53 | "I Am Your Husband"

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Malvika :

I knew there was something about this man who sat beside me.
I did not know why, but his presence made me feel things.
As if he was the soulmate I was seeking.

Makes no sense, but neither does his charm. The moisture in his eyes and the feeling of nostalgia.

We had just lunched at a restaurant and he was driving me towards my hotel.

"Uncle! You look so hot!", Vanika said as she bent forward between our seats from the backseat.
"Thank you cutie.", Vanraj replied, beaming.
I smiled awkwardly looking at Vanika with narrowed eyes.
"Mumma, I am not lying!", she said in rebellion immediately.

This girl was becoming so shameless. Totally like me, but anyways.

"He's my investor not your favourite celebrity. Mind behaving like a good girl?", I asked irritably.
"She has favourite celebrities?", Vanraj asked driving.

I had noticed is concern and curiosity towards Vanika. The reason was unclear, but deep down I appreciated it.

When I had woken up after the accident, I had remembered nothing. Not even the man I had this daughter with. Bhai had said our ways had parted and I had believed so. Vanika had grown up under the impression that her dad was dead.
And somewhere I felt guilty.

Of all things, I knew I wasn't the kind who'd leave people so easily. Had I remembered him, probably my daughter would have her Papa.

My so called fiancee didn't seem to interested in my daughter.
That was the sole reason why I wasn't too keen on marrying him.

"Obvio! I have so many favourites! And you know I love music!", Vanika said grinning.
"I love music too!", Vanraj said, behaving like they were besties from an alternate universe.

"It relieves stress!", Both of them said in unison.
Vanraj glanced at her amused. She looked at him, deeply impressed and then at me.

Mom! I approve him! Check if he's single!
She said through her eyes.
Sit back!
I replied with a forced smile. She pouted in annoyance and sat back.

"Uncle, do you have a house?", Vanika asked from behind.
I sighed.
"Yes.", Vanraj replied with a soft smile. He did not seem annoyed, he almost liked my daughter being so frank with him.
"Then take us there na.. I don't want to stay in the boring hotel! I wanna go to your house! Please!", Vanika said dramatically.

I turned to give her a death glare.

Bhai had told me, you shouldn't get this frank with strangers.
And I had told Vanika but she clearly did not care about my teachings.

"I would love to!", Vanraj said immediately, almost beaming.
I looked at him, awkwardly.
"No.. I mean.. we don't want to be a burden—"

"You won't me. Trust me, Mukku.", He said, looking like he had won a trophy.
I smiled awkwardly.
And then I paused.
"How do you know everyone calls me Mukku?", I asked, taken aback.

He gulped nervously, as if caught.
"No.. I just guessed.", He said, flashing a smile.
I nodded as he drove.

After almost fifteen minutes we reached what he called his house. I got off the car, and so did Vanika. I stated at the two storey house.

Why does it look familiar? Where have I seen this?

I glanced at the main boundary wall. Right beside the gates was a name plate. It was written in Hindi. I wasn't exactly proficient but I could read overall.

Vanraj Shekhawat.

It read.

"You are Vanraj Singh Rathore, aren't you?", I asked looking at it, as he returned after parking the car.
"There's a long story. I'll tell you some other day.", He said flashing a smile.

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