28 | Bye Ex!

677 37 17

Vanraj :

I was feeling this insanely happy feeling. 
It felt so foreign yet so true. I wanted to dance, hop, do something that I never did because of this rush of happy hormones.

Although I had noticed Bapuji and Maa leave with distraught expressions, somehow it did not reduce my joy. I would go and explain everything to them when we headed back home.

The announcements were over, everyone had gone back to the food and talks.

I stood with Mom, Dad, Malvika, Akshay, Meera and my kids - introducing everyone to my parents.

"And so.. this is Pakhi, my daughter.", I said with a smile as Pakhi instantly walked down to me grinning as usual.
"That's a little princess.", Dad said grinning, pulling Pakhi's cheek.
"And..", I paused as Samar looked at me, he didn't look quite pleased with everything, I gulped nervously and said, "And this is Samar, my-"

"I am only Maa's son, Mister.", He said sharply.

A sting went right through my heart.

I gulped and nodded.
"Samar what is this behaviour?", Meera said sharply.
"I am just saying the truth.", Samar replied instantly.
I drew in a sharp breath.
"Samar! You will behave properly with him. He is your father-"

"And the man who caused you so much pain!", He shot back. I felt a sharp surge of guilt after many days. I felt Malvika carefully hold my hand, as I looked down.
"Samar!", Meera said in a hushed angry tone.
Samar looked away drawing in a sharp breath.
"He is the reason you can't even move on while he is so happy with his new wife. And I am supposed to keep quite.", He said looking at me with anger.

"Samar you want to be slapped here?", Meera asked in annoyance.
"The truth won't change. You rejected Akshay uncle because of him-"

I heard the sound of a slap, as I finally looked up.

"Meera..", Akshay said softly, taken aback.
Samar looked at her in shock.
She was never the one who'd raise her hand on her kids, it had been me.
I drew in a deep breath. This really didn't look good.

I could see the guilt in Meera's eyes as she turned.
"Akshay please take Samar home. I am leaving.", She said as she turned to leave. I wanted to follow but then I felt Malvika's hand.
What would she think if I went behind my ex?

I gulped and looked at Mukku.
She left my hand and gave a reassuring look.
"Go on, she needs you.", She said softly. I looked at her in shock.
"Come on.. she'll leave. Get rid of your guilt and help her move on.", She said with an understanding look.

I didn't know she could be this mature and understanding. 
I smiled and rushed out of the hall. Meera was standing near the car, holding the door, crying.

I drew in a deep breath.
I slowly walked down to her. She instantly wiped off her tears with her hands, trying to look away.

"You-you can take Pakhi home today itself, I will send the custody-"
"I need to talk to you Meera.", I said. She drew in a deep breath and looked at me.
"I told you about Pakhi.. Why do you want to talk to me  about anything else? I-I need to go anyways.", She said as she looked away. 

She was about to enter the car when I held the door firmly.
"What is this childish behaviour Vanraj ji? Let me go.", She said pulling the door from my grip.
"I let you, my wife, go before this, because I was done you wrong. Because I did not deserve you. But I am not going to let go when you need a friend.", I said firmly.
"You are not my friend. You are my ex husband. Understood? Now bye.", She said as she pulled the door shut.

I drew in a sharp breath.

"Meera, please.", I said sighing.
She looked at me in annoyance.
She sighed and got out of the car, banging shut the car door behind. She crossed her hand before herself and looked at me angrily.

"What do you want?", She asked irritably.
"I want you to be happy.", I stated simply.
"I don't want to be happy, now you have an issue with that too? Why do you want to control my life now? You have a gorgeous wife, amazing parents, happy life! Just leave me alone in my own bubble of misery Mister Shekhawat! Why can't you just go in and enjoy with your newfound parents and big company?!", She said in anguish.

I drew in a deep breath.
"I can't be all that good and nice also Mister Shekhawat. You broke me and now you come here being the guiding angel. Why can't you stop being a hypocrite?", She said in anguish.
I could understand the pain she must have gone through. 
I probably could never imagine.

"I am trying to make amends Meera. I know I cannot set anything right for you, but I want to try.", I said honestly. 

I raised my hand, that had our engagement ring, "I did not remove this. And I won't. You know why? Because I want to remember that before everyone else it was you who loved me. Probably we never got through the barriers of our own messed lives. My problems at office, the problems you faced at home.. "
She drew in a sharp breath, trying very hard to blink off her tears.

"I know it's tough. But you have to let open the doors of your heart one last time.", I said.
"You think it is that simple? You know how terrible a betrayal is? Have you any idea how scared I am?!", She said sharply.
I gulped nervously and drew in a deep breath.
"Meera.. Akshay is a good guy. He's a little messed up, yes. But he is a good guy at heart. If he proposed you.. I don't think rejecting him is a good idea.", I said frankly.

"You know what you are talking? You are literally his sister's husband! You are-"
"I am asking you to be my sister in law. Yes. I know it's really weird and all but guess what? I don't care what people have to think and say. I need to see you happy, see my son happy. You deserve a life, Meera.", I said.

I didn't know I wanted to say all this for so long.

"Let me get rid of this guilt, please.", I said as she looked away, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"What if he breaks my heart too?", She asked.
"Then I will personally break his bones. I really wanna do it every other day anyways.", Her lips broke into a smile.

"Sometimes you really sound like Mukku.", She said smiling.
"And I want you to sound like Akshay sometimes.", I said grinning.

She gulped.
"I really wanna dance in your wedding, don't snatch that right from me.", I added grinning.
"Ah sure. Dance and sing at your exes wedding, why not? Such a Vanar-raj thing to do.", She said wiping her tears.
"Oh come on.. Mukku calls me that already, not you please.", I said smiling.

She suddenly wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"You are the best ex husband.", She said. I smiled.
It felt like a huge, really huge weight lifted off my back.
"Good thing that at least I am a good ex.", I said grinning.

"Now I am going home, I can't be looking like a witch here.", She said releasing me. 
"You never look like a witch.", I said with a smirk.
"Flirtatious much?", She asked as she stepped back into the car.
"Always.", I said smiling back.

"I forgot to say.. but I am really happy for you. I was just annoyed and angry but.. I am really happy you have people who love you.. and that you value them too.", She said.
"Thank you. And bye bye.", I said with a grateful smile.

And the car pulled off the parking lot.

I drew in a deep breath, feeling better about my life.

"Raj! There's some real good pineapple ice cream here! You wanna try?", I heard from behind. 
"Who eats pineapple ice cream for God's sake!", I said half amused, half annoyed as I turned towards her.
"I do. Have a problem Boring Bear?", She asked with a smarty smirk.

"You saw the whole me being a good ex scene?", I asked with a raised brow.
"Yeah and turns out I will have to sanction Best Ex Of The Year along with Best Husband Of The Year award for you.", She said smirking.
"That's boring. How does Best Guy To Make-"
"Make up with? Sure.", She said grinning, totally understanding what I was about to say.

"Nice joke.", I said with narrowed eyes.
"The joke is that Adi and I am going to finish the special theplas we had for you. So you can just stay out-"
"No! I am coming!", I said instantly jogging back into the hall.


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