18 | The Dreams

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Malvika :

I was embarrassed, but not guilty.

Yeah, I mean, I don't love him exactly.. But he's very close to me, eventually Mister Monkey King has become my comfort person. We are very different but yet he feels like another dimension of me. To hide my sufferings I wore the mask of happiness, he wore that of arrogance and anger.

And no one ever saw through our masks except us.

I walked into the ballroom. The flooring was white marble, the ceiling, that of glass. I could see the starry clear sky above us. There was lighting on the walls, giving the room a dim romantic hue. Soft music played in the background. Couples danced on the floor, along the music.

The cruise ship wasn't the largest or luxurious, but it was beautiful. 
Adi and Vanshika had a peculiar taste that wasn't always the costliest, they liked such small yet comfortable places. The ship carried almost a hundred or so people, it was extremely spacious and compact to battle any problems on the sea.

My gaze fell on Adi and Vanshika, who were technically my parents age but one of my closest friends. Ever since I met Vanshika in Las Vegas I had been in awe with this duo. How were they so happy and content with each other? They made me believe fairy tale love stories were true.

"Wondering something, my lady?", I heard Vanraj behind me. His voice was soft, almost a whisper. I could feel his breath on my shoulder.
"No.. Nothing much.", I mumbled, his presence suddenly reminded of the way I had pulled him into a kiss, that too that passionate.
"Care to dance with me?", He asked.
"Nope. I wanna have a drink, Senor.", I said turning towards him.
"Ouch.", He said faking a hurt expression.

"Sorry, gentleman in blue cargo shorts.", I said grinning and turning away.

I walked down to the drink section, ordering myself a champagne. I noticed Vanraj head to the music area. I took a sit of my champagne when I heard my favourite music.

My heart skipped a beat.

Every night in my dreams..
I see you, I feel you..

"Now, do you mind dancing with me, my Lady.", I heard Vanraj. I placed my champagne glass on the desk and turned towards him. Pleasantly surprised.
He had his hand held out, for me to take.

I took it with a smile as he took me down to the centre of the room.
Right under the starry sky.

He slowly placed his hand on my waist, and pulled me closer to himself.
"I hope you are comfortable.", He said softly.
I placed my hand on his shoulder with a smiling.

Near, far, where ever you are.. I believe that the heart does go on
Once, more, you open the door..
 And you're here in my heart..
And my heart will go on and on..

"How did you know?", I asked him, drawn in wonder and joy.
"Know what? You told me you liked Titanic, I got the only song in that movie played. Simple.", He said casually.
We slowly swayed to the music.
I drew in a deep breath.

"This was my dream.. I mean you know, a ball dance on a ship, on this very song with my Prince charming.", I said, I felt a strange fluttering, a warmth in my cheeks, a different happiness.

He looked at me mildly surprized, a smile on his face.
"Umm.. Can't say about the Prince Charming but the rest is definitely fulfilled.", He said.

Love can touch us just one time
And last for a life time
And never let go till we're gone..

"Why? You can't be my prince charming?", I asked, I wasn't joking, I really wished to know now. In all the years, I had met so many people, but no one ever got this close to my dream.

I knew his heart skipped a beat. He looked down awkwardly, a tempest rose within him, I knew.
"I-Anyways-", He mumbled looking up, "You have a nickname? I mean Mukku isn't that cool and my creativity has gone drown the Arabian Sea.. so.", He said smiling awkwardly.

He changed the topic.
Not because he didn't have an answer but because he was afraid.
I had been afraid all these days, but the fear had left me the moment I kissed him, and he didn't get angry.

"Mind calling me Rose?", I asked, pulling him closer.
"Rose? That's so common and average-"
"To me, it's special. And the second thing on my bucket list. You can fulfil that if you wanna.", I said grinning.
He sighed.
"Fine.. Raj and Rose sounds like the perfect couple.", He said grinning as well.

"Oh it perfectly does.", I said smiling, as the song edged towards the end. He looked up at me, straight into my eyes. I let him see through them, and he did. 
"Don't get this close..", He whispered, "You'll fall in love."

"Should I not?", I asked. He smiled a tragic smile.
"I am afraid you'll fall for a traitor.. Might not end well.", He said, his fear of being left spoke. 
"It would, when I know the traitor to the world is honest to me.", I replied simply.

The song ended, some other music played.
"Honest, he will be.", He replied as we stopped dancing. The world numbed for me, I knew it did for him as well.

Things were changing rapidly between us, and I knew it was for the good.

Vanraj :

I stood at the deck. 
Oh yes, I did. 

Looking over the sea beyond. We were heading into the Red Sea, and head right into the Mediterranean. From there the ship was headed to the Atlantic Ocean, straight towards the New York Port. 
The route was going to be a month long, and honestly I didn't mind staying up here, doing nothing.

My gaze fell on the engagement ring, still in my finger. I never knew why I still wore it. I drew in a deep breath. 
Malvika was falling for me, I had seen it. And I feared it.

"Mister Shekhawat, having fun?", I heard as I turned instantly.
Mister Rathore walked down to me, smoking a cigarette.
"Does your wife know?", I asked him, amused.
"Don't ever tell her.", He said with a guilty smile, drawing in a deep puff.

"So how is it you're not afraid of the sea?", He asked with a particular teasing smile.
"You saw Malvika and me, didn't you?"
"Of course, that's the best kiss on the edge of the deck. I assure you.", He said grinning.
"Thanks. This is definitely not embarrasing. You're my father's age and-"

"It's cool. If my son was here I'd have the same talk, in fact give him some more advice for the 'on bed' ventures.", He said grinning.
"You'd be a cool dad.", I said. He offered his cigarette. I looked around and took it.
"The goody good boy, isn't too good, is he?", He asked amused.
I drew in a puff.

"I used to smoke in college. Maa and Bapuji don't know of course. They wanted me to be perfect, if they knew I was doing this, they'd throw me out of the house.", I said, handing the cigarette back to him.

"Perfect..", He said as if remembering something.
"My father expected me to be the same. Ironically he expected my son to be the same thing as well.", He said looking at the moonlit waters.
I had a question buzzing me for quite the whole day.

"What happened to your son?", I asked awkwardly. I expected him to be annoyed or not talk but he was as cool as ever.

"My father was obsessed with perfection.", He said, drawing in a puff, "My boy.. he wasn't. Neither did I want him to be. He was a late walker in the start, my father was unhappy. But when he didn't speak for a year and a half, he lost it."

He continued, "One night he kidnapped my son from our bedroom and..", His voice faltered but he tried his level best to not let emotions overwhelm, "And he supposedly assassinated him."
"That is dark.", I stated.
He smiled.
"Darker was me selling away the whole estate of my family, letting my father die in poverty.", He stated.

I gulped nervously.
"But you didn't become poor.", I said awkwardly.
" I was an aching father, I knew I'd never have my son back.. But Vanshika and I didn't learn to give up. So we decided to utilize the money, keep moving ahead, so that if he was watching us from above he'll be proud of us.", He said with a smile.

"He definitely is.", I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.
"I wish.", He replied, I saw him blink off his tears.


Dreams come true.. for Malvika they are..!
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