3 | The Touch

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Vanraj :

"No no.. listen to me.. Meera.. please..", I said as she broke down into tears, she pushed me away with anguish and pain.
"I-I loved you all these-se years and-and-"
"No.. Please..", I said trying very hard to hold her as she pushed me back with desperation. 
"Why don't you tell her you love me!", Arshi shouted from behind. I glared at her.
"Get out of here!", I shouted.
"I-I can't live with you.. I-I-", she mumbled, tears rushing down her eyes.
"Meera hear me-"
"NO!", She shouted, "NO!", saying so she turned and ran out of our bedroom. 

I sat up, sweating profusely.
It was almost four in the morning. The sun hadn't risen yet, I suddenly felt oddly suffocated. I immediately got off the bed, picked up my phone from the desk and strode out of the room. My house wasn't too big or grand, just an average two storey middle class house.
I silently opened the main door of the house and walked out. There was a swing in our lawn. I drew in a deep breath and sat on it.

I looked at the tulsi plant stand that was situated right opposite to me. Meera, when she was here, loved that plant. She would often ask me to get some humus for it. I don't know yet if she actually loved it or if it was Maa who asked her to give it the best treatment.

I realised that I didn't really know anything about her. What did she like? What was her favourite colour? I never asked her. And she never asked for anything from me.

Guilt coursed through me. And guilt was painful, it kept eating me from within. Like so many other things in life.

There was a ping on my phone. I looked at it.

A new message from Malvika.
Hey Raj! (I hope you don't mind me calling you Raj.. it sounds cooler.) BTW I am coming back to India tomorrow, you mind picking me up from the airport at about 12 noon?
Oh also, you are the guy who is partnering with me. TADA! Surprize! 

I felt a silent satisfaction as I replied, Thank you so much ! And of course I will pick you up. :)

She instantly called. 
I quickly picked up the call.

"I thought you were a goody goody boy and you are still awake? Wow, Raj.", She said, in her usual happy tone.
"I woke up now, Malvika.", I replied simply.
There was silence across the line and then she said, "OMG! What? You are awesome ha!", She said happily.
My usual grave face broke into a smile as I spoke to her.

"Thanks for the compliment. But.. where are you going to stay?", I asked.
"You can drop me off to Akshay bhai's flat. I will show you. You know he's returning as well, so.", She said as I nodded.
"Alright then."
"Yeah. Bye bye. I am sure we'll have a blast on this project!", She said.
I nodded, "Definitely.", I replied as she hung up the call.

I removed the phone from my ear and looked at it.
This girl was slightly weird but a bundle of happiness nonetheless. I drew in another deep breath as I sat back.

I desperately needed a new start to my otherwise sickening life.
But my conscience often questioned me, Do I really deserve a good life? After hurting someone as pure as Meera? Did I?


Allahabad Airport.

I stood outside the airport looking for Malvika. As far as the news had said, her brother had arrived in his personal chartered plane. I looked at my watch desperately. I had to go to Pakhi's fair at school after this.

The flight was already late by an hour and half, it was already one thirty in the afternoon. I really didn't want to be late. After looking around for a while, I found her.

"Hey! Malvika! Here!", I shouted as she finally noticed me.

This woman was downright gorgeous. She wore very simple clothes, a white full sleeve hoddie and blue denims, her hair left open, slight make up and yet she looked prettier than all the dressed up girls around her. 
I myself was in one of my vintage blue suits, expecting a formal businesswoman to walk out, but here she was.

"Raj!", She said as she almost hopped down to me as if I was some old acquaintance.
"OMG! You look hotter in reality! Damn this physique.", She said literally checking me out from top to bottom.

I looked around, everyone looked at her and me with a raised brow.
"Umm.. Malvika maybe we could get in the car. I have to go somewhere as soon as possible.", I said hastily as I took her suitcase from her.
She looked at me with a raised brow.
"And what is more important than me?", She asked.
"My daughter.", I said instantly as I turned towards the car with her suitcase.

She followed me.
"Why? I mean is there something she has today?", She asked.
"Yeah, it's her school fair. She'll be putting up a shop and all with her Mom and brother. If I don't go she's going to be really annoyed.", I replied honestly, as I opened my car's trunk and placed her suitcase in it.

"Umm.. you mind if I join in as well?", She asked.
I shut the trunk and turned towards her with a raised brow.
"You, that is Malvika Singhania, want to join me to my daughter's school fair? Seriously?", I asked shocked.
"Obviously. I mean why not? I think school fairs are really cool.", She said casually.

I looked at her from top to bottom.
This girl, the sister of the country's biggest businessman wanted to join me, a middle class freelancer to his daughter's school fair?
"What? Can I join as well? Please say yes!", She suddenly clasped my right hand, "Pretty please!"

I felt volts of current course through me at her touch. I felt my face go warm. In the last twelve months post my divorce no one had touched me with any good feelings or goodwill. And here was this gorgeous woman holding my hand so casually.

STOP! Stop over reacting. She's just held your hand! It's okay.

I drew in a deep breath, calmed myself and nodded.
"Sure. Sure, you may.", I said awkwardly as I turned to sit in my car.


What do you think about them?
Has someone's touch sent currents down your being?
Have you ever met anyone has overly happy and excited like Malvika? 

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