29 | And Beyond

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*explicit content - not really explicit though*

Malvika :

We were finally back home.
To Vanraj's old house only because he wanted to talk to his so called foster parents who were already asleep. He didn't being Pakhi along simply because he knew some intense drama would unfold here.

I was in the bathroom, I had just completed bathing. I was wiping my hair with the towel as I walked out. I wore a Minnie Mouse t - shirt over my pajamas.
"Hey Gorgeous.", I heard Vanraj. I looked at him, wearing a really loose black shirt over his red "Mickey Mouse" boxers.
"Now you're gonna sleep in this shirt? Wow.", I said amused as I kept the towel on a chair.

"Come on, I look good.", He said pouting.
"Yeah whatever.", I said lying back on the bed. The dim lights were on because Mister Rathore was forever afraid of the dark.
He came and lay down beside me, throwing the side pillow across the room.
"Rose, I was wondering if.. by any chance.. you know.. both of us could do something.."
"No.", I said grinning mischievously.
He looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Oh come on. I am really hot and I am offering you-"
"Thank you. But I am tired and I need sleep.", I said turning my back towards him as he groaned in annoyance.
"You women will never get rid of your habit of rejection.", He said sighing as he lay down beside me.
I looked at him making a sad face.
"Why? Meera used to reject you at this too?", I asked grinning. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Yeah.", He said sighing.
"Awwie. My small baby gets rejected everywhere. So sad.", I said dramatically turning towards him.
"Yeah yeah.. I got my new shorts out for you-"
"What was I supposed to do with your shorts..", I said edging close to him seductively, "I am interested in what lies-"

"Okay.. that's enough.", He said suddenly sitting up. His face turned completely red.

"See you are getting shy only listening to me talk.. No wonder I am always the first one to kiss.", I said as a matter of fact.
He looked at me with narrowed eyes.
"You know how dominating I am?", He asked with a raised brow and mock anger.
"Yes. Meera told me about your on bed stats and I must say it's quite bad.", I said seriously. He lunged towards me but I slipped out and got off the bed.

He looked at me with an amused smile.

"Why don't you check my stats yourself, Madame?", He asked with a mischievous smirk.
"You really don't get tired, do you?", She asked edging back to the bed. 
"Romance can never be tiring.", He replied as he crawled down to the edge of the bed, right before me.

"All men are the same only..  All you guys want is thattt.", I said grinning. He wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You know a lot of men, do you?", He asked with a raised brow.
"Aww.. Would you be jealous if I did?", He said cupping his face with my hands.
"No.. Not unless you've tied rakhis on theirs wrists.", He said smirking.
"And why should I? Don't you trust me?", I asked softly, holding his face up now.

His smiled as he placed his hand on my cheek.
"I trust you more than myself.", He said softly.
The sincerity in his eyes touched me.
"I know you do.", I replied softly brushing his hair backwards.

"Umm.. Can I kiss you?", He asked awkwardly looking down.
"Anytime.", I said giggling.

Gosh.. He is so cute at times.

He slowly brushed the hair off my face, and edged closer. The could actually hear my heartbeat. 
I shut my eyes, ready to relish the moment.
And our lips met.

He pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. There was an insane sense of euphoria as I enjoyed his taste. He was soft and he was smooth. I could kiss him that way forever.

Please give him the best kisser award someone. We parted finally, panting for breath desperately.
"Liked it?", He asked still panting.
"Maybe we can turn the light off.", I said with a wink.
"I'll be fine as long as you are with me.", He replied instantly hopping back to the switch board and switching the light off.

Look at this man's desperation. LOL. My baby Raj is one in a million for a reason, you see.

I climbed up the bed.
"So..", I whispered softly near his ear, trying my best to sound sexy.
He turned towards me. Our bodies were just a few inches apart. We had come close several times but the tension in the air tonight was something else.
"Yeah.. Like..", He mumbled, I knew he was blushing.
I started opening the buttons of his shirt.
"Come on baby.. Fulfil your desires.", I said grinning at him. The street light entering through the shut glass windows were enough for us. 

He gulped as I removed his shirt. 
I ran my fingers over his abs. He drew in a sharp breath as he edged closer to me.
He slowly snuck his hand under my t - shirt sending shivers down my spine.
He edged closer, I could feel his breath on my neck.
"Time for you to note down my stats.", He said edging close to my ear, his husky voice sent down shivers.

He slowly unhooked my bra and with a smooth movement got rid of my t - shirt.
"Noted. Hundred marks for removing clothes.", I said softly. He planted a kiss on my collar, then on my neck, and then he edged to the crook of my neck. 
My hands ruffled through his smooth hair as he sucked on the crook of my neck. I could feel butterflies in my stomach, my face felt hot.

Finally satisfied with kissing he looked at me, his face stood right beside mine.
"No marks for that, Rose?", He asked huskily, smirking.
My lips broke into an amused smile.
I pushed him back as I got off the bed.
"Ah..", He said as he got off as well.

"It's not that easy-", His arms wrapped around my bare waist as he turned me towards himself.
"It is, baby.", He said grinning as he pinned me to the wall.
"Fine, you win.", I said finally, looking up at him.
He placed his hand on my hips and lifted me off the ground, my back still against the wall. He pulled me into another kiss as he took me back to the bed.

He broke the kiss as he made me sit on the bed.
There was a silence in the house, the only sound was our desperate breathing. He was kneeling before me.
He was about to catch hold of my pajamas but I slid back onto the bed.
"You are really having some fun, aren't you?", He said as he got onto the bed as well. He crawled down, right over me.

"You know I like the fun..", I replied in a whisper.
He was right over me. I pushed him to a side and got over him. 
I pulled the quilt at the side over our bodies.
"I need some secrecy from the walls.", I said in a whisper. 
"And I terribly need you.", He said huskily.

"I am anyways yours.", I replied with a subtle smirk kissing him on his chin.
"Forever?", He asked as I advanced to his sharp jawline.
I glanced at him with a smirk.
"And beyond."


*imagine the rest, i know you are good at it :D*
*hopefully it wasn't terrible, i am so rusty at writing such scenes (sobs)*
lots of loveee to youuu!

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