27 | New Identities

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Malvika :

I stepped back into the hall room. I had not intended to have that breakdown, but then it wasn't as bad since I stole a kiss from Mister Vanar-raj.
I had set my make up right and finally looked like a human being.
Vanraj had insisted on sticking to his black suit over a white shirt. 

I looked around, the Rathores were missing.
And so were Vanraj's family members. 

The hall was packed with media and other guests. I noticed Bhai near the stage with Meera and the two kids. I had met the younger one, Pakhi who wore a beautiful red frock. Vanraj's son Samar stood beside his mother looking around almost annoyed. This annoyance runs in their veins, I guess.

I instantly looked around for Adi and Vanshi.

There they were, right before the stage. Their back was towards us so I couldn't see their faces.

"Who starts the announcement first?", Vanraj asked softly.
"You will, obviously.", I said. He nodded and dusted his suit, ran his hand through his hair setting them right.

He pulled out his phone and called up the event manager.
"Uncover the logo.", He instructed and hung up.
"Wish me luck.", Vanraj whispered.
"All the best, Vanar-raj.", I replied grinning. 
"Thank you wifey.", He replied with  a smirk. He drew in a deep breath and walked down to the stage.

He took the mic and started, "It is my immense pleasure to announce the establishment of Vanika Group of Industries. We are starting with the pharmaceutical sector first as we wish to deliver essential medicines to all those who truly require it. We are launching our instant delivery application soon."

He went on with explaining the complete business model.
I felt my chest swell up with pride as he gave every detail. I glanced at the logo behind him, chosen by me. The name beneath it, it was given by me.
And this supposedly arrogant and egoistic man had let me have my choice.

"This is of course a joint venture as you probably know. Presenting to you my partner in crime and in life, Malvika Singhania.", He said with that ever so charming smile.
I drew in a deep breath and walked down to him. He gave his hand for me to hold as I climbed up the stairs and stood right beside him.

There was an uproar of clapping. I looked down at the unknown faces, far across Akshay bhai stood giving me thumbs up and grinning. He looked like a proud daddy at the school sports. Meera gave me a proud nod and subtle smile. 
I drew in a deep breath letting this sink in. My people were proud of me.

I looked at Adi and Vanshi finally who were smiling back, like their regular selves.
Didn't I just break the truth of their lives only an hour or so ago?

"And..", Vanraj cleared his throat. I looked at him, he looked nervous but tried very hard to be confident.
I drew in a deep breath.
"I would like to invite our prime investors on stage..", He said with a smile masking his nervousness, "Mister and Missus Rathore."

Adi settled his suit, ran his hand through his hair setting them right and walked up the steps, right before Vanraj.
Vanshika chose to stand down, smiling at Adi. 
Vanraj handed him the mic.
He stood between Vanraj and me, right at the centre of the stage.

"Mister Rathore, you are one of the world's biggest business icons, what made you invest in Vanika?", A media person asked.
Adi smiled and glanced at Vanraj. Vanraj looked down at his shoes, I could tell his heart was doing a sprint. 
"This man here is the reason.", Adityaraj said looking back at the camera.

Vanraj looked up taken aback.
Probably he was expecting to be completely ignored or something.

"Vanraj might be new to the business world but his knowledge and expertise is definitely something I look up to. Of the several years of business, I have never come across a man so talented yet humble.", He said.

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