19 | A Storm

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Vanraj :

It had been over twenty days on this cruise ship. I had learnt to fight my fear, and stood on the deck, looking over the sea.

We were now in the North Atlantic Ocean, heading down to the New York Port. 
I looked up at the sky, it was slightly cloudy. It wasn't of that much concern though, but still I didn't have a great feeling.

The Captain of the ship was a nice jolly guy. He had mentioned that even if something went wrong they had enough life boats and jackets. In fact, even help would arrive in less than an hour. So basically, we were on a safe ride.
Or so everyone felt.

I turned to walk back to the suite.
Malvika sat by the on deck swimming pool, staring at me.
"Checking me out?", I asked with a raised brow.
"Oh yeah.", She said sipping on her mocktail. 
She wore this extremely loose shirt of a black colour and white shorts. Every man glanced at her while walking by but she sat least bothered.

"Mind putting on the collar button. I assure you no one is interested in seeing your bikini.", I said.
She grinning.
"Bro I've been to Hawaii and spent my days on the beach, in a bikini.", She said, "And let me tell you everyone was quite interested."

She smiled her classic "I know I am smart" smile. I nodded in disapproval as I walked down to her and sat beside her.
"I can't even remove my shirt here and look at you being so carefree.", I said snatching her mocktail and sipping at it.
"You are my shy monkey king.", She said pulling my cheek.

Although I hated anyone touching my face, I let her.
"We have a party today here. What are you wearing?", She asked.
"I am tired, I need to sleep.", I said.
"Hmm.. Yeah, I guess you need some sleep.", She said ruffling my hair, and then giggling. I smiled, simply amused.

"Good night then.", I said handing her the mocktail and stood up.
"Raj.. You are my bestie.", She said cutely.

Such a kid, I tell you.

"Rose, you are my best girl too.", I said pulling her cheek. I strode back into my suite.


Malvika :

I wore a casual shirt over my denims. I couldn't bother to wear a gown on a cruise ship. Raj was dead asleep downstairs and I didn't bother him. He anyways had a hard time sleeping in the darkness at night.

I walked up to the deck before heading down to the ballroom where the party was.
The wind had died completely, the sky was darkening. 
Although this wasn't the time for storms or anything, it didn't look good. I drew in a deep breath and walked into the ballroom.


The clock struck six in the evening. I was sipping on some lime soda, while talking to Adi and Vanshika.
"And is your Raj a caring husband?", Adi asked sipping his champagne.
"He tries. He's a little scared of almost everything but he's trying.", I said grinning.
"Seems like a nice boy to me.", Vanshika said sipping her champagne.
"Every boy seems nice to you.", Adi said joking, earning a slap on his forearm.

There was a turbulence in the ship since the last half an hour. The staff said it was an ordinary storm and we'll make through easily.
"You look bothered, Mukku.. Everything's fine?", Vanshika asked.
"Just the sea.", I said thoughtfully.
"It'll be fine.", Adi said as I nodded.
I stood up and walked down to the small round glass sealed window in the ballroom. The deck had a lot of water already, the sky looked as dark as night. I couldn't see the waters but they were far from gentle owing to the turbulence.

I stood gazing out when suddenly the ship was hit by a huge wave on one side. I clutched onto the cloth rod right beside the window. I was almost knocked off backwards. I saw the huge wave break onto the deck.
Water gushed and hit the window with humongous force.
There were squeals and screams from behind me.

Just then the Captain's assistant rushed into the room, directly from the Captain's room.
"Sirs and Ladies we need to get off the ship soon.", The young man said hastily.
"Wait.. why? You said this was an ordinary storm.", Adi asked urgently.
Another wave hit, I clutched onto the rod.
"Umm.. yes it is. But it turns out that in the C deck of the ship the wave broke off a window. Water filled in as it will keep filling in.. Until the ship drowns.", He said almost guilty.

"WINDOW?! What are these windows made of! Paper?!", Someone shouted in anger.
"Sir please head behind me, we will board some life rafts before it is too late. As we cross the storm we will lead the rest of the journey on boat.", He said.
"Here the ship is toppling over and you think the boat will survive?!", Someone else shouted.
I couldn't remove my gaze from the terrifying visuals outside.

Another wave hit the deck furiously.

"Ma'am, that is for emergency. In case the ship edges towards drowning, at least we'll have an escape route through the boats. Please, we don't have much time.", He said.
I gulped nervously, this was definitely not on my bucket list.

And then I remembered.
"There's someone down in the B deck! I need to get him-"
"Ma'am. Please don't panic. We have already informed in there. You just need to head down with me.", He said. I drew in a sharp breath.
I heard another wave hit the deck.

Everyone started following the assistant out. I drew in a sharp breath and followed.
It's nothing serious, just precautionary. 
I hoped.
"Hopefully Vanraj will be out there.", Vanshika said as I nodded, unsure.
To check on him I'd have to get out onto the deck which was drenched in the tsunami.

We headed into life rafts area. It was an upward inclined segment of the ship. The rafts would have to be inflated and then let into the sea from the door of this room which was at a higher location. This area was the safest owing to the constantly filling water in the ship.
All the Decks were directly connected to this portion through different doors. The metal doors were sealed shut to prevent water.

I looked around.
Where on earth was Vanraj?
"Vanraj!", I called out, but I saw no one. He was anyways tall and easy to spot. But I could see him nowhere. 

I instantly rushed down to the assistant who was getting the life rafts inflated.
"Is everyone down here?", I asked.
"Yes ma'am.", He said busy looking at the rafts.
"But-but my husband isn't here.", I mumbled, fear creeping down my senses.

The assistant looked up at me and sighed.
"Ma'am we've called everyone here. He must be here.", he said casually.
"HE IS NOT!", I shouted at him.
"Ma'am then I can't help you. All the entry sites to here have been sealed already to prevent water from entering. It's too late!", he shouted back.

A panic coursed through me now. I looked around once again. My heart knew he wasn't here.

Vanraj wasn't here, all the routes were shut down, there was a goddamn storm outside and this ship was drowning!
"Open the door. I need to get to B deck-"
"Ma'am I can't-"
"IT IS AN ORDER!", I shouted at me. A sudden strength coursed through me, my fear ebbed away to give an inhuman will.

"Fine! I am opening it and shutting it the moment you go out. I cannot let the whole ship suffer because of your adamancy!", He said in annoyance.
"Fine!", I shouted back without thinking of the consequences.
He rushed down to the direct route to deck B.

He glanced at me drawing in a cold breath.
"Ma'am this is suicide to say the least.", He said.
"I have someone stuck in there and I can't leave him to die.", I stated coldly as he pulled up the metal door with a lever.
I instantly rushed into the dimly lit corridor, I could see a thin layer of water on the floor.


Nevertheless, I didn't have a choice. 
I had to save him.


Nightmares do come true, I guess..
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