40 | bad timing

262 28 7

Malvika :

I froze as Arshi deleted the video, I had just sent to Vanraj.

She stood in a black suit over a white shirt, deep red lipstick, looking nothing less than incredibly gorgeous. Also, her charm was inevitable.

"Oh no.. now how will your darling husband know my true intentions?", She asked softly with an amused smirk.

"Look.. Arshi, we can come to a middle ground instead of you wrecking havoc in our world. Why are you doing this? For the Rathore fame? Money?", I asked immediately.

I knew I would be dumb to throw an open challenge to her.

Her lips curved into a wider smirk.

"Ah.. A bargain, is it?", She asked.

"Look, I want this to end peacefully—"

She took a step towards me.
"You know there's something about you.. you choose to love a villian, so much so he reformed into becoming the knight in shining armour for you."

Her gaze was not exactly villainous, it was something else.
Now that sounds wrong.

"Maybe you are right.", She whispered, standing only inches apart.
Almost reading my thoughts.

"Tragic, how you don't remember me from college though.", She said, casually throwing my phone to the side.
I heard it crash onto the tiled floor.

"College? Where?", I asked, completely lost.

"You've heard half my story.. let's hear the rest, won't we?", She said, smirking.

I gulped nervously.

No. This is not good. Definitely not good.

Vanraj :

"Maa, if you need me then please let me know.", I said finally.
Maa said yes before she finally hung up. She was staying in the hospital. They were providing an extra bed for the person who stayed, so she was staying back.

I sat back on the sofa, terribly exhausted.
Both physically and emotionally.
Malvika's heartbroken face kept appearing before my eyes, every time I shut them. 
I was just being selfish and nothing else.
The girl was bearing so much.. all for me, because of me.

Suddenly I received a message.
I forced myself to look at it.

It was from Malvika.

A video.

I was about to open it when the message got abruptly deleted.

The message has been deleted.

It wrote all of a sudden.
This was strange.
After that kind of a conversation, she sent me something that got abruptly deleted.

My instincts said, something was wrong.
The thumbnail had looked like an office cabin.

I immediately stood up.
I had to find her.


I sat, in bated breath, on the very same seat I had been on a while back.

Arshi sat right opposite to me. Her feet on the table, the pencil heels were sharper than a knife I'd say.

She was looking at me, almost reading me.

How does she even manage? The last time I wore this I remember falling face front before a room full of people.

"You passed out from Harvard, a Psychology major I believe.", She said casually, finally putting her leg down.

"Yep.", I said weakly smiling.

"I was your senior there. Obviously you didn't notice, but I noticed you. I genuinely thought you the most gorgeous among the lot.", She said with a smile.
A warm one.

Wow. Am I getting special treatment?

"See, since we are both almost similar in intellectualism, I will tell you the complete truth.. Firstly I have no intention of harming you. Not at all.", now she was looking at her black nail paint.

"I obviously never loved Vanraj, neither do I care about your billionaire brother Akshay. Men in general are pretty stupid.", She said.


"But..", She sat up, looking straight into my eyes.

"I did it for revenge. My father was Adityaraj's cousin brother. After grand dad's death everything was sold off by him, instead of us getting the share we deserved. Nonetheless my father too had his own estates but he was a poor business man. We were driven to poverty! My brother, mother and I worked day and night to fend for ourselves."

"That is definitely not Adi or Vanraj's fault.", I said immediately.

"Oh yes. Until Mister Adityaraj decided to intervene yet again and reveal my secret.", She said the last words with incredible loath.

She drew in a deep breath and sat back, her gaze unwavering.
It was almost uncomfortable, because I was seeing a kind of ancient pain.

No Mukku! Don't feel sympathy prematurely. Please no!

"He had come to meet me at Harvard. There from one of my friends he had come to know of it. And he went over and told my parents the truth about.. about my sexuality.", She said softly.

So I was feeling the right thing. She has an affinity towards women.

"My parents abandoned me. Refused to even see my face after that. Till date.", She said sharply.
"I found a job as an intern to Vanraj Shekhawat. I had been to his house for a birthday party of his son where by mistake his father had spilled the truth of his lineage to me."

"And then you decided to take the father's revenge from the son.", I sighed.

"Obviously.", She stated.

I drew in a deep breath.

"Now you tell me.. am I really that wrong?", She asked.
Almost seeking approval.


The door behind her burst open.

"Malvika!", It was Vanraj.

Arshi turned the seat smoothly, abruptly pulling out a pistol from within her suit.

"Hello.", She flashed a smile, aiming at his forehead.

Bad timing pro max.


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