39 | The Reason

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Malvika :

It almost felt like my chest would explode in pain.
I immediately walked out of the mansion and sat in my car.
I couldn't bear the thought of watching him go away, whatever the reason.

I stumbled into my car and started it, feeling a whirlwind of emotions take over.
I knew the promise he'd keep was the one he made to his son, I knew in his priority list I wasn't on number one.
It had never been a problem, until today.

I knew this is exactly what Arshi wanted and yet I didn't know how to fight back.

I was driving back towards our office.
Maybe there would be peace in work, like he very often said.

I parked the car and walked into the building. The guards just politely opened the gates for me.
Striding into our cabin, I sat back on his seat.

Vanraj Singh Rathore.

I had looked at this same name tag with the world's admiration so many times. And yet, today, I felt hollow.
I hadn't realised it would sting this much.

Bhai had told me way back that Vanraj was absolutely a family freak, he might even sacrifice me someday for the sake of his children. Back then, it was a matter of pride for me.
I always wanted someone, rock solid, always there for everyone.

I had missed it in case of both, my workaholic father and guilt tripped brother.
When I shattered, it was always just the lonely room and me.
I had had a rather rough relationship with Bhai regarding the same, I expected him to be there when my whole divorce fiasco happened, but he was too guilt ridden.
I finally gave up hope for a support and found my own escape.

I rested my back on his seat and shut my eyes.
There was a strange silence that hung.
And then, abruptly, I heard a familiar voice.

"I cannot do this anymore!"
For moments it sounded feminine, and then I heard it again,
"I will not do this to my family!"
I recognised it finally.

Young boys often did sound feminine, but this voice was from a phone call.

"For God's sake.", The voice make my skin crawl. It was the low whisper of a woman. Dangerous.
I had neither met her, nor heard her voice before, but someone my instinct said it was Arshi.
The voices were from the cabin right beside mine, but due to the silence in the office, it was clearly audible.

"You are doing this-"
"Do you know Papa's new Dad.. Adi dadu got a heart attack because of the press thing! No one is happy and the accusing finger is at me! I didn't even know anything, you told me all of this and look! Everything's ruined!", He was almost shouting.

"Samar!", Arshi snapped.
"Stop screaming and listen to me."

"I know what you will say.. If Papa and Maa come back together we will be a happy family again, everything will become normal. I know! But why should everyone pay the price for my selfishness! Maa is still crying because Akshay uncle messed up, again because of you. Papa is clearly unhappy! What's the point of coming back together if no one's happy!", Samar did speak like an adult.
But this time, like a mature and sane one.

So I was right, it was all staged by Arshi. Even the promise thing was staged.

Suddenly it struck me.

I pulled out my phone and turned the recorder on.

"Listen to me Samar.", She said, there was a desperation in her voice. Obviously, this was her best pawn slipping from her fingers.
"Don't you want your sister to have a normal family? What will she say when she grows up? That Malvika, who herself is a kid, is her mother? And imagine.. when Malvika has her own child would she even care for your sister?", Arshi was using the best ways of manipulation.

There was silence on the other end for a while.

So, she had caught Samar's weakness.
His sister.
I could imagine Arshi doing similar manipulations to Vanraj as well, and they'd be extremely effective.

"She.. she doesn't seem that kind.. she's not the evil stepmom type.. Pakhi told me they are like soul sisters-"
"That is a lie.", Arshi said sharply, "I am sure Malvika has scared Pakhi so that she lies."


I drew in a deep breath and controlled my temper.

"Fine. Bye.", Samar said and hung up.

I turned the recording off and opened my sandles. I tiptoed out of my cabin in silence, barely breathing and stepped before the door of hers.
It was actually Bhai's.

I turned the video camera on and held it up at the small circular place which had glass on the metal door.
Thankfully the corridor lights were dimmed.

"Poor Rathores..", Arshi said, probably sitting back in peace.
"One by one, every piece will fall. Once Vanraj and his darling split, I will tear apart the Rathore empire into shreds. That Adityaraj snatched a lot from my father.. and this was my turn."

Okay.. wait what?!

I carefully looked through, holding my phone in place.
She sat, looking spiteful.
Her eyes had a raw rage, the kind that only a person out for revenge could have.

"I started this off way back.. from the day I met you..", She picked up a framed photograph. It was difficult to make out from afar.
"Vanraj Shekhawat.. the Prince in exile..", Her lips curved into an amused smirk.
"Ah.. you and your lovely wife.. how perfect, weren't you? But look! Destiny always plays it's part well.. I thought you'd live in familiar misery, like your grandfather did. But no! You found that annoying new girl for yourself, then your long lost family!"

She threw the photo frame in rage. It shattered into pieces, right before the door.
A photograph of Vanraj smiling with Meera and his two kids.

Arshi suddenly looked at the door.
I instantly pulled my phone with myself and stood in silence.
There was silence, and then I heard footsteps - right towards the door.

Damn it.

I immediately turned around in hope to run.
But the footsteps stopped. I heard her pick the shattered photograph from the floor.

And then I heard,

"Malvika, if you think you can outsmart me. You are a fool."


cliffhangers, because why not? XD

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