning to leave the cabin.
Malvika looked at me, perplexed.
"You could have told him, Raj. Why did you invite his annoyance for no reason?", She asked as she sat by me on the bed.
"I want to see who he really is.", I said, clearing my throat.
"And how will that help you, sir?", She asked, settling my messy hair yet again.
"You've got to know a person truly to love him.", I said with a smile.

Malvika raised a brow as she fished out a burger from her bag.

"I am no robot, Malvika. Maa and Bapuji have taken care of me all these years also.. I love them. But Mister and Missus Rathore? I met them only a while ago, I should know them to love them as my own.", I said.

She drew in a deep breath, nodding in exasperation.
"You and your grown up thought processes. I swear if I was you I'd hug Adi and tell him I was his kid.", She said, removing the packet.

"Now open you mouth and let me feed you.", She said. I took a bite as she smiled.
"Did you see Adi today? He looked like he'd push a dagger through my heart any moment.", I said eating.
"That's exactly how you looked at all points of time, Raj. Please.", She said smiling.
"Yeah but you still like me, don't you?", I asked with a smirk.
"Like is an understatement Sexy Raj.", She said, her grin was almost teasing.

"That escalated quickly, from baby Raj to sexy Raj. Nice.", I said, using my hands finally and taking the burger from her.
"You are a sexy boy. Come on. Look at that sharp jawline.", She said running her finger over my jaw.
"Wanna kiss it?", I asked with a mischievous grin.

"Ah, I like to take things slow, so have patience.", She said mischievously.
"Alright then, Rose. I'll wait.", I replied grinning.


Third Person :

"You know Adi I think we can give Vanraj the third floor room-"
"Vanshi.", Adityaraj said.
"What?", Vanshika asked, finally turning towards him. She had been surfing through Vanraj's instagram profile.

"He is not your son.", Adityaraj said strongly.
Vanshika drew in a sharp breath.
"Adi you can try and not remind me that.", She said looking back at her phone.
"Vanshi haven't we suffered enough?! Why are you giving yourself hope! I understand-"
"Adityaraj.", She said, taking his name completely after almost a decade.

He paused instantly.
"He is exactly like you were. Vulnerable, broken and more than anything obsessed with proving he is perfect. I cannot unsee the similarities-"
"That doesn't mean he is my blood, for God's sake!", Adi shouted, he was conflicted from within, a tempest rose inside him.

"He is.", Vanshika said with an odd fierceness.
"And where's the proof? Oh come on Vanshi! Have you seen our property? He'd easily make a fake DNA report to have it as well if you keep caring for him!", Adi said in annoyance.
"Adi stop.", She said fiercely. She walked down to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I know it hurts, Adi. But trust me.", She said. She didn't know how she was so sure, but she was.

"You know how-"
"I know you see the similarities as well.", She said softly, "And I know you will learn to trust him, like you trust me."
Adityaraj looked at her and drew in a sharp breath.


Malvika :

Vanraj had his hand around my neck, I held him as he walked. He winced as he took every step.
"I am so sorry Vanraj for-"
"It's okay Mrs. Rathore. I am fine.", He lied, wincing yet again. We had just walked out of the lift on the third floor.

I noticed Adi was not around. Something was off.

The Rathore Tower was a fifteen storied building. It had everything, from a royal dining room to an exotic spa and swimming pool. In fact there was an ice skating rink also! But ironically only two people lived in this huge structure.

We walked into the large room. The walls were painted a cobalt blue, the curtains were white. There was a beautiful fragrance of roses as we stepped in. I slowly took Raj to the bed, he lay down with my help.

"Make yourself comfortable, okay?", Vanshika said with a smile.
"Vanshi.. umm where's Adi?", I asked.
Her expression changed to disappointment for sonic moments and she forced a smile.
"He's a busy man, you know.", She said.
I nodded.
"Thank you.", I said. She nodded with a smile.
"I'll get the lunch ready for you.", She said before walking out.

I looked at Vanraj, he did look concerned.

"What's running in your mind?", I asked straightaway.
"Adityaraj Singh Rathore does not trust me.", He said drawing in a deep breath, "I expected that."
I sighed.

"Rest now, come on.", I said pulling the quilt over him. I was about to leave when he held my hand.
"Yeah?", I asked looking at me.
"I wonder when we became life partners from business partners.", He said with an amused smile.

"I guess I became yours the day I met you for the first time.", I said honestly.
"You liked me?", He asked amused.
"Not exactly but I felt a warmth down my spine when I held your hand.", I said with a smile.

He smiled.
"Happy partnership for life then."


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