56 | Welcome Back Kiss

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Vanraj :

I stared at the child before me.

Can history repeat itself?
Can I find what I lost, finally?

"Viraj.. Kulkarni..?", Malvika mumbled.
Viraj's lips curved into a proud smile.
"Son of Hitesh Kulkarni. Got it?! Now let me go.. otherwise my Dad will sue both of you.", He said dusting off invisible dust from below his collars.

"Hitesh Kulkarni?!", I blurted out.

What the hell.

"Oh yes! Scared, dude?!", The boy snapped, grinning menacingly.
Malvika knelt before him very still. Staring at him, as if she had known him for years.

Suddenly she held her head, looking down.
"Are you okay?", I asked, finally tearing my eyes off Viraj.

The boy took the opportunity. He glanced at the guards, realising they were distracted, he abruptly turned and ran towards the elevator.

"Catch him!", I shouted at the guards who ran down the stairs.
Malvika had shut her eyes, as if in immense pain.

Malvika :

This time, when I opened my eyes, it felt like I had been reborn.

I drew in a deep breath.
It was the hospital bed, the familiar beeping of the ECG machine.
My head seemed to have numbed.

"Raj..", I whispered, it was a raspy voice.
"Malvika..", I heard his voice. I shut my eyes, feeling the feelings I didn't realise I had.
Everything seemed to have become clear.

I had finally remembered the piece I had lost.
I remembered him, my home and us.
It was miraculous, but true.
A rebirth that I hadn't expected since that day.

I.. I must die.. I said told myself that day. Guilt ridden, the walls of the room seemed to be closing on me.
I had impulsively ran up stairs.
And I had jumped.

A mistake I realised, but too late.

He immediately walked up to me from the sofa in the hospital room.
"Oh thank God.. you are fine..", He whispered, reluctantly bringing his hand to my forehead.

"You have aged like wine, Raj.", I whispered, letting my lips break into a beautiful smile.
He paused, looking at me, confused and taken aback.

"I.. thank you..", He mumbled.
I slowly raised my hand to hold his on my forehead.
I clasped his hand tightly.

The lost love washed over me. Tears slid down the corners of my eyes.
He sat down on the bed beside me, looking at me carefully.

"Your Bhai.. he's outside. He was dead scared.. I.. I will call him—"

"How are you?", I asked softly, feeling a lump in my throat.
"I? I am fine.. I mean you had this headache thing..", He said awkwardly.
He pulled his hand away and stood up, looking down.

I knew why he was doing it.. he was scared. I was giving him hope of love again, and he refused to take it. He thought it was still the girl who didn't remember him.

"How is Vanshi and Adi?", I said softly.
He looked at me, taken aback.
"You.. you remember them?", He asked. I noticed the way his eyes brimmed with tears.

He was still my soft Raj who held that rock like image before the world.

My baby Raj, of course.

"I love you.", I whispered finally.
He looked straight into my eyes for moments. I noticed the tear slide down his eyes as he stared at me.

"Rose..?", He whispered.
"Our Titanic thing will always be my favourite part of our story.", I said, smiling away at him.
He immediately bent and wrapped his arms around me, tighter than ever. And I heard him break down into tears. Sobbing like a lost child who had finally found his mother.
He removed his shoes with his feet and climbed onto the bed

"How-how could you?!", He asked in between sobs, tightening his arms. I hugged him back.

He was my home.
My only happily ever after.

"I am sorry..", I whispered, letting my tears slide away. He looked up at me, eyes red now. He was almost lying on top of me, his face right beside mine
I turned to look into his eyes.
"Sorry? You know I can't live without you for a second! And you were going to leave me forever!", He shouted in annoyance, like an angry baby.

Our faces stood inches apart.

"Vanika is so like you.. you know. She does this exact screaming thing when she's hurt.", I said, smiling.
His lips broke into the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

"That's my handsome Raj..", I whispered.
"I missed you so much! You know it was worse than death! If you were hurt or angry you could have just slapped me! If you dare to leave me again see what I'll do!", He said, resting his head just below my collar bone, hearing my heart beat.

"You are so cute..", I said finally.
He looked up with narrowed eyes.
"I am not cute, Rose! Don't call me cute!", He said dramatically.

"Cute! Cute! Cute! My Raj is the cutest!", I said stubbornly.
He edged upwards, his face right above mine.
He narrowed his eyes a little more.
"You will not listen..?"
"Nope.", I said grinning at him widely.

"Fine.. then I must punish you.", He said. His lips curved into the mischievous smile, I knew so well.

"You haven't changed a bit, have you?", I asked, smiling like an idiot. Feeling the gush of hormones through me again, after years. The butterflies, the stomach somersaults, his scent, and my smile.

"Vanraj Singh Rathore is not the weather that changes!", He said dramatically.
I pulled myself up and placed my lips on his for moments and edged away.

He froze.

And then he looked at me.

"Did you just..?"
"Yes. I miss my hot husband being hot.", I said with a wink.
"It's so inappropriate in the hospital but.. maybe a kiss won't hurt..", He replied with a wink.

"What is this now? Welcome Back Kiss?", I asked grinning, remembering our Best Friend's Kiss.

He smiled softly, lovingly removing a lock of hair from my face.
"Welcome back kiss, it is.", He whispered.

He bent down and placed his lips on mine. Within moments I had pulled him into the kiss. Enamoured by the love of years, the threads of destiny, and the passion of love. I felt his hand on my jawline, mine travelled to his neck, holding him. I shut my eyes, feeling every bit of it.

After what seemed ages of bliss, we parted.

"I love you so much, Rose.", He whispered, breathing heavily.
"I love you so so much, Raj.", I replied,  catching up with my breath.

"We will sort everything..", I said softly, placing my hand on his cheek.
"As long as we are together.", He replied, smiling back, with teary eyes.


Celebrate gaonwalon because memory is back! 🥹✨
I got sooo emo writing this 🤧

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