30 | Parent's Day?

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Vanraj :

"I require the file for this. Right now.", Malvika said sitting on her new favourite location.
On top of the desk.
She wore this light pink suit with white sneakers, hair tied behind her in a pony tail and little to no make up, still looking like one of those leading ladies from TV serials.

I watched her as I took a sip of my tea.
"No. You listen Mister Mehra, I run this business and I am not accustomed to delays.", She said sternly. 
Like a typical boss.
Very ironically, just this morning Madame Unpunctual had taken two hours to get ready and got us late for the meeting.

She noticed me staring at her amused.
"Yeah.. Thanks.", She said and hung up.
"Stop looking at me that way.", She said finally getting off the desk.
"Which way?", I asked smirking.
"This.. this oh stop lying look.", She said walking down to my desk.

I smiled to myself when the door opened.

"Oh hi Meera-", Malvika said and stopped abruptly face palming herself, "I mean bhabhi."
"Oh yes..", I said sipping on my tea casually, "Hello bhabhi!"
Meera narrowed her eyes as me.
"What? You are my wife's older brother's brand new wife. Just giving respect where it is due.", I said giving a cheeky smile.
"Oh yes, Raj is learning to behave like a good boy from me.", Malvika said, and glanced at me, "Good boy.", She said in an extra sweet tone.

"Feeling diabetic already, babe.", I said as Meera looked at us exasperated.
Suddenly Akshay made an appearance out of nowhere and said,
"Both of you are children who grew up too soon."
"Bhai! I thought you were off to Mauritius.", Malvika said walking down to him and giving him a tight hug.

Meera walked down to me and placed a card on the table.
I raised a brow.

"This is the invitation to the Parent's Day at Samar and Pakhi's school. I know Pakhi hundred percent forgot telling about this so I thought I should do the needful.", She said.
"But last night only Rose checked Pakhi's diary-"
"The teacher probably forgot.", Meera stated as I nodded.

"Parents day!", Malvika said from behind excited already, "Wow! That's so cool!"
"What's cool? Parents day is just a glorified Couple Compatibility test in their school.", I said already feeling tired.
"Oh yes. Our last experience was pretty bad.", Meera added, as I sighed.
"Ha.. but that is because Vanraj was with you honeycup.. Your babypie will be with you this time-"

I chocked on my tea.

"What is it Vanraj ji?", Meera asked, while Malvika placed her hand on her mouth clearly understanding.
"Nothing.. Just realised how both of you are still kids from heart.", I said clearing my throat.
"Very funny, Vanraj.", Akshay said with narrowed eyes.
"It is. Honeycup and babypie were-"
"Those are nicknames. Unlike pros like you and Mukku we prefer to call each other loving names.", Akshay said sternly.
I showed a thumbs up and forced a smile.

"Be on time tomorrow. Bye.", Meera said before these two left hand in hand.
"Do they remember it's been three weeks to their wedding?", I said in disbelief. 
So much turu lobe from where?
"Not everyone is as unromantic as you Raj baby.", Malvika said grinning.

I raised a brow.

"Unromantic? I doubt that.", I said with a mischievous smile.
She walked down to the desk, completely understanding my intentions.
"As you should.", She said smiling back.
"Well then I guess I have to prove myself now.", I said standing up and walking out, in front of her.
"Remember there's a CCTV?", Malvika said smiling.
I pulled out my phone in one swift movement.
"Hey Raju. Can we have the electricity off in our cabin for.. three hours.", I said smirking.
Malvika raised a brow as I hung up.

"Three hours? Impressive.", She said wrapping her arms around my neck as the lights went off. It became slightly dark, due to the pulled curtains of the cabin. 
"Afraid of the dark anymore, Prince Charming?", She asked as she sat on my desk, hands still around me.
"I like the darkness now.", I whispered winking as I slid my left hand to the back on her neck.

And she pulled me into a passionate kiss.


Malvika :

Being a mom is a tough job.
Tougher than tolerating Raj and Adityaraj's obsession with daily soaps and dhumtanana.
But you know what's tougher?
Choosing a saree.

"You look fine Mukku.", Vanshika said, now exasperated. It had been an hour and a half since I had been trying on sarees hoping to look like Pakhi's mum.
"No grandmom! It looks too basic. Mom needs something cooler!", The girl of five said sitting on the bed in her uniform.
She was literally me in my younger days. I wondered how despite being Vanraj and Meera's daughter we were so similar.

Probably because we were super pampered by our dads and were obsessed with music.

We were at Adi and Vanshi's new flat in Ahmedabad the very next morning. They would often come down here to meet us. Their business base was still outside India.

"Yeah! I need something cooler!", I said pouting sadly.
"How about wearing a saree with some fans embedded? Sounds really cool.", Adi said as he casually walked in searching for a packet of cigarette.
"Adityaraj Singh Rathore, all your cigarettes have been thrown and if you don't get out of here now, you will be thrown out as well.", Vanshika said like a typical annoyed wife.

"Emotional damage, Dad.", Vanraj said striding in casually as well.
"Will you boys kindly leave?", Vanshika said trying very hard to not throw chappals at the father son duo.
Vanraj glanced at me, and froze.

Adi turned to leave making a face.
"Vanraj?", He asked at Vanraj stared a me like he had seen me for the first time.
"Oh my God.", He said softly.
"What? I know I look like an idiot. Thanks-"
"No.. I mean you look gorgeous. Just add some make up, a ruby earring and you are good to go.", He said snapping out of his daze.

"I look gorgeous?", I asked, almost blushing.
"Oh yes. You look gorgeous always but this is a little more gorgeous than usual.", He said seriously.

"Adi mind learning how to give complements from your son? Look how good he is.", Vanshika said like a proud mom.
"Just saying the truth.", Vanraj said smiling at me now.
"How romantic!", Pakhi said giggling.
"Yeah. We can see that very clearly through the spider bite on Mukku's neck.", Adi said casually. 

I instantly looked away, blushing deeply, trying very hard to control my smile and hoping to hide the love bite with some jewellery.
"What? Don't glare at me.", Adi said innocently.
Vanshika threw a cushion at him from across the room and Vanraj pulled him out with him.

"How big was the spider Mom?", Pakhi asked innocently.
Vanshika got me a heavy necklace to hide it, smiling uncontrollably.
"Ah Grandpa was joking. It's nothing.", I lied, of course.

"Samar bhaiya will also be there today.. I will finally get to meet him!", Pakhi said, "Otherwise he is always in class when I come home."
She said happily.
I drew in a deep breath.

Ah, I had some great plans with Samar today.


sukoon chapters ftw!
- yeah so finally :))

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