43 | a false truth

273 23 8

2 Weeks Later

Malvika :

"Shut up!", He screamed as he pushed me. My head struck the side of the bed.
I cried out in pain.
Hitesh Kulkarni finally unleashed his favourite weapon, his belt.
"I-I am sorry-"
"Sorry?!", He screamed in outrage.

It had been a year and a half to our marriage.
"Lis-listen.. please..", my voice had toned down to a defeated whisper.
Tears tricked down my eyes.
"Hitesh!", The door opened, his mother stepped in.

"Maa, get out!", He screamed.
My stomach ached painfully.
Much more than my bruised forehead.
My vision was blurring.
"She's carrying a baby!", His mother shouted.
"I need only her body! Nothing else!", He said in a nasty low whisper.
"Let me go.. please.", I whispered, almost inaudible.


His mother simply sighed and walked out shutting the door.
He looked down at me, a wicked smirk appearing on his lips.
He started unbuttoning his shirt.

"It-It is our baby.. we can start afresh..", I tried to say.
"I can't afford to lose this beautiful body of yours.", He said, as he knelt beside me.
"Please..", it was an helpless whisper.
I was almost begging.


But there was no mercy in his eyes.
He clutched me by my face.
Those eyes full of lust and loath, I could never forgive them.
Piece by piece, he tore off everything I had.
My clothes, my self respect and at the end, he forced me, he snatched my child even before it was born.


I sat up, breathing heavily.
I immediately clutched onto Vanraj. I felt really sick.
He lovingly caressed my back.
I hugged him tighter, my only life support.
"Sssh..", he whispered near my ear.

Everytime I remembered how it had happened, my skin crawled, my whole body seemed to be unholy, I felt trapped.

I looked up at Vanraj, who looked at me concerned.
"Are you okay?", He asked softly.
I hugged him tighter.

"Mukku, I am here.. please, calm down. Everything's alright.", He said softly.

"I-I don't want to be a mother..", I finally said, holding onto him, letting my tears flow.
He fell silent.
"I-I am not capable.. I will not be able to protect it...I can't..", I said, finally breaking down into tears.

I felt his hand carrass my back, other stroking my hair lovingly.
"What has happened, Malvika?", He asked softly.
"I just—"
"Tell me, Rose.", He said slowly releasing me. He looked at me, right into my eyes.
"I can't—"

He held my face with both his hands, lovingly.
"I love you, Rose..", he whispered, "Tell me."

I couldn't find the strength to recount the story.
I just couldn't.

I shut my eyes, my whole body hurt. The fatigue had probably taken over.
"I am not feeling well Vanraj.. please.", I said softly.

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