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I stood in silence, staring at the pistol pointed at me.

"Malvika are you fine?", I asked, finally tearing my eyes away from the pistol. Malvika had paled two tones.

"Oh God! So much love? You don't even care about the gun pointed at you?", Arshi asked amused.

"What would a stone like you understand of love?!", I said, my voice laced with raw loath.
"Oh really?!", She stood up, the gun point unwavering.

"Arshi! Arshi please..", Malvika said immediately slipping out of her seat and jumping right before me, like a human shield.
Who'd ever love me the way she did?

"Look Malvika, you know everything, and I have already justified my actions, so please..", Arshi said, pointing the gun straight towards us.

"Arshi, this in no way will ever give you peace! You're not some vicious villian, don't make yourself that!", Malvika said softly.

She's not a villian?! Then what the hell is she?

"I need no talks of forgiveness! Just move aside!", Arshi shouted.
"No!", Malvika shouted at her, taking a step towards her. The tip of the gun touched her forehead.

"Arshi, revenge can never give peace!", She added softly, in a voice almost above a whisper.

Arshi drew in a deep breath lowering the gun. I could see the expression softening.
And I just couldn't figure out the reason.

"Please.. We can mend what's broken.. but if there's a permanent damage your whole life will go but you'll never find peace.", Malvika said, carefully placing her hands on Arshi's shoulder.

What is this talent?

"You told me everything because you trusted me, right? You know I will understand. And trust me. I do.", Malvika said.
Arshi looked away, sighing.

"What do you want me to do?! Forgive everyone and go to the Himalayas or something?!", Arshi snapped.
But it wasn't as ferocious as before.

"We will talk to your family. You believe Adi ruined it for you, right? He'll only set it right."

"They will never take me back!"

"They will. If they refuse, we will explain. Ruining others lives or killing someone else will never make you happy.", She whispered.

Arshi glanced at me, past Malvika.

I stood immobile.

"A trashcan like you definitely doesn't deserve this princess.", She said almost annoyed.
Malvika drew in a deep breath.
Arshi looked at her, "I might give you a couple of days.."

Saying so she stormed out, past me.

Malvika finally turned.

"Explain, maybe?", I said.


I recounted the story to him.

He stood in shock.

"What?!", He said finally.
"Hmm.. now we need to set things right. Can't risk it anymore. She's too dangerous. Her issue is obviously very genuine except she's in revenge mode.", I said.

I took the step towards him, wanting to simply hug him and finally relax.

"Okay.. but.."

I wrapped my arms around him, and rested my head on his chest, shutting my eyes.

I was terribly exhausted.

"Baby.. I missed you.", I whispered. I felt his arms around my being as I buried my face deeper. He rested his chin on my head.

"Rose, you know I love you, right?", He said softly.
I looked up as he removed his chin.
"I can't let you go.", I whispered back.
He smiled softly.

"It's been so hectic, hasn't it?", He asked.
"It's still hectic. We have to talk to Adi, her parents.. if things work out maybe this whole issue end.", I mumbled.

"You know we can hand her over to the police.. forgiveness is definitely a good thing but she hasn't done anything worth forgiveness.", He said.
My lips curved into a smile.

"You know Raj.. there's very little forgiveness in the world.. people yearn for it. And sending her to jail will never help. She'll be out after say another seven years, with much more loath and hatred. It'll be a never ending loop.", I said, "I want to end this with peace."

He smiled.

He raised his hand and lovingly tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"She was right.. how did I even get a princess like you? You're such a beautiful person both from inside and outside.", He said.
His tone laced with the affection of the world.

My Raj.

"Thank you..", I whispered. Complements from him meant the world to me.

"We will set everything right, Rose. Don't worry, okay?", He said as I curled up in his arms.
"Please never leave me.", I whispered.
"Not even in my worst nightmare.", He replied.

I looked up at him and softly placed my lips on his.

It felt like it had been ages since my lips had met.
Immediately he deepened it, passionately.
My hand slowly wrapped around his neck. His, was on my waist. I felt him raise my shirt a little, wrapping his arms around my bare waist.
His touch seemed to wash away all my fatigue.

We finally parted, content, and yet discontent.

He looked into my eyes, those beautiful brown orbs boring into mine.

"I need you..", he whispered.
"When do you not?", I asked, breaking into hysterical laughter.
His lips broke into a smile, and then into a laughter.

It seemed like ages, since we had laughed together.
The stress had sucked the life out of us.

"Not that way..", he said grinning, his boyish smile on his face.
"I genuinely need you by my side, always. You are my lifeline. No one can love me the way you do.", He said, there was moisture in his eyes.

"But I need you both ways..", I said unable to stop myself from loving both of the meanings of the statement.

"You have me in all ways, always.", He said with a wink.

That was the last thing he said before I pulled him into another kiss.

Whatever came and went, we'd always find a way back to each other.


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