25 | Truth Gone Wrong

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Malvika :

We were at the Hotel Heritage for the Launch Party. The hall room was huge, all dressed in gold and white. Media and everyone was going to be here in another couple of hours.

"I will need the white flowers off the stage please. It looks super boring!", I said as the workers instantly started removing the white ones from the sides of the stage.
I wore this purple dress, hair left open. I had tried on the high heels but owing to a fall at the doorway, I had decided on sticking to my sneakers.

It's kinda weird to wear silver sneakers with the purple dress, but who cares?

Vanraj was not here yet. I was pretty sure he was still adoring himself on the mirror. What a self obsessed man he is! If you ever check this man's Instagram account his captions range from "Rule like a Lion" to "Getting younger every day". I am not even joking.

But today I had something else in mind.
I was going to tell Adi and Vanshika about the DNA report. 
Let Vanraj and his two rupees doubts go down the drain, I don't care. Mister Sexy-Raj ain't gonna have his way all the time.

"Mukku! Care to welcome us?", This was Adi!
Yay! Raj wasn't here also! Time to get my job done.
I turned back towards him and Vanshika. 

Lets just accept the fact that Vanraj got his looks from his dad. Adityaraj Singh Rathore donned a purple suit with a silver broach in the shape of a lion on it. Vanshika wore a black dress. She walked in, her hand in Adi's hand.

"Well we are twinning.", I said grinning.
"They call this telepathy.", Adi replied with a wink.
I smiled back and drew in a deep breath.
"Erm.. I-I need to tell you guys something.", I said abruptly. I had to say it now, before Vanraj reached.

"What?", Vanshika asked.
"I-okay..", I drew in a deep breath, "Come with me.", I said.
"Malvika, is everything fine?", Adi asked as they followed me down to the corner of the hall.
"Better than ever.", I said. 
"Okay guys..", I said, "Do you trust me?", I asked.

Adi raised a brow.
HE IS SO RAJ. OMG. How did I miss this?

"Do we have a choice?", Adi asked as a matter of fact.
"Good.", I said taking that for a yes.
"If this was a serial there would be some really intense dhumtanaa music but we'll do it without that.", I said. I really talk nonsense at time. Ugh!
"Please reveal something Maha episode worthy, you know.", Adi said crossing his hands before him. I knew he thought I was just being the usual drama I was.

"Mukku, you can say. Come on, fast.", Vanshika said drawing in a deep breath.

"Okay. So..", I said, I suddenly felt my heart pacing in my heart. I drew in a deep breath. Just then I noticed Vanraj walk into the hallroom wearing a black suit.
Damn! I need to say it now!

I looked at Adi in the eye, "You remember donating your blood in the hospital? For Vanraj?"
He nodded. He drew in a sharp breath. 
"Okay.. So I am not lying or making this up.. ", I said, I saw Vanraj walk down towards us.
I shut my eyes and started,
"I got your blood DNA tested with Vanraj and it turns out you guys are biologically related. He is your son.", I said in one breath.

There was pin drop silence.
I slowly opened my eyes.
My gaze fell first on Vanraj who stood only a hand away from us. He had paled three tones, he stood frozen.
I caught up my breath and looked at Vanshika, who looked at me as if she knew this already. Her lips curved into a smile as she looked at Adityaraj.

Adi stood as frozen as his son.
"No. You listen.", I said interrupting him.
"I am not lying, or joking or having fun. I knew how this issue is sensitive and.. I am just letting you know the truth.", I added.
Vanraj gulped nervously, instantly turned and walked away.

His parents of course did not know he was right there.
"No no.. Malvika listen.."
"Adi.", Vanshika said drawing in a deep breath, "I told you I saw the report."


"What? You knew..", I mumbled awkwardly.
"I have ears, you see. I had heard you that day itself.", She said, matter of fact-ly.

OH! Wow. I am so dumb.

"But Vanshi.. It could be fake.. I saw-saw the whole thing myself-"
"It was wrong, Adi!", Vanshika said in a hushed anguish.
"And you have mis behaved with my boy all this time!", She added angrily.
"No.. Malvika the thing is..", Adi muttered awkwardly.

I held his hand, beaming, "Adi, your son is alive. Why don't you accept him?", I asked.
He drew in a sharp breath.
"Wait I will get him.", I said.
He tried to stop me but I didn't. I walked down to the special guest room, he might have gone there only.


Vanraj :


I mean there's something called permission, asking if something should be done! I was pretty sure Mister Rathore did not approve of me yet! Now he would probably be thinking I am a money hungry mafia who manipulated the naïve Malvika as well! 
An anguish coursed through me, I hated this feeling of helpless anger but Malvika's childishness was beyond me!

The door of the room swung open.
"Raj I-"
I looked at her, gritting my teeth. I drew in a sharp breath. 

"Listen.. the thing-"
"The thing is you are a kid!", I shouted at her. She instantly walked in and shut the door behind her. 
"You had to ask me before doing anything! I understand you are the one who found out but you have no right of doing things without informing me also!", I shouted at her.

She walked down to me, gulping nervously.

"Vanraj.. I understand-"
"YOU DO NOT.", I shouted at her, pronouncing every syllable.
"You are over reacting now! At least listen-"
"I can do better than listen to a kid!"
"VANRAJ!", She shouted.

For the first time, I saw a raw anguish in her eyes. As if I had hit a very painful nerve.

"I am not a kid for all you know!", She shouted, "You know what?! IT IS NOT CUTE ANYMORE!"
I fell silent, watching her.
"I am trying to help you Mister! You know what? It is only me who is helping you when you refuse to help yourself!", She shouted at me.

"I had my reasons! Mister Rathore doesn't trust me-"
"Yeah?! So what?! You are so freaking afraid that you won't even tell him! One whole month, Vanraj! You expected me to keep this news from a father who has been yearning for his son for years!", She shouted.
"You know what?! They deserve better than you!", She added. A tear of anger rolled down her eye.

"Oh yes! Sure! I am most pathetic creature on this planet!", I shouted. She had hit the wrong nerve.
I pulled her by her arm towards myself, "Then why don't you leave me, eh?"

That escalated very badly.

Her expression changed from anger to something strange, an ancient fear.
She drew in a sharp breath. My grip on her hand loosened instantly.
She took a step back. She was trembling. 

My anger ebbed away instantly.
"Malvika what-", I took a step towards her as she instantly turned around and ran out of the room.

What the hell just happened?

I instantly ran out of the room after her.
Thankfully there were very few people around to see this whole thing. 
She ran down to the car and sat on the driver's seat.

"Malvika listen!", I shouted, but it was too late. She instantly pulled the gear and drove the car out of the parking in full speed.
"Sir, is everything fine?", Someone asked.

"Yeah-yeah.. just manage everything, I will be back in a while.", I said as I rushed down to a road and caught an auto.

Why did she react so weirdly? I shouted, I expected her to shout back at me, or maybe slap.. she just fled?


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