10 | Hello Ex!

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Malvika :

Next morning I woke up with a massive headache.
Someone had handed me a glass of thandai, and after that what happened was beyond my control.

I slowly sat up holding my head.
And then I slowly recalled what all had happened. It was all blurred but I clearly remembered standing on stage and called Annoyed Shekhawat Vanar-raj. And then.. I fell on top of him also.. and..
I paled three tones as I remembered I might had told him about Hitesh.

Mukku you are such an idiot! Oh no! That man will not let me live in peace now!

Vanraj walked in that very instance with a glass.
He purposely ignored me and handed me the glass.
"Erm, why are you looking away?"
He didn't reply.
"At least answer!", I said taking the glass.
"After the way you called me Vanar-raj before the world?", He asked in his mean tone with a raised brow.

I took a sip of the lemon juice.
"Sorry about that.. I was drunk.."
"Nice.", He said sarcastically.

He looked at me in annoyance and forced a fake smile.

"Get ready this evening. We have a party.", He said curtly.

"Party?", I asked with a raised brow.
"Yes. There's a client. It's his anniversary and we have been invited to the Hotel Royale this evening. Find yourself some good clothes.", he stated coldly and left.



"When are you telling me who the client is?", I asked, annoyed.
Vanraj drew in a deep breath.
"You will see him now only.", He stated as we walked in.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable. The hall room was dressed in shades of green and silver, it reminded me of someone I didn't want to remember. I drew in a sharp breath as I looked around. 
I donned a maroon red gown with light make up as usual and red lipstick, while Vanraj chose a white suit for himself. His hair combed neatly, he looked near perfection. 

I was looking to my left at the guests when I suddenly heard the voice.

"Hello Mister Shekhawat.", I turned to my left instantly and froze. 
Hitesh Kulkarni stood before Vanraj smiling his fake smile. He wore a black suit, looking like a spider (and that's an under statement). I suddenly felt fear, anxiety, every negative feeling course through me.
"Oh.. and..", He mumbled noticing me as I instantly looked away. I felt moisture in my eyes, the noise of belt hitting my skin seemed to get oddly audible. 

Vanraj took a step back as he wrapped his left arm around my waist. I looked at him in shock.
"And this is my beautiful wife.", He said with a smug smile.
Hitesh nodded, with a fake smile.
"Mine will arrive in a while. Till then have a great time.", He looked at me with an evil grin.
"Your wife doesn't like me it seems.", He said cheekily.

"Ah, she does have a good taste, you see.", Vanraj said with his villainous smirk. Hitesh nodded, visibly offended.
"I like your sarcasm.", He said, he definitely didn't like it. 
"Your welcome.", Vanraj said as Hitesh glanced at me once and left.

"Raj we need to go home. I can't-"
"Sssh.", he said, looking down at me, his arm still around my waist.
"Please.. I can't-"

"See he is our client. You know how this business deal is to us. So just bear on for a while.", He said in a hushed whisper.
I drew in a sharp breath. We couldn't create a scene here, I sighed and shut my eyes. 

He removed his hand from my waist and walked down to the drinks area. I followed him exasperated.
"Vanraj, can we please go? I am not-.", I said.
"Why? What's the problem?", He asked. I fell silent. I couldn't tell him about all of that.
"Ladies and gentlemen!", This was Hitesh on the mic, "Today is our third anniversary.", He said as he pulled the woman by him closer. She looked happy, or maybe she faked it like I used to.

"We are thankful for your presence here. I think now it's time for us to start the waltz! So let there be music!", He said beaming.
His wife pulled the mic from him beaming as well, "It's going to be the change of partners. And I would like to choose the man in white there.", She said indicating Vanraj.

I suddenly felt more annoyed than ever but drew in a sharp breath.
Vanraj smiled and walked down to her.
"Then I'd go with your wife, Mister Shekhawat.", Hitesh said. 

