7 | Real Faces

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Malvika :

To be very honest, the Shekhawat house was a family out of the daily soap.

So it had been a day since our return as newly weds, although Mister Forever Annoyed Shekhawat was busy throwing an attitude by giving those sharp looks and not eating properly, I was having a great time.
Except that Akshay bhai wasn't exactly happy, but nonetheless he was as helpless as Vanraj.

Now, I sat at the dining table in my formals, munching on some theplas.

Vanraj took the seat at the head of the table. Not to mention he took his name very seriously and considered himself to be some kind of an emperor. But even then, I had seen some good in him as he respected his parents a lot. Despite him sitting at the head of the table, he ate only after his parents were served food.

The family consisted of four more members except Vanraj. His parents, who had been quite happy to accept me. I am not sure why, though. He had a brother, Nikhil who's life's only purpose was to sleep, eat and repeat. While his wife, Sagarika, was a working woman, but I noticed despite her work she had to do all the chores.

Much to my pleasant surprize no one asked me to do any work in the house. I was only supposed to eat, chill, go to work and come back. 
Again, the reason I didn't understand. Also, yesterday after our arrival I was made to sleep in Vanraj's room while he slept in the living room sofa because that's some ritual for the first night. I never heard of it but nonetheless, I was happy.

"Bhaiya, tomorrow is Holi. So-"
"You are not getting an extra penny, Nikhil.", Vanraj said curtly looking up from his plate.
"I am not an ATM Machine here, neither is Sagarika. If you have to do parties and enjoy do it with your own money.", Vanraj added sharply.
Nikhil instantly fell silent.
"Vanraj.. poor boy wants to enjoy and you are behaving like this? Let him have his day out..", His mother said.

Vanraj glanced at her and then at Nikhil, exasperated.
"How much?", He asked.
"Fifty thousand.", The reply came. Vanraj chocked on his thepla as he looked up, coughing. I immediately handed him a glass of water.
He took a sip and glared at Nikhil.
"Is this a joke? What the heck will you-"

"Vanraj!", This was his father, "What is this way of talking to your brother? Anyways after all the things you have done you have no right of saying anything to him or anybody else."

I sat keenly observing his family. That purohit had said we had to make people perfect, and I needed to know why Mister Annoyed Shekhawat was annoyed all the time.

"Bapuji, I understand I have done wrong. But I have never wasted money.", His voice became quite polite, "You know I have been working since I was fifteen.. In the vegetable vendor's shop or the dhaba or some place just to get this boy educated in an English medium school. And all he does is waste money."

I gaped at the man who was my 'forced' husband. 
Since fifteen! And his family let him? Wow, what a family.

"Now, now Vanraj whatever he does. He is your brother.", His Maa said, "You are rich now.. We have a daughter in law like Malvika..", She flashed smile at me as I reciprocated, "You can give him some money."

Vanraj sighed as he nodded.
"I will transfer it in your account.", He stated coldly and stood up, "I am heading towards office. Malvika join in please."
Saying so he strode out of the house.
I stood up as well and walked out.

I was just at the door wearing my sandals when I heard his brother speak, "Bhaiya doesn't give money only nowadays! How-"
"You asked for fifty thousand?! What is wrong with you!", His Maa said in annoyance.
"See, he trusts us blindly hence he is still giving you money. If he ever got to know you are busy gambling with it, then you've had it.", His father said.

I gasped as I froze.

"Nikhil ji, bhaiya is really a good man. You are exploiting him now.", Sagarika said as she stood up.
"Don't tell me what I should and what I should not! All of us know what he was before Maa and Bapuji got him in this house!", Nikhil said in annoyance.
"Shut up!", Maa shouted, "The walls have ears! If anyone ever got to know the truth we will lose everything. Don't forget this house was built by Vanraj-"

"But it is on Bapuji's name, right? Even his car is on Bapuji's name. All of us know he's nothing more than a limitless ATM for you both.", He said coldly as he stood up.
"Malvika!", I heard Vanraj call on from inside the car.
He had not heard any of the conversation, but I had understood what I had to.

I immediately jogged down to his car and sat in.
"You were wearing your sandals or making one?", He asked irritably before starting the car.

I did not reply as I processed all the information I had just heard. 
To the family he so loves, he is just an ATM Machine! And what did Nikhil say about "getting him in the house"? Also.. Now I know why they are so kind to me! Because I am rich! 

I drew in a sharp breath.

"We have to change our venture.", Vanraj said suddenly pulling me out of my daze.
"Umm.. why?", I asked.
"Your brother is investing in the same venture. Restaurant and hotel. I don't want to be in competition with him.", He stated.
"Why? You think you'll lose?", I asked simply.
He glanced at me, again with his sharp - I might kill you but I can't - look.

"No. I don't lose. But when I want to win, I can go to any limits. I don't want to hurt him or Meera, and want to remain a good man.. So-"
"You are a good man?", I spoke my mind as he glanced at me once again clutching his jaws as he drove.
"You haven't seen the worst of me.", He replied coolly.

"Why did your family accept me? Because I am rich?", I asked straightaway. He didn't look at me this time.
"No.. Nothing as such. I mean my family is least bothered about your money. But yes, I am in this relationship simply because you are my investor.", He said.

So he also protects his greedy family.

"Good choice.", I said with a subtle smile.
"We will see.", He said passively.


Hmm.. so this family is indeed our of the classic greedy family, is it?
But what was that about "bringing in"?
Stay tuned!

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