5 | Holy Matrimony

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Vanraj :

I sat back in the car as Malvika drove.

Have I already mentioned this girl was insane?
She literally called me three in the morning, told me we were going on site in some place in Rajasthan! Rajasthan? Like why? 
She said it was necessary.
So I had to leave the house taking only a few clothes in my bag and board the airplane with her. 

Right now we were driving down to some god forsaken place.
Honestly I hate plan changes but Malvika seemed extremely happy about it.
This was supposedly "Adventure".

"Any idea where we are going? Like I don't see any so called sites of any hotel around here. My GPS last said that we are quite far from Jaipur.", I said half annoyed.
"Raj, chill. We are going to Chanchalgunge.", She said.
"What? I haven't heard of that place..", I said thoughtfully.
"There are rumours that in that village they have an odd ritual of getting someone married on a particular day of the year.", She said as if this was a historical visit.

"And why on earth are we going that way?"
"To know if it's real.", She said casually.

I looked at her, my temper was slowly rising.
I drew in a deep breath and released it.
"You said we were here for on site visit.", I stated coldly.
"Umm.. I lied.", She said casually.

I drew in another deep breath and released it.
"So what the heck are we doing right now?!", I shouted.
She glanced at me once and then back at the isolated road.
"Adventure.. I thought you were a cool guy.. I mean you are friends with you ex, you did seem cool.", She said smiling.

By this time I had lost it.
It was soon going to be evening, and we were heading to some dumb village.
"WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!", I shouted at her.
She stopped the car and looked at me as if I had done some sin.
"HOW DARE YOU SCREAM AT ME?!", She shouted back.

"WHERE ON EARTH IS YOUR PROFESSIONALISM?! I am your business partner, not your boyfriend that you are making me do things according to you! First thing. Secondly, we are supposed to do only business together not stupid discovery tours in some isolated village! Are you insane or something?!", I shouted.

"I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!", She shouted as she opened her seat belt.
"NOPE. Sorry to break your fantasy, WE ARE NOT FRIENDS.", I shouted at her. I could see tears welling up in her eyes, but I am sorry, I couldn't feel any sympathy for her.

"Bhai was right. This world is just a mean and pathetic place for good people!", She said as a tear rolled down her eye.
"Yes. Look I am a good man and the world is being pathetic right now! We are stuck in a god forsaken place and have no idea-"
"YOU ARE HORRIBLE!", She shouted before getting out of the car and banging shut it's door.

"Thanks! Everybody says so!", I shouted behind her. She didn't turn as she stood at the side of the dusty road, wiping her tears dramatically.
What was I supposed to do? Say sorry? And for what? She was the one who got me here without even informing.

I sat back in the car for a while and then opened the door.
What a kiddo! Why am I even working with this five year old?
I got off the car and looked around. She was no where to be found. 
"Malvika where-", Before I could complete I felt a stinging pain on my neck, the world turned dark as I lost consciousness.


Malvika :

When I opened my eyes, I found myself at the gun point. My head was too heavy for me to act.
"The girl's awake.", Someone said in Rajasthani. I knew it because I myself was a Rajasthani. We only lived in Gujrat.
"Hmm.. and the boy?", A heavy gruff voice asked.

"He'll wake up.", The first man said.
I slowly looked around. 
I was literally seated before the "havan kundh", I looked around, this looked like the marriage pedestal.
"Where am I?! What on earth is going on here!", I shouted when I realised my hands and legs were tied up.
And wait WHAT?! I was suddenly wearing a red ghagra on my yellow top and high waist jeans.
"Listen, be quiet.", The first man said as I tried to struggle and open myself.

I looked to my immediate right.
"Vanraj! Vanraj! Is he alive?", I asked desperately. He looked unconsciously. Someone had forced him into a golden sherwani. I looked up at the sky, it was afternoon. Probably the next day. 

"They seem to be ready to marry-"
"MARRY!", Vanraj shouted, snapping out of his state.
"Indeed. Both of you shall be tied by the holy matrimony.", The pandit like man with a grey flowing beard and long hair, wearing a saffron colour strap around his body and a white dhoti.
"Holy matrimony?! What the hell! No! Why-"

"I shall start the ceremony.", The pandit said coldly.
"No! You-you can't just start this goddamn ceremony! Why do you even want to get us married!"
"This is the ritual of our village. We do it for our Devi Maa. Now adhere to what Purohit ji says.", The first man, maybe the village head, said.
"What nonsense! I am not from here! How can you marry me to her! This is absolute-"

"Do not say another nonsense about our ritual.", The man from beside me said as he touched the cold tip of the gun to my forehead.
"Now we will open you two, and you will silently marry each other and elt us fulfil our promise to the goddess.", The purohit said.

"Otherwise.. Neither of you will make out of here alive..", The man beside me said, pulling out another gun and touching it to Vanraj's forehead.
His face lost colour as he smiled weakly.

He looked at me murderously. I gulped nervously. I was obviously at fault this time. And I had screwed up big time.

"Now open them and let them do the rituals.", The purohit said.
Our hands and legs were opened as we stood up.

Suddenly a fear crept through me. A strange fear, a painful memory coursed through me, flashes came back like a truck.

"No-no.. You-you said you loved me..", I mumbled as I sat in the corner of the room. I could feel ache all through my body. I could see the marks of whiplash on my arms.
"I did. I did. But if you refuse to give me money the next time.."
"So-sorry-", And I heard the loud noise of the leather hitting against my arm.

"Now sit down.", The Purohit said as I snapped out.
I blinked off my tears as I looked at Vanraj. I didn't know him at all to be very honest..but who knew?
Maybe this is what destiny had decided for me.


If you are going to write "haww this is so unrealistic" - I know. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. So enjoy it as fiction :)

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