24 | Farewell And Flight

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Vanraj :

A month of stay at the Rathore Towers was completed.

And guess what?
This is officially the coolest place on planet earth!

Although Mister Rathore was still off hand with regard to me, I had noticed him stealing glances at me. Even though Malvika had been pressed on telling them the truth, I didn't want to. Not yet. 
I knew Mister Rathore, being the shwerd businessman he was would have his doubts and I didn't want to classic television drama over "This DNA report is a lie" crap.

So I let it be.
For now of course.
I'd get back to him with the reports after I did something good enough to be worthy of his son.
Not to mention, Vanshika.. that is Mom needed no such proof. I could see it in her, she had already accepted me as her own, which made me feel a different kind of happy.

"Malvika.", I said as I wore my checked blue blazer.
"Yeah, Raj.", She said, settling the suitcase.
"I wonder why Akshay and Meera didn't come over. You also own a private chopper don't you.", I said settling the collar of my shirt.
"I spoke to bhai over the phone. He said he'd meet you there and as of Meera, Samar had examinations.", She said.
I drew in a deep breath and nodded.

"You guys are ready to head back?", Mom asked as she stepped into the room. I had no idea why I refrained from revealing the DNA reports, there was a strange fear of disapproval. Not from her, but from the grim side of her husband.
"Oh yeah! You and Adi are joining us there in the launch party?", Malvika asked, excited as usual.

This woman had this continuous burst of energy and happiness that it was amusing. 

"Of course, we will.", She replied with a smile.
"By the way, Vanraj you look stunning in that suit.", She said with her motherly smile, it drew in a different kind of happiness through me. I thanked her with a smile.
"Alright then, the car's ready. You guys can head to the airport.", She said. 

We got down to the ground floor doorway using a lift.
"Meet you soon.", Mom said. She looked slightly heartbroken. 
"Very soon.", I said as I walked down to her. I gave her a hug as she instantly hugged me back.
"Take care of yourself, okay?", She said softly.
"I will, don't worry.", I replied as she gave me a pat of the back.
I suddenly noticed Mister Rathore walk out. I instantly broke the hug and stood awkwardly settling my suit.

Mom realised. She had been high on disapproving her husband the whole month but he was quite a stubborn man.

"Have a great journey.", He said to Malvika, ignoring my existence.
Am I hurt? Nope. Definitely not. (Notice the lie in my words).

"And..", He finally turned towards me. 
He walked down to me, Mom took a step back looking at him, unsure.
"You might want to give a parting hug to me as well.", He said. 
I stared at him for a moment.
He drew in a deep breath, "Fine, I will initiate."

Saying so he pulled me into his warm embrace. I gulped nervously as I finally wrapped my arms around him.
"We'll meet very soon.", He said. 
Did his voice break a little? I was not sure. Maybe I was imagining.
"Absolutely.", I said. 
He broke the hug after a while.

"Bye, kid.", He said with a subtle smile. 
"Bye..", I mumbled as I turned towards the car. I opened the door for Malvika, who entered first. I sat in after her. I looked at the window. I bade them "bye bye" as the Mercedes picked up speed.


Malvika :

Vanraj was so unpredictable that now Subway Surfers seemed predictable.

We were sitting back in the Business Class of the flight. Vanraj sat looking out of the window, at the clouds. I had told him so many times to tell Adi and Vanshi the truth but Mister Vanar-raj will always have his own way.
Also, he is so bothered about Meera and Bhai but not about his so called family not checking on him.

"Raj.", I said poking his arm with my sharp nails.
"Hmm.", He said looking out like a small child.
"You'll not see Madhuri Dixit out there.", I said. He looked at me sharply.
"What? If you have a crush, you do.", I said casually. He drew in a deep breath and sat back.
Such a drama.

Just then I remembered something.

"By the way.. it's been a month and I wanted to ask something.", I said sitting back.
"What?", He asked looking at me with a raised brow.
"You remember.. saying something in the chopper? After the ship thing?", I asked.
He instantly looked up at the ceiling, and then pretended to think.

Vanraj is a pathetic actor, please note.

"Umm.. no. I definitely don't remember.", He said with a forced smile.
"Oh.", I said, as if shocked, "It's okay then..", I said pulling off my best heartbroken act.
"Err.. I-I don't know..", He lied, of course.

Come on! We had been flirting one whole month! But Mister Drama-Raj will not accept what he said.

"Raj, I think I should go away then.. You don't even remember what you said.", I said, faking like a pro.
"See Mukku.. I-I was dying-"
"Dying people don't lie.. do they?", I asked, making puppy eyes.
He looked at me, his cheeks were red. Awwww! My man's blushing!

"No.. They don't but..", He mumbled. He drew in a deep breath and then said, "See Malvika, that day.. what happened was that.. I was dying, and you saved me, and.. I anyways like you.. And.. this is so awkward.", He muttered, "See Malvika what I was saying is that.."

He went on as I slowly edged close to him. 
"No.. I mean I really really like you.. You make me feel like I am human.. I am happy because of you-", I kissed him on his cheek.
And his face turned a shade redder, or so I thought. LOL.

He stared at me in shock.
"What? Cheek kisses are a best friend thing.", I said. Our faces stood only inches apart. 
He caught back his breath.
"Yeah.. Cheek kiss is casual.", He mumbled looking down.

"Raj, you know I like teasing you.", I said grinning.
His lips broke into a smile.
"I just got a little nervous.", He said, shoving his hair backwards.
"I wonder how you had two kids with Meera. Like really! Look at how shy you are.", I said honestly. 
I placed my hand on his. 

He looked at me with his "I love you but I won't tell you and adore you just like that" smile.

"That day.. I said because I was dying.. but you replied too, didn't you?", He asked.
I smiled, as I shoved his hair backwards.
"I did. And guess what? I meant it.", I said. He looked at me, slightly taken aback.
"Raj, I can't be the shy drama that girls usually are. You know I am not like the rest of the crowd.", I said as a matter of fact.

"Yeah of course. God stopped making crazy people after you.", He said grinning.
"Huh! You know when I was small I always wished for a Prince Charming.. and guess what? It turns out my current sexy husband is a real prince.", I said, pulling his hand towards myself.
"You know when I was small I always wished to have a cute daughter, and guess what? My current wife always reminds me of my daughter!", He said laughing.

I looked at him with narrowed eyes.
"You deserve to be tickled for saying this highly offensive thing, but I forgive you because you are injured.", I said, trying very hard to sound serious.
"Thank you, Your Highness. Your puny peasant is deeply moved by your big heart.", He said dramatically.

"I guess you and Pakhi will tune in very well.", He said drawing in a deep breath.
"Isn't Meera having her custody?", I asked with a raised brow.
"She's granting it to me.", He said, with a sigh of relief.
"Wait!", I said sitting up, "You mean when we head back I will have a five year old to take care of?!", I asked in shock.

"Not exactly. As far as I have seen, I will have two five year olds to take care of.", He said seriously.
"But Pakhi is one only na..", I said, like an idiot of course.
And then realised.

I looked at him with narrowed eyes again.
"I swear, once you get well I am going to tickle you real bad.", I said sitting back.
"With clothes off?", He asked with his classic mischievous smirk.
I drew in a deep breath, this was my turn to blush.
I looked at him.
"Oh yes.", I said with a smirk.

"Then I am very excited.", He said pulling my hand towards himself. He placed it on his chest, on his heart and shut his eyes.
I drew in a deep breath of peace and lay back on my seat.


I know.. this is another cute chapter B)
Next chapter will have some progress of their love story hopefully :)
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