8 | Drunk Wife

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Malvika :

So after a tiring day at office with Vanraj doing all the important "business" and me playing Candy Crush, we were back home.

It's not like I don't want to work, but Mister Know It All preferred to do all the work alone. 
Not to mention Akshay bhai and he are going through a cold war making Meera extremely uncomfortable.

It was around one at night when we stepped into his house.
"Gosh, it was such a tiring day..", He said yawning.
"Nope. You made it tiring. You could have rescheduled the presentations and got us back home as early as 5 pm.", I said in annoyance.
"Huh! Rescheduling is for lazy folks. And I am definitely not one of them.", He said proudly.

This man takes some pills for his attitude, I am quite sure of it. Otherwise which normal human being keeps saying how amazing he is?! Self obsessed monkey.
I totally feel his name is a misnomer it should have been "Vanar-raj". (Monkey-king)

We finally walked into his bedroom. It wasn't anything grand to be very honest. I could see that photograph of his on the wall, that I had noticed the first day.
"So where are you going to sleep tonight?", He asked removing his black suit.
"On the bed, obviously.", I said coolly.
He turned towards me with a raised brow and then nodded.

"Fine. Just a few rules, I don't switch of the lights at night. Secondly, do not move or kick me off the bed and third, do not set any dumb alarm with over dramatic music. Good night.", He said not missing a beat.

"No.. like you are okay with sharing bed?", I asked with a raised brow.
"Obviously. Come on, this is not a daily soap, anyways I've literally slept with an unknown woman before this so it's alright.", He said as he opened his shirt.

Okay, let us just appreciate the physique.
Not to mention, I had a lot of guys flexing their muscles before me for attention but Mister Annoyed Shekhawat was so gorgeous. His abs were perfectly chiseled, like some piece of Greek Architecture.

"Had been hitting on the gym regularly during my unemployment days, hence the physique. Now stop ogling over it.", He said proudly.
"Ogle? Who? Me? Ha! Please, I had men with hundred times better physique running behind me.", I said removing my suit. He raised a brow, nodded and then stepped into the bathroom.

"Don't come out as long as I don't say!", I said immediately changing my clothes.
"No no.. I will come out and make your MMS to blackmail you!", he shouted back.
"Very funny."
"I know my sense of humour is great! Thank you!", He said, I was sure flashing his classic villainous grin.


Vanraj :

Rang barsee bheege chunar waali.. rang barsee

So the music and party had already started. It was nine in the morning, the sun shone brightly over the town. And it was Holi Day!
Yeah, but for me because I could finally lie back in my room, in peace, and watch the latest episodes of Indian Daily Soaps. I had taken the subscription to all the channels also. My schedule was set, as it had been for all these years.

I lay back on my bed, my laptop was set, I had gotten myself three packets of chips and a cold drink. I had already ordered a Mahabhoj Thali from the nearby restaurant for lunch.

"Hello sir. Are you not coming?", Malvika said walking out of the bathroom in a white salwar kameez.
"Of course not.", I replied munching on my chips and grinning.
She looked at me with a raised brow.

"You are such an uncle.", She said irritably.
I looked at her in annoyance.
"Do not call me uncle.", I stated coldy.
"Why, uncle?", She asked with special emphasis on the forbidden word.
"I am not uncle, okay! Huh!", I shouted irritably.
"Only irritating uncles like you don't play holi.", She said grinning.
"And only small immature kids like you are so excited about it.", I said grinning back.

"I am okay with being a kid, uncle.", She said grinning, as she shove her hair back in attitude.
I decided to ignore her.
Only, and only if she wasn't my partner and investor, I would live in peace. When I told Maa about our forced wedding, Maa was overjoyed and asked me to let her live with us. 
"Where would I get such a rich and well to do girl for you?", she had said. And sighing on my tragic life, I had to bend.

"Okay, uncle-"
"If you call me uncle once more, I swear I will-"
"You will what?", She asked crossing her hands before her and narrowing her eyes.
"I will.. I will burn down your clothes!", I said.
Her lips curved into an evil smirk.
"And I will burn down all the photographs of Madhuri Dixit you have been hiding.", She said softly.

I paled.
"How do you-"
"Hence, stay in your limits at all times. Uncle.", She added before giggling and walking out.

These "bhaiya ki princess" type girls are so annoying I tell you.

Nonetheless, I shut the door of my room after she left. Everyone was going to play Holi, but I was not interested. I used to play when I was younger but then.. I didn't feel like anymore. I kept the balcony door open for some fresh air, took my headsets and started watching.

It had been two hours approximately, I had watched six episodes and was about to start the seventh when I heard a noise.
I carefully removed my headset and turned towards the balcony. The sound seemed to come from there. Maybe dumb kids were throwing water balloons, I thought exasperated.

I got off the bed and walked down to the balcony. I looked down and instantly a hand appeared.
"Pull me up! I will fall!", I heard.
"PULL ME UP!", She shouted. I caught hold of her hand and pulled her up. She climbed to the second floor, where my room was, using a ladder!

She climbed up the balcony and entered, giggling uncontrollably.
"Are you mad or something? You could have entered through the door-"
And then I looked at her closely. She was literally bathed in colours, pink, blue, green, orange, nothing was left. But something was wrong.
"What? Why are you laughing so much?", I asked but she just kept giggling.

She took a step towards me and placed her hands around my neck, looking me in the eye.
"I am going to paint you in my colours..", She mumbled grinning.
She was definitely drunk. I had told these people so many times to not keep Bhaang!

"Sssh.", She said edging closer. "This year you will play Holi, vanar-raj..", She mumbled, only inches from my face.
I gulped nervously. This is not good. Nope, definitely not.

I instantly bent and got out of her grip and rushed into my room.
"Hey! Now you are running from me! Let me paint you!", She shouted stubbornly as I instantly picked up the quilt on the bed and wrapped myself under it.

"You think you can hide Mister Annoyed Forever?", She asked in a drunken voice.
And suddenly she yanked my quilt off me.


"Hello..", She said casually as I smiled awkwardly.
"Have you seen that annoying , rude, irritating, self obsessed Vanraj anywhere?", She asked softly.
I heaved a sigh of relief, "Yeah-yeah.. he went out.. through the door..", I said pointing towards my door.
"Thank you, uncle.", She said, I forced a smile as she walked down to the door and opened it and walked outside.

Even in this unconsciousness she doesn't miss those amazing adjectives and "uncle".
I heaved a sigh of relief and lay back.

I had just sent my drunk wife out!
What if Maa and Bapuji saw her?
Even worse, what if she told everyone about my crush on Madhuri Dixit?!

I have to go!


Seems like someone's gonna get painted today B)

And here's your Holi wala episode! :))
Lots of love!!

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