22 | Found Some Answers

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Malvika :

I sat back on the couch in his cabin. The clock struck one at night.

It had been almost a week since Vanraj was admitted, his rib had cracked and there had been injuries to his lungs. Although he was stable now, he had not gained consciousness. 

I looked at him, sleeping peacefully, the ECG machine indicating his pacing heart. It gave me a different kind of peace. I knew he would be fine. The doctors had said that with the kind of injuries he had, it was a miracle that he had survived at all.

I stood up, drawing in a deep breath. I walked out of the cabin, only to find Vanshika sitting back on the seat.
"Vanshika, you can go home you know.", I said in concern.
Adi and Vanshika had taken turns on staying down here in the hospital. Adi had stayed yesterday, today it was Vanshika.
"I can't leave you both alone here.", She said smiling. She looked terribly exhausted. 
"You can sleep on the couch for a while. I'll just take a walk.", I said.

She nodded and walked in. I saw her curl up on the couch and dozing off instantaneously. 
I wondered why were these two so bothered about Vanraj.. but now it was time for me to get some answers.

I walked down to the Testing Lab of the hospital.
"No entry without permission" - the board outside read. I knocked at the door.
"Yes?", The doctor inside asked.
"I was supposed to receive a DNA report.", I said, "Patient number 79."
"Oh yes.", She said instantly walking inside. 

The day we got Vanraj here, there was a requirement for instant blood. Vanraj had a negative blood group, AB negative to be precise. It turned out that Adityaraj had the same blood group. Although, I mean it's nothing at all. But I had this instinct that I should get their DNAs matched.

Half the time I don't think logically before doing stuff, so yeah. I had secretly got the nurse to get the samples and give them for testing.

The doctor opened the door after a while and handed me the file.
"Thank you so much.", I said with a smile, taking the file. 

I drew in a deep breath looking at it.
I gulped nervously as I slowly opened the file to see the report.

And I froze.

"DNA reports are positive.", It read. 
I blinked once or twice and then re read.
Okay.. so my instinct hit the right spot. Okay. Let me just absorb this. OMG! GODS! I NEED TO TELL MONKEY KING!

I heaved a deep breath calming my senses.
"Mukku be calm. It's okay.", I mumbled, although I wanted to dance for a while. I mean come on! Adi and Vanshika are the coolest parents on the whole goddamn world! 
And Vanraj deserves some good people, like me of course. Haha.

I rushed back to his cabin and opened the door slowly. Vanshika was fast asleep.
Maybe I could call up Adi and tell him I've found his long lost son!

Mukku calm down!

"Water..", I heard his raspy voice.
A sudden chill of excitement and happiness coursed through my being. I carefully placed the file on a nearby table and walked down to him.
I took the jug and filled it with a glass of water.
"Ouch.", He mumbled. 
"Raj, lie back.", I said.

He slowly looked up at me.
"You're fine?", Was the first thing he asked.
"Of course. What could ever go wrong with me.", I replied, smiling. He looked at me with an amused look.
I adjusted the bed with the automatic buttons so that it didn't hurt his abdominal stitches.

He looked at me, something more than just gratefulness in his eyes. I sat down beside him and carefully made him drink the water.
He gulped down the water, and drew in a deep breath.

"So I did live, I guess.", He mumbled, his voice was still pained.
"Oh yes. You had to. I wasn't going to let my Prince Charming die this soon.", I said wiping the side of his lips with a napkin.
"Prince charming, eh? So sure?", He asked softly. 
"I don't really have a choice, you see.", I said, settling his messy hair.

"Rose..", My heart skipped a beat, "Thanks for saving my life.", He mumbled.
"I took my nickname seriously sir..", I said smiling. He smiled back, amused. 
"You're fine? Any injuries? And Mister and Missus Rathore?", He asked.

This man and his concern for the whole world, except himself.

"Everybody is fine. In fact you're the only one who was injured on the ship. LOL.", I said grinning.
He looked to his side.
"Why is Mrs. Rathore here?", He asked in a whisper.
"Ah.. She and Adi have been taking turns in accompanying me here with you.", I said, the sheer co incidence making me feel all excited and fluttery.
"I have no idea how I will ever be able to repay their favour.", He mumbled.

"Raj..", I said as he looked at me.
"I have some good news for you.", I said, drawing in a deep breath. He raised his brow,
"Good news? I haven't heard once since a long time.", He said.
I stood up and got the file.
"What is this?", He asked.

I drew in a deep breath.
"Raj.. this is a DNA report of-"
"I knew you were a lost daughter of Rathores!", He said in an excited hushed voice, "But wait.. they said they had a son-"
"Oh shut up, will you? Don't spoil my flow.", I said in mock annoyance.

Look at this Dumb Vanar-raj please. Gods!

"Alright.", He said looking slightly offended.
"It turns out that you..", I said clearing my throat, careful to check if Vanshika was fast asleep, "You are the lost son of  the Rathores!", I said in hushed excitement.
He stared at me in shock.

"Umm.. this is a joke?", he asked after a while. I sighed face palming.
"It is not! I've got reports. You are the lost son-"
"Rose.. babe listen this-"
"Wait, you called me babe?", I asked gladly surprised.
"Yeah.. I mean.. I did. You are anyways a baby so I guess it's justified.", He said smiling awkwardly.

"No.. wait.. that's not the point.. I cannot be-"
"Vanraj.. My baby boy, listen to me.", I said drawing in a deep breath. I held his face. 
He looked so cute, please. His usual combed hair was anyways a mess and I almost squeezed his face. 
"You are a prince. Literally.", I said.

He drew in a deep breath.
"But.. "
"I know you just woke up from the doorway to hell and I am giving you this news, but I can't be dumb enough to hide it, so.", I said.
I released his face as he looked at me, still in shock.

"Umm.. thanks.. it's so weird.. okay. I guess I should go back to sleep.", He said lying back and shutting his eyes.

I couldn't help but smile.
I edged close to him and softly kissed his forehead. 
His eyes flew open.
"You gave me a mild heart attack just now.", He said with a frown.
"Why? Isn't it cool to be a prince?", I asked with a smile.

He paused for a moment, his frown subdued, "I am okay with being your Prince Charming.", He said.
"Awwie! My cute baby Raj.", I said pulling his cheek.
"I am extremely un-cute. Okay?", He said, trying very hard to not smile.

I knew this man, after a while he was going to be the one dancing around the whole place. But until he absorbed the truth, he was going to throw a tantrum.

I wonder how I knew him so well.

"Okie un-cute Vanar-raj.", I said grinning.
He looked at me with a smile.
He raised himself slightly and kissed my cheek.
"Stay with me forever, okay?", He said softly.

"I am too fond of you to let go.", I replied with a smile, brushing his hair sideways now.
He shut his eyes, smiling away.

This man had no idea that he was more of a kid.


Three cheers for un-cute Prince Vanar-raj. LMAO.
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