16 | Peacefully Apologetic

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Vanraj :

Did I ever mention I hate the sea and being forced to be on a cruise ship?

In the last meeting with Rathores they had mentioned about their cruise to the US, Malvika couldn't have not joined them. 

To get me here she had pouted and done a drama to get me here,
which included pleading before Maa and doing "please bapuji" for ten times.
I am not even joking.

"Vanraj are you going to sit with that annoyed expression for the whole day?", Mister Rathore asked sipping his mocktail. He wore a casual shirt over his ripped physique (which by the way was commendable according to his age).
I forced a smile. I was beyond annoyed.
"He is not annoyed, it's just his face.", Malvika said giggling.

We sat in the dining area of the deck. It looked exactly like a typical restaurant, honestly it was impossible to know you were in a ship unless you walked out. There was a golden hue on the walls, the tables and chairs were polished wood. 

"Vanraj are you comfortable?", Mrs. Rathore asked looking concerned.
"Honestly no. I don't like seas.", I stated very honestly. We had boarded the ship early this morning, and ever since I was trying to not be scared of the vast ocean.

I hate darkness and seas! Get it? But to my dismay Malvika loved these two!

"But seas are super romantic, Vanraj. Why do you not like it?", Mister Rathore said with a raised brow.
"He's like that only Adi.", Malvika said glancing at me irritably. We were anyways not talking to each other.
"He's super unromantic.", She said, least bothered about my impression before my clients.

"That's really sad.", Adi said sipping his mocktail again.
"Mukku, if he doesn't like the sea why did you have to bring him? Poor boy.", Mrs. Rathore said, being the only sane person in the group.
"Huh! He's supposed to be my husband, he should be with me all the time!", Malvika said in her defence.
"I am your husband, not your pet puppy that I need to be with you all the time.", I stated coldly.

"Of course! Now it's my fault! I wanted you to go for a ship ride because-"
"Because I myself don't have the finances to do so?!", I asked angrily.
She fell silent instantly.

But I had lost it by this time. 
"Look, I understand all of you guys are very rich and I am not! But I really don't need your favours. Last few days have been too much for me! My self respect is very important for me! And that is why I wasn't coming anyways. Also! Because I hate the sea!", I said in annoyance and stood up. I stormed out of the restaurant area down to the suite area.

I walked into the allotted room and banged the door shut.

My mind screamed. But I couldn't help it. I was quite angry and irritated!

There was a knock at the door.
"I am busy!", I shouted back. 
"Vanraj, please open the door.", This was Missus Rathore.

I drew in a sharp breath.
I opened the door, trying very hard to be normal.

"I am sorry for that-", I tried to say.
"Are you scared?", She asked straightaway.

I paused.
"No.. I mean-"
"See, I understand you love your self respect and you are unhappy because we are paying this trip for you.", She held my right hand, a warm current coursed through my being. She looked straight into my eyes, as if looking right into my soul.
"But trust me, none of us think you are any less. You don't need to feel inferior. You are not.", Her voice was soft, and comforting, it almost felt like I knew it.

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