46 | happily ever after

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The pain was absolutely unbearable.
It felt like several bones breaking at once.
But I knew, deep down, it was going to be worth it.
Yet, I screamed in pain.

My vision blurred with tears.
I could see doctors working around me busily.

He was nowhere around.
Obviously, he had left only two days ago for some business work in Mumbai.
And now, I was here.

He had promised he'd be there, holding my hand, but all I could do now, was imagine him.
Smiling softly with those numb eyes, kissing my hand, saying he would never let any harm come my way.

"The babies are premature.", I heard a doctor say.
I drew in a deep breath.
They were going to be in my arms very soon.
I was finally going to get rid of all my guilt and ache.
Everything would become perfectly fine.

I felt extreme exhaustion.
I could hear, they were going to proceed with caesarian.
The light on top of my head dimmed.

I slowly shut my eyes.


I ran into the hospital.
Maa had messaged all the details to me.

It had taken a freaking two and a half hours! Thanks to Mumbai traffic and flight timings.

I ran down to the lift and stood.
I was barely breathing. My heart was beating wildly. The anticipation, the fear, the excitement, everything gripped me tightly.

With bated breath, I got off the lift.

I legit ran down to the Operation Theatre.
Maa and Papa were sitting on the seats. Akshay and Meera stood talking.

I paused.
Gulping nervously.

By this time, the delivery should have been over.

Why was no one excited?

I stood, the world numbed round me.
seemed to notice me.

"Vanraj?", This was Papa.
I looked at him, unsure.

He stood up, his lips curved into a smile. He walked down to me.

"Wh-what happened?", I asked, my voice was a bare whisper, "The babies were premature.. Is everything okay—"

He hugged me tightly.

"You are a father of twins, son! A boy and a girl!", He said patting my back.

"..and Malvika?"

"She's doing perfectly well.", Akshay said grinning at me.

The stress gradually subsided, giving way to tears.
Tears of joy.

My father released me.

"Congratulations!", Meera said smiling at me as I wiped off my tears.
Maa hugged me, as she kissed my cheek.

"Is-is she awake? Can I meet the kids?", I asked finally.

"The kids are kept in the other ward, because they were premature. They'll have to be kept in observation for a day or so, although there doesn't seem to be a problem.", Akshay said beaming.

"And Malvika will wake up in a moment.", Maa added.

Malvika :

I finally forced my eyes open. My complete lower body was senseless because of the anesthesia.
"Raj..", I mumbled, I felt his hand on mine.

"I am here, Rose.", He whispered.
I blinked once or twice to clear my vision.
He sat right beside me on the hospital bed.

"The kids?", I asked softly.
"They are in the new born ward. A day of observation and then there'll be with us.", He said, he softly carrased my hair back.

"I wanna see them..", I said stubbornly.
He smiled, amused.
"I thought you'd say that.. I got a close-up photograph after bribing the nurse.", He said giggling.

He looked so so happy. His face glowed.
He pulled out his phone and showed me the photograph.

"Aww..", is the first thing I said, looking back at my new borns. Pinkish faces, eyes barely open, lying peacefully wrapped in two towels but looking like the cutest humans I had ever seen.

"The one in blue towel is the boy and the one in pink is the girl.", He said grinning.
"They look like me.. you see? The nose.. it's exactly like me!", I said as I he zoomed in.
"Oh please.. Vanika looks like you, Viraj looked exactly like his Papa.", He said smirking like a smarty.

"You want me to not talk to you?", I asked with narrowed eyes.
"Okay fine.. both of them look like their mumma. Is that okay?", He asked as I nodded.

"Why are there so many pipes attached-"
"Premature. That's why.", He said.
I drew in a deep breath.

I finally picked my hand, softly running my fingers over the photograph.

"They are beautiful.", I whispered, more to myself.
"Just like you.", Vanraj said finally taking the phone away.

"I want to meet them.", I said pouting.
"Tomorrow. They'll discharge you as well, then you can meet them.", He said, softly pulling my cheek.

"I'll make a good mom, right?", I asked.
He carefully lay down beside me on the bed, wrapping an arm around me.

"The best.", He said, burying his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling the scent of my hair.
"This is a hospital, Raj.", I said amused.
"I don't care." He replied simply as he looked up at me.

"You are also a lovestruck teenager, Sir.", I said with narrowed eyes.
"That's right.", He replied grinning as he softly placed his lips on mine.

It was the softest kiss we had ever had, parting quickly, yet it was filled with so much joy, so much affection.
So much warmth.

I felt my eyes itch with tears.

It was finally done.
I was finally a mom.
All that trauma seemed to have oddly numbed as I felt his arms around me.

He carefully wiped the tears that slid down my eyes. I could see tears well up in his eyes.

"What is this? A happily ever after, Prince Charming?", I asked softly.

He smiled, a tear fell from his eye as he looked down.

He simply nodded.
"A very very happily ever after.", He mumbled.


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