This one was intentional. Hitesh was a sadist, and he was definitely up to annoy me. I forced a smile and nodded. The music started

Hitesh held my hand sending chills down my spine. Vanraj was looking at me from right behind Hitesh, that was the only relief. 
"How have you been baby girl?", Hitesh asked with an evil grin.
"Much better.", I mumbled.
"Oh really?", He asked wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close. His touch caused more discomfort than anything.

"Aww.. you don't like getting close to me any more?", He asked as he purposely placed his hand on my bare back. I shut my eyes, trying very hard to not react.
"You remember how I used to touch you earlier..", He whispered.

I couldn't stand it anymore.

I pushed him.
"SHUT UP!", I shouted. Tears streamed down my eyes. I felt dirty, pathetic. 
"What happened-"

"DO NOT TOUCH ME!", I shouted at him. Everyone turned towards us.
"Oh god..  Now will you purposely create a scene to defame me?", He asked. I stared at him in confusion.
"I have said sorry so many times but you.. you are always ready to defame me. Why Malvika? See I have moved on.. And you are still there!", He said as I stared at him in confusion. 

He walked down to Vanraj.
"Sorry Mister Shekhawat but your wife is slight manic. She is so obsessed with me! I wonder why you would marry such a woman.", Vanraj just looked at him silently, observing him.

Maybe he believed Hitesh, and why not? Maybe he'd agree also..

There was media. The media turned their cameras towards me. I stood still, my whole world seemed to turn topsy turvy. I could see Hitesh smile devislishly.
"Ma'am is this true?", I heard some reporter.
"Yes ma'am. Are you, sister of Akshay Singhania, obsessed with-"

"No.", I heard. I looked up at Vanraj. He stood with his hands in his pockets, straight.
"My wife is neither obsessed now interested in Mister Kulkarni.", He said, looking straight at me. 
"But then why is she silent?", Someone asked.

Vanraj looked at me, his expression softened.
"She has been traumatized for years now, broken and devastated, because of this man.", He said. He spoke what I had wanted to say all these years. 
"What are you saying Mister Shekhawat?! Your wife-"

Vanraj turned towards Hitesh, his brow raised. The look of anger and arrogance on his face.
"What?", He asked, in raw anger.
Hitesh suddenly looked intimidated.

"Reporters, you want the headline for Business World? Maybe you should note it now.", Vanraj said looking straight at the cameras, fearless, "Mister Hitesh Kulkarni, the man who abused his own wife."

"What are you saying?!", Hitesh shouted in outrage.
"The truth.", Vanraj said, his eyes fixed on the cameras.
"Hitesh had married Malvika Singhania in greed of money. When she refused to grant him any more money he would hit her with his belt-"

"THIS IS LIES!", Hitesh shouted clearly panicking.
I suddenly felt confident. 
"It is the truth!", I shouted at him. 

"What is the proof?!", Hitesh shouted.
"A woman's testament before the world is enough proof, Hitesh.", His current wife said. She turned to the cameras, "Yes. He does get violent in anger. Not to mention, I have been slapped once or twice by him. That too because I have never refused him money."

I felt a little more confident. As if pieces of me were rebuilding.
All these years I had only thought of how Hitesh would be destroyed for life if I came up with this.. neither bhai nor me wanted to do anything as nasty.
But.. Vanraj Shekhawat, as his habit was, didn't give a damn about anybody else's well being.

Vanraj walked down to me and held my hand. Hitesh's wife told the media about everything Hitesh had done to her.

"I am not that bad also.", Vanraj said softly as he bent down to my ear, "Or maybe I am..", He said looking at Hitesh, who was paling three tones.
"You are not.", I said, as I looked at him gratefully.
"Go and join in Hitesh's wife. Have the fun of your life.", He said grinning.

He was sadistically sweet.
All these days I had been trying to find why he was so snobbish and annoyed, I didn't realise he could be a good man too.


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