21 | To Love

504 43 29

Malvika :

I ran back, the rain was skin piercing, the cold water at my feet was painful.
"Vanraj!", I shouted, as I rushed back to the ballroom building.
I could feel my muscles aching, but I couldn't give up. I had to find him, I didn't have a choice. 

"Raj-", I paused half way as my gaze fell on the side of the ballroom wall.
"VANRAJ!", I shouted as I bent beside him. I turned him towards myself, shielding his face from the waves and water.
In the darkness I saw blood flow down the side of his mouth. My insides did a somersault. 
"Vanraj.. Please tell me you can hear me..", I mumbled as tears rolled down my wet face.
I placed my hand on his chest to fell his heart beat. It was faint.

"Vanraj.. Wake up.. please.. It's me.. I am here.", I mumbled, the world around me numbed away. I was on the edge of losing the man who meant almost everything to me now. I COULDN'T. I just could not!
I suddenly felt his hand on mine, on his chest.
He barely opened his eyes.

"Go away.", he mumbled, "Go and save your life."
"If you are dying here, I am dying here as well.", I stated, a wild determination coursed through me. I felt like I could do anything and everything to save him.
"Don't be stupid.. This is not a movie.", He mumbled, holding my hand. He shut his eyes, in pain.
"I want to make my life better than a movie, Vanraj. And I will make it.", I stated.

I pulled his hand up, around my neck. His face stood inches from mine, in his eyes I saw the look of giving up.
"If no boat comes back for us, I will swim us across to New York. I will get us out of your Raj. May what come.", I said. His lips curved into a pained smile.
"You will always be the bravest person I knew, Malvika.", He mumbled.
I kissed his forehead and slowly stood up.

I was great with my muscular endurance always, and I knew I could carry him. But my fear was if we'd get a boat. As long as this storm was on, no rescue boat or ship was coming here.
I looked at the sky as I pulled Vanraj. He tried his very best to walk, holding onto me. It was difficult to carry him, but I felt an inhuman strength. 

I pulled him to the edge, the sky was slowly clearing out. The ship was only a few feet from drowning now. The deck was almost at the sea level.
"Malvika! Here!", I heard.

Vanshika and Adi had stayed back for me!
I felt a surge of happiness and hope.
"Raj, we'll be out of here now only.", I said.
Adi rowed the raft towards us. 
"Come on! Raj move.", I said.

Raj did not move. Not an inch.
"Vanraj..", I mumbled, fear coursing through me. He suddenly blinked, I drew in a deep breath of relief.
"We'll be fine very very soon. My chopper would be here very soon. Just live this bit.", Adi said. They had noticed the blood in his mouth as well.

The rain stopped finally, so did the wild waves.
"Raj come on, move.", I said. He held onto me tightly as he placed his leg at the edge.
There was some distance between the boat and ship.
"Come on, you can dodge it. You are a strong boy.", I whispered in his ears.

He slowly and carefully stepped onto the boat, Adi pulled him in quite instantly. Vanraj didn't let go of my hand, I carefully hoped onto the raft. Vanraj lay back on the raft, blood running down from the side of his mouth constantly.
I wiped it off with my hand.

He was barely breathing.
"Hold on for some time. We'll be in the hospital soon.", I said, looking up constantly at the light grey sky for the chopper.
He pulled my hand. I looked down at him. I edged close to his face.
"If-if I don't survive-"
"You will! Why-"
"I just want you to know..", He mumbled, tears ran down from the sides of his eyes, he was in pain much more than I could comprehend, "I want only you in the next whatever births I have."

Tears itched my eyes, he kept my hand on his chest, holding my hand. I could feel his faint heartbeat.
"Thank you... for giving me... the best days of my life..", He added, forcing a smile.
"Don't you dare say your goodbyes!", I said, my voice broke.
"I-I think.. I really love you.. Bestie.", He mumbled as he drew in a forced breath.

I held his face with my other hand. 
I couldn't hold myself back, it was painful to see him in this pain, every word he spoke pierced my heart.. He couldn't die.. I wouldn't let him..
"Stay. Please stay, Vanraj.", I said, tears streaming down my eyes.

"Vanraj, don't worry kid, you'll live through this.", Adi said, eyeing him in ache.
"Look there's the chopper!", Vanshika said looking up.
"Perfect! we'll land right on top of New York's best hospital. Nothing will happen!", Adi said as the helicopter performed a water landing before our raft.

They carefully placed Vanraj inside first. I sat beside him, he had paled, he looked almost lifeless. I clutched onto his hand.
"You're my strong boy, Raj. Just hang on, okay?", I mumbled, praying.

I had never asked for anything from God, I had never blamed him for anything, but I wanted to ask him to save this man. He didn't deserve such a painful ending, he didn't deserve the pathetic life he had.

We flew down by the Statue of Liberty right into the New York City.
"I think.. I love you too.. Vanraj.", I mumbled edging close to him, to hear his slow breathing.
The cool breeze hit against my face, I looked up at him. His eyes were shut, the blood didn't stop. I clutched onto him, heaving a deep breath.

"We are almost there.", Vanshika said eyeing him cautiously.
"You will be fine, Vanar-raj.", I mumbled.
"I-I am fine as-as long as you stay with me..", He mumbled through the pain. I looked up at him, he was barely breathing but he hung on for me.


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