47 | parenting 101

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Malvika :


"Offo! Vanraj!", I slapped him on his arm the moment he was dozing off, his head against the window.
He sat upright, immediately.
"I am not sleeping.", He said like a robot.

"Clearly.. we saw.", Akshay bhai said grinning in amusement.
"Look at Viraj na.. he's behaving like you! Annoying and incapable of sleep!", I said irritably.

We were sitting in a railway coach. The first class one, which gave an individual cabin to four people.
Meera and Akshay were sitting on the seats opposite to us.

We were traveling to Chanchalgarh as a memior of our amazing forced marriage.
Plus, Vanshika informed me, it was the location where Adi and she got married to.

Pre destined stuff, you see.

No one mentioned how irritating it was to be a parent.
Sorry no sorry, okay.
But here I was sleep deprived with such big dark circles under my eyes and my husband who could stay awake for crap meetings couldn't stay awake to take care of his kids.

Vanika was comfortably sleeping in Meera's arms while I struggled with Viraj.

only when they were asleep or quitely being fed.
That's all.
Also when I took reels and got a million views. I loved that too.

"Arrey.. sorry..", Vanraj said rubbing his eyes.
"He has been sleeping throughout Samar and Pakhi.", Meera said grinning widely, "You see.. this is karma."

"Ha ha. Very funny.", Vanraj said with narrowed eyes.
He took Viraj from my arms into his.

"Ssshh..", he said gently rocking the baby.
And gradually Viraj stopped crying. Looking at Vanraj with his big brown eyes.
Vanraj bent and softly placed a kiss on his son's forehead.
The baby giggled.

"He is going to be a dadda's boy, I guess.", Akshay said softly.
"Oh yes..", Vanraj said, looking at Viraj lovingly, "That's a dadda's boy.."

Although I know I am supposedly a mature individual-
I felt a pang of jealousy.

I immediately took Vanika from Meera.

"Yeah, so what? I still have my Vanika.", I said proudly.
Vanika was such a nice baby, she slept most of the time, was not noisy and she definitely loved me the most.
I say so because whenever I took her in my arms she would calm down and peacefully doze off.

"Ah ha.. Jealous Malvika is my favourite.", Vanraj said showing his 32 teeth like an idiot.
"Huh!", I snapped at him.

The door slid open.

"How's the party here?", Adi asked.
Vanshika and he were staying in the cabin right beside ours with Samar and Pakhi.

"Sleep deprived, Adi.", I said sighing.
"Oh, Kids do that to you.. Vanraj had alone kept me and Vanshi awake for days.", Adi said as Vanraj pretended to find the open fields outside the window very interesting.

"Viraj is definitely just like his Dadda then.", Akshay said yawning.

"So? Interested in having kids anymore?", Adi said, having his own fun.

"Nope. Never.. Meera and I have signed up for adoption. I will adopt a five or six year old and have a good life.", He said lying back on Meera's lap.
"Honestly, that's a better option for me too. I already had two kids with a useless husband.", She said in a matter of factly tone.

"What?!", Vanraj said that louder than necessary, and as if for some supernatural connection both the kids started crying.


"Thanks Vanraj. That really helped.", Akshay bhai said with an annoyed expression.

Extremely justified though.

"Sometimes I feel like cello taping your mouth, Vanraj Singh Rathore.", I said punching his arm.

"Fine whatever.", He mumbled still half asleep as he started rocking Viraj.

Whoever said parenting was the best part of marriage.. I need an appointment with you.
Right now.

Vanraj :

We reached Chanchalgarh soon.
When we finally reached the room, I felt sleepier than ever.

Papa had a guest house booked here. The moment I stepped in with Viraj in my arms, I carefully placed him in the cot, removed my shoes and lay on the bed, face front.

The journey had not been long, but extremely exhausting.
I had travelled with kids before, but there were people to manage them.
Baa, Bapuji, Nikhil, Meera.. and no one handed me the kids unless I wanted to.

So yeah.. call it karmanic justice or something.

"You see Vanika? That's your Dadda. The supposed best Papa of the multiverse who looks like he has been doing so much work.", Malvika said sarcastically as she too placed Vanika on the cot beside Viraj's.

"Taunting? Nice.", I said not bothering to look up.

She was in a permanent bad temper post her pregnancy.
And I was used to it, now.

"Lazy Vanar-raj, care to get up and change?", She asked, standing beside me with her hands on her waist.

"I love you.", I mumbled burying my face on the bed.
"That is not helping, Vanraj.", She said with narrowed eyes.

She had suddenly grown from becoming my five year old girl to my dominating mother.

I liked the change, but not always.

I sat up on the bed and sighed.


"Go on and change. Hygiene is very important for the kids.", She said walking down to the dressing table.
It was a big room with a bed, dressing table, cupboard and an attached bathroom. The window overlooked a nearby lake.

I got off the bed and walked down to her.

She was now unbuttoning her linen shirt.
I stood behind her for a moment before wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her to myself, inhaling her scent.
I know she blushed deep red.

"I missed your touch, by the way.", She said giggling.
"I missed your scent.", I whispered back.

Suddenly there was a sound outside.
Like a vase or something fall.
I immediately stood up straight, releasing Mukku.

"What was that?", I asked softly.
"Nothing.. maybe just a cat or servant.", She replied casually.

I drew in a deep breath.

I didn't trust my fate much.


I extended the book. 😎
You are welcome :)

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