48 | lost

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Next morning we were ready to visit the temple.
Malvika had worn a yellow saree, with subtle make up and her hair tied back into a rather long pony tail.

I wore a simple yellow kurta and white trousers. She was making our four month old wear yellow 'cute' clothes which I was sharply asked to sit in one corner of the bed.

She was making Viraj wear this mini kurta she had got designed for him specially.
"You know I can help, Malvika.", I said watching her work.
"You know you can't help without making me scream at you Raj.", She said without glancing up.

I sighed looking down.

Vanika who was sitting all this while looking at her Mumma turned towards me.
And she slowly crawled down to me.

"See, Vanika is giving you sympathy.", Malvika said without even looking up, grinning to herself.
I looked at Vanika looking up at me in deep intruge.
My lips broke into a smile as I picked my daughter up in my arms. She started giggling holding the neck of my kurta as I made her sit on my lap.

There was a knock at the door.

"Pakhi, come in.", Malvika said, as if she knew pretty much everything on this planet.
Pakhi rushed into the room and hugged her Mukku Mom.

"Aww..", Malvika said looking at Pakhi. Pakhi was made to wear this pretty red saree by Meera, I presumed.
"You look like a beautiful princess!", Malvika said, bending, and kissing her forehead.

"You look like a queen.", Pakhi replied kissing her cheek.

Samar too walked into the room.
He glanced at me with a soft smile.
I gave an acknowledging nod.
We had comparatively eased out and things looked bright in the future.

I drew in a deep breath.
Who had ever thought anyone could fix the mess that I was?

After a while we were off to the temple.
Malvika had Viraj and I had Vanika. The priest who had forcefully married us beamed at our sight.

"I had assumed you two would show up someday.", He said.
"Had to.. after all your forceful marriage scheme is so much better than all those stupid matrimonial sites.", Malvika said grinning.
"There doesn't seem any lie in that.", The priest replied smiling, as he blessed our children.

After it was over, we walked out of the temple.
"I will take Vanika for a walk around here, you take Viraj home.", I said.
Malvika nodded as we strode off to different directions.

The place was scenically extremely aesthetic.
Vanika, being the quiet kid that she was, simply looked around, sometimes pulling my hair and mostly resting her chin on my shoulder and dozing off.

After almost half an hour, I was back to our bedroom.
Malvika was busy trying to wear her eyeliner.

"Where's Viraj?", I asked looking around the room.
I carefully placed a sleeping Vanika on the bed.
"Oh.. he's with Meera, I guess.", She replied.

"No. I just visited Meera and she is busy talking to Akshay and Papa.", I said with a raised brow.

Malvika lowered the eyeliner and paused for a moment.


I suddenly felt a strange feeling.
The kind that generally happened before a big mess.

"Malvika, maybe try to remember.. where is Viraj?", I asked, firmly.

"I.. I brought him in here.. then Meera took him for a while.. then.. maybe she placed him back on the bed..", she mumbled.

"Maybe?! Are you kidding me or something?!", I burst out.
Malvika kept back the liner on the dressing table and turned towards me.
"No.. Raj, just give me a moment—"

"What happened?", This was Meera.
I could feel the panic rise through my gut.
"Do you know where Viraj is?", I asked immediately.

Meera looked at me, confused.

"I kept him back on the bed.. here.", She said taking the step in.
"Yeah.. I know.. but then—"

"He is not here!", My tone was already panicked.
"Is-is he with Adi?", Malvika asked urgently.
"No.. I was with uncle. Vanshika aunty is out for some videography.. Akshay is with Samar and Pakhi now..", Meera mumbled.

The cold realisation suddenly setting on us.

I turned towards Malvika, barely breathing.

"Where is the kid?", I asked in the softest tone possible.
She looked pale.
"I.. I think a maid servant took him out.. yes.. a servant took him out for a walk.", She finally mumbled.

Everything about this girl was perfect, except her childish ignorant bliss.
And here I had assumed she had grown up.

"You gave the kid to a random servant in an unknown place!", I burst out.
"Vanraj ji.. this is no time to fight!", Meera shouted, "We need to find him!"

I said nothing as I immediately turned to leave.

"Raj.. I-I am sorry..", Malvika mumbled.

"I genuinely wish we don't end up sorry forever.", I mumbled icyly as I immediately jogged out of the room.


When I am back, it means kalesh 😎

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