33 | Something Wrong

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Samar stood in an eerie silence before the computer screen. Hatred coursed through his being, as he watched his ex father and his new wife involved in their erotic exchange.

"You see, Samar? Both of them are just as pathetic.", The woman beside him stated. A smile of sadistic pleasure on her lips.
"I don't care.", The boy of eleven said. It was a lie, he knew.

"You can punish him if you want.", The woman beside him said.
Samar looked at her, perplexed.
"I can?", He asked.

Arshi Sabrewal bent turned the chair towards him with a smirk.
"Of course. After all, he deserves it doesn't he?", She said.

"But how?", He asked.
"Just one press conference and your ex father will be down to the ashes.", Arshi stated.

She was a beautiful woman from the exterior, dark brown hair, sharp black eyes. Her features edged to perfection. It was very easy to fall for the pretty face.

"But.. I thought you loved him..", Samar said softly.
"I did.. but he doesn't deserve any of it.", She lied as fluently as ever.

Samar gulped nervously, he didn't dare to look at the screen.

"I need time.", He said before walking out.


Malvika :

Next morning I woke up feeling extremely tired in the backseat of my car.
Talk about Mister Monkey King being an overly romantic husband.
I looked at him, his head resting on my shoulder.

Thank God we had worn back our clothes because it was a dazzling morning and I could see people walk around in the parking lot.

"Raj..", I said softly, he heard me but still ignored.
"You know we've got to go home.", I said, still no response.
"It's morning..", I said again as he sat up, looking annoyed.
"I was dreaming of something good!", He said rubbing his eyes.

"And what was it?", I asked.
He looked at me and smiled, "I saw we were going to have a kid."

I suddenly felt my face go warm.
Damn, I never considered the possibility of being a mother. I was too childish for that business.
Pakhi was more like a little sister than a daughter to be very honest.

"And it was so so realistic..", He said sitting back and shutting his eyes, relishing whatever he saw.

I smiled awkwardly.

"Maybe we should get back home.", I said awkwardly. He glanced at me with his content smile.

He edged closer and kissed my forehead softly.
"Thank you for being there for me, always.", He whispered.
I smiled at him.

He got out of the backseat and went and sat at the drivers'.

And he started the car.


Meera :

I sat back on the seat, exhausted.
Samar had been behaving strangely since the last few days.

He had suddenly become absolutely loathful towards Vanraj and the reason just didn't strike me.
He had relatively softened after I married Akshay, in fact Malvika and I had planned to get the father son duo back together but now, things seemed bleak.

"You okay?", Akshay asked stepping into my cabin.

I nodded into a yes.
I didn't want to involve him into my petty family matters and overstress him. We had a rather blissful married life and I wanted to keep it that way.

He nodded and walked out.

I pulled out my phone.

A message beeped.

Arshi Samar's Papa's Assistant
How are you? Hope you and Samar are doing well.

I drew in a sharp breath.
Probably the only human being I hated in this world was her.
Arshi was an extremely manipulative woman. When I met her for the first time, I knew she was dangerous. Her eyes spoke differently from her lips. She was absolutely sugar coated and could brainwash people like no one else could.

I should have warned Vanraj but anyways he wouldn't have listened.

Why had she messaged me?
After all this while?

I suddenly had an odd feeling.
As if something was going to go very wrong.



"No Adi! This is the nth time I caught you smoking! Had you not been older by three years I would have slapped you by this time!", Mom shouted on Papa like there's no tomorrow.

He couldn't care less as he casually settled the dining table.
Malvika and I sat on the living room sofa watching the events unfold.

"Vanshika.. Calm down. You're BP will shoot up.", He said casually.
"That it does anyways whenever you are around behaving like a man child!", She shouted at him.

"But you still love this man child, don't you?", He said finally looking at her.

I saw her instant change of state. She instantly softened.
"Yeah.. but..", She mumbled awkwardly.
"I'm sorry.", He said, trying to sound genuine.
Mom sighed.
"Fine.", She said and walked off to the kitchen.

"You see? That's pro level skills.", Malvika said grinning.
"I need legit courses on how to handle a wife from him.", I stated truthfully.

Just then my phone buzzed.

I pulled it out.
There was an unknown number that looked exceedingly familiar.

I stood up from the sofa and picked the call.

"Hello?", I asked.
"How have you been?", The voice, I knew better than anyone else.
I didn't say anything before I disconnected the call.

Sometimes her voice still rang loud and clear in my head.

"You will pay! I will make you Vanraj! You don't know who you truly are but when you will, I swear you'll see hell!"

"What happened?", Mom asked, she noticed my pale face.
"No.. just..", I mumbled drawing in a deep breath, "Nothing."
She understood more than she showed as she nodded, "We'll be fine, Vanraj. Nothing will go wrong this time."

I nodded, still skeptical.

Something struck me last night.

Samar's language.
He was a ten year old but he spoke things even adults thought twice before saying. I knew he didn't like me, but he had never been this disrespectful.

Something said, Arshi was not back for nothing.
I glanced at Malvika on the sofa, she was busy giggling with Pakhi.

I won't let the ghosts of my past affect my present.



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