13 | Lineage And Name

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Third Person POV :

"Are you sure about this company?", The man asked. 
"Sir, it is a new company. Run by Akshay Singhania's sister and Vanraj Shekhawat. It's going to debut with this business.", The assistant spoke over the bluetooth.

He stood up, he was in his early fifties but didn't look a day older than thirty five. He wore a royal blue suit. His greying hair neatly combed. He walked down to the window looking over the New York City. He picked up a cigar.
"You think this one's worth the gamble?", He asked, lighting the cigarette.
"I believe so sir. Anyways you'll be the first investor, so will have the greatest hold after the owners.", The assistant said.

The man pulled in a deep puff.
"Set a meeting up with them then.", He said.
"Sir, in India?", The assistant asked.
The man looked at the business magazine on the desk beside the window.

His photograph, clean shaven, sharp black eyes and the smug smile - "The Story of a Royal Prince to Business Tycoon - Adityaraj Singh Rathore."

"Yes. I guess it's time to get back to the roots.", He said as the phone hung up.


Vanraj :

I sat back looking at the latest edition of Forbes.

Adityaraj Singh Rathore.
The "legend" as they said. I had sent my business proposal to his company as well. It was called The Imperium. Although I knew they had no reason to accept our proposal, I hoped he'd at least notice my name, maybe.

"Vanraj..", Malvika said entering the cabin.
She had suddenly become very active with work ever since the company was called Vanika. Honestly, I liked it. I was tired to doing everything alone.

"Yeah.", I said keeping back at magazine and standing up.
"For the publicity, I was wondering if we could hire Vanshika Arora. I met her in Las Vegas. She has worked with The Imperium also.", She said.
I was slightly astonished, but I liked the change.
"Sounds great.", I said. She nodded and was about to leave when I stopped her.

"What's happened? You have finally switched from Candy Crush to CEO.. how?", I asked sitting back on my recliner.
She smiled at me.
"All this while this Company was working according to you.. Every thing was according to you. But ever since I have named it, I feel like it's mine too.", She said.

I nodded with a smile.
"Okay bye. I am calling up Vanshika Arora and setting up a meeting.", She said before walking out.

I drew in a deep breath. I looked at my hand, my finger, the engagement ring.

"Vanraj ji.. I was wondering if.. My name could also be on the name plate..", Meera said softly as I wore my shirt, for office.
"Why? What's the need? The house belongs to me.", I had replied, without thinking twice.
"Yes.. I mean.. You know if there are some parcels or letter for me..", She had mumbled.
I turned towards her with a raised brow.
"Order things under my name then Meera.", I stated coldly.
My huge male ego couldn't have possible allowed her name with me on the name plate of the house I had built.

She had simply nodded that day. I knew there was no one as such you'd mail or send parcels. I didn't realise why she had wanted her name that day.

But today I realised.
She wanted her well deserved right on the house. And I had refused her. 
I drew in a sharp breath and stood up.
Maybe I should get busy with work to prevent feeling guilty.


Malvika :

I was done with my job. I had decided to manage the advertisement and marketing area, Vanraj could do the rest at his convenience. 
I decided to go home at around eight at night without Vanraj who was still busy with work. 

I got off the auto rickshaw before the Shekhawat House and walked in. 
I was only opening my shoes when I heard noise from inside, "SHUT UP! YOU WILL NOT TELL ANYTHING TO BHAIYA!"
That was Nikhil, and probably he was shouting at his wife.

I instantly tip toed inside. 
Maa and Bapuji were not at home, they had some wedding to attend. 

"Don't say a word.", Nikhil said angrily, he was holding Sagarika's wrist painfully. I did want to help the girl, but I needed to know the whole scene first. I quietly stood by the door listening.
"I will not say anything..", Sagarika said wincing.
"Good for you. Anyways bhaiya is busy listening to that richie rich girl, and if he got to know he is not a member of our family he'll probably abandon all of us.", Nikhil said.


I stood silently, with bated breath.
"But then.. how did Bapuji find him.", Sagarika said, coping up finally. 

"Find? Nah! He was entrusted with Vanraj bhaiya. Of course, he had agreed to keep him as his own son and all. All this was before I was born. I had heard Maa say once that Vanraj bhaiya is actually from some royal lineage and all.. Although I don't believe it, but whatever.", Nikhil said, he sounded jealous.

"Royal? That mean he's inherit a lot of money..", Sagarika said thoughtfully.
"Maybe.. Who knows? But what matters is you need to keep shut. If he got to know that Maa and Bapuji are not his parents, I don't know what he'll do. Anyways he's so unpredictable.", Nikhil said.
"But.. do you know who his parents are?", Sagarika asked.

Nikhil drew in a deep breath.
"No.. Bapuji knows. He has a letter from the person who entrusted him. But he wouldn't show it to us or even mention the name. Anyways I am least interested.", Nikhil said.

Letter? Royal lineage? 
Not to mention if Mister "I think I am a king" heard he was a royal he'll be jumping around, but I needed to solve this mystery.
These people were only exploiting him. I assumed his actual parents would be nice people.

I was about to walk down to Bapuji's room when I heard Vanraj's car.
I dropped the idea for the time being and walked down to our room.

"Malvika! Come here na!", Vanraj called out. I sighed and walked back to the door. 
"Yes?", I asked.
He pulled out a name plate. 
"This is the new name plate. Help me put it up.", He said handing me the metal plate with names engraved. He walked past me to get the tool box.

My name was engraved above his, "Malvika Singhania", in capital letters. 
His name was below mine, "Vanraj Shekhawat."
"Actually I wasn't sure if you wanted my surname with your name so I let Singhania be.", He said was he got the screw driver and screws.

That surname is not even yours.
I thought bitterly as I forced a smile.

"But why would you put my name above yours. I am literally here for a week or two.", I said.
"Yeah but this is your house as well.", He said with a warm smile.
He removed the name plate with only his name and put up name plate with my name above his.
This man was egoistic?

"You didn't have to do this.", I said softly.
He dusted his hand with a smile. 
"Now that you have decided to stay in this marriage with me, I should fulfil my duties.", He said before walking past me into his room.

I looked at the name plate.
I didn't know why this made me feel so good. I ran my fingers over his name. 
Maybe he was the villian in everyone's story, but in mine he definitely seemed to become the hero.

I walked back to the room. 
"Vanraj.", I said.
"Hmm.", He said opening his watch.
"Thanks for the respect.", I said with a smile.
He smiled back.

"You think we'll be successful in the venture? You know.. I am a little nervous.", He said awkwardly. It looked like he was sharing his worry for the first time.
"Of course.", I said, "I am here with you. Nothing will go wrong."

He nodded, feeling slightly more confident.
He turned to open his shirt.
"Hang on with me till the end, okay?", He said softly. His voice sounded strangely different. 
"I will.", I replied, as he nodded.

I had no idea why he said it, but I knew, this forced relationship was progressing in the right way.


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