58 | Deja Vu of Love

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And so I finally updated!! Yaay.
Okay so let me be honest, I know I have been terribly inconsistent with this book (painfully inconsistent) because well, this was supposed to end some 30 chapters ago (lol). Yeah, I had planned till the "And Beyond" chapter, but then I eventually decided to extend the story because I LOVE MY VANIKA BABIES.  And I know, so do you (hehe). But then of course, I had a hundred writer's blocks down the line and we are finally here - at chapter 58.
Probabilities are that I will not extend this book too much now and we "might" see a wrap in another 5-6 chapters. 

The point of writing this hundred worded essay is, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE! Thank you sooo much for hanging on till here with me (sending hugs).
Enjoy the chapter and drop in your comments and votes for giving me extra motivation! B)


Malvika :

"And where is your brother?", Vanraj asked.
I drew in a cold breath.
"And Meera who was apparently in love with Akshay for like ten years is now talking about a happy solo life..", He added.
"What is going on with him?", He asked.

"Meera spoke to him. He has moved on—"
"He did what?!", Vanraj said, aghast.
"Welcome to reality.", I said sighing.
"Meera and him were not having the best wedding anyways.. so, well. They have been separated for ten years, the wedding is anyways dead. Akshay Bhai has a girlfriend and he's off to New York for work."

Vanraj looked disappointed.
And annoyed.

He glanced at Meera, beaming as she spoke to some clients. Looking almost guilty.

"Before you guilt trip yourself Guilty-Raj, it's not your fault.", I said.
"She deserved better.", He sighed, straightening up.

"Papa!", We heard.
I paused momentarily and then turned.

They were teenagers, but I recognised them.
The serious looking yet extremely charming seventeen year old was Samar. He had started to have the toxic-ly hot Rathore aura of power. The fifteen year old beaming in her casual t - shirt and torn denims was definitely my kid, Pakhi.

Vanraj's face lit up immediately, as his lips curved into a charming smile.

"It's.. it's you?", She whispered as both of them stood before us.
I felt a gush of nostalgia. Although we were apparently more like soul sisters (irrespective of the age gap), I realised how she too had invoked the motherly feeling with me. I felt my eyes well up with tears.

Pakhi looked at Vanraj, her charming smile melting into an emotional one.
"It.. it's really her? Mom?", She asked. I heard the tremor in her voice.
Vanraj nodded with a smile.
"You.. you are back?", She whispered, smiling.

I took a step towards her, gently placing my hand on her cheek.
"You've had the best glow up I've seen in a long time.", I whispered.
She immediately hugged me, tight. The tightest she could.
"I missed you! I missed you so so much!", She said, almost sobbing. I hugged her back.

Resting my chin on her shoulder, shutting my eyes, feeling her hug me as tightly as possible.
I had never imagined she would get this attached to me.

And sadly I couldn't even say "I missed you too".
I caressed her back lovingly as she released me, wiping off her tears.
I glanced at Samar who smiled back.
I gave him a nod of courtesy and he nodded back.

Something about the boy said, even in a decade he hadn't truly healed.

"Ma'am, it's time for the event to start.", I heard the event manager.
"Yes.", I said finally, drawing in a deep breath.
"So.. who starts the announcement first?", Vanraj asked.

I had a strong deja vu, from almost a decade back.
I smiled, "You will, obviously.", I said. I edged closer to him and dusted his suit.
He beamed.
"All the best, Vanar-raj.", I whispered looking up at him.
"Thank you wifey.", He whispered back, I could see the moisture in his eyes. He remembered that day, as vividly, as I did.

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