45 | best day of our lives

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I curled up in his arms as we lay on the bed.
The smile remained on his lips as he lovingly caressed my hair.
"I am so so happy, you know..", He whispered.
I placed my hand around his neck, softly placing my lips on his jawline.

"I need to tell you something.", I whispered.
He looked down with a smile and nodded.

I held him tightly.
Shutting my eyes, I started.

I told him of all the things that had happened, how my ex husband had abused me, raped me, impregnated and then forced me to abort the child.

He heard everything in silence.

I finally opened my eyes. Tears lined them, my heart still ached at the memories.
I looked up at him, he immediately wiped off his.

"You are crying?", I asked softly.
He placed his hand on my cheek.
"I will never hurt you..", he whispered, his voice broken.

I edged closer to his face.

Aww. He was crying like a baby.
Constantly wiping his eyes.

I softly placed my lips on his. He pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. As if he wanted to heal all my wounds with it. I let him, completely take over me.

After what seemed ages of bliss, we parted.

"We will go to the doc, tomorrow.", He whispered, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"I love you, Raj.", I replied simply.
He smiled.
"I love you more.", He replied with a wink, pulling me tightly into his embrace.

"Huh! I love you most!", I said, hearing him breath.
"Uff, fine! You win! Happy?", He asked, almost giggling.
"Yes..", I said, finally shutting my eyes, protected.

Vanraj :

I sat in the doctor's chamber, barely breathing.
I had two kids already but even then, this felt so new, so exciting. Ever since I had heard how her previous pregnancy had ended, I just wanted to desperately protect her.

To do everything possible to make her feel safe, to make her believe that she'd make a wonderful mom. We hadn't broken the news properly to anyone else except Maa yet.

The doctor had taken Malvika inside for some tests and USG.

I sat nervously, fidgeting with my wrist watch.
I heard Malvika giggle. I stood up.
The moment she saw me, she ran down to me, almost jumping and pulled me into a rib crushing hug.

The doctor looked at us amused.

"Mukku.. what—"

"We are going to have twins!", She said, unable to hold her happiness.
"Wha-what..", I stammered, bewildered with joy.

"Congratulations Mister Rathore. Your wife is two months pregnant.", The doctor said as I flashed a smile.
We took a seat opposite the doctor.
"As of now there are no complications, just regular exercise and have healthy food. Also, don't take stress.", The doctor added.

I nodded earnestly.
Malvika just couldn't stand in one place, she was tapping her feet in excitement.
My cutie.

We finally walked out of the chamber, down to our car.

"Can you imagine?! Twins! OMG! We'll name them Vanika and Viraj.. and they'll be super cute.. and I'll buy them all the toys in the world..", She went on and on, as I drove.

Never had I seen her this happy.
I finally pulled the brakes before our apartment.

She paused realising we were back home.

"Hmm..", I said, edging close to her and opening her seat belt.
"Thank you.", She whispered.
I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you.", I said softly.
She smiled.

We walked back into the house.
Everything would be perfect for us.
Nothing could go wrong.




"Yes, sir.", I said sitting back at the recliner. My free hand busily rotating the pen on the table, like a fidget spinner.

I sat up.

"Mister Mehta, please don't worry, everything will be managed well.", I said.
My other phone buzzed.


I pressed the side button to silence it.

"Yes.", I agreed to the client over the call.

The phone buzzed again.

"Absolutely.", I said before adding thank you and hanging up the call.

I immediately picked up my personal phone.

"Yes Maa? I was on an important call—"

"You need to get here, as soon as possible.", She sounded like she was running.

"Why? Is everything okay?! Is Malvika fine?!", I asked, on the edge of panic.

I was almost standing.

"Listen. I guess she's gone into labour—"

"WHAT?! But how? It's just the seventh month!", I said, standing up straight.

I had promised her that I'd be there and take a video of her "munchkins" delivery.

"I don't know Vanraj!", Maa snapped, "Get here asap. Adi and I are already here, she's taken into the operation theatre and I have called Meera, Akshay also."

Saying so she hung up.

I immediately slipped out from behind the desk.

My hand struck against a photoframe.
Malvika and mine, grinning back at the camera in the 'preganancy photoshoot'.
The photoframe fell, shattering into pieces.

I paused and looked at it.

I immediately picked it up and placed it on the desk.

And ran out.

Today was going to be the best day of our lives.


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