31 | "I need you to leave.."

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Vanraj :

I got off the car first in front of Pakhi's school. I wore this dark blue suit that Dad had gifted me last week. 

We had moved out of the Shekhawat House after a rather passive aggressive farewell by Maa. 

Nonetheless, I was fine. 
Malvika got off the car and glanced at me.
She wore this royal blue saree with silver earrings. She didn't really do any make up, just some basic foundation and little lipstick, yet looked like a celestial beauty. 
Her hair was left open.

I drew in a deep breath, realising the beauty of the woman I had as a life partner.
"Should we go in now or are you going to keep staring?", She asked smiling cheekily.
I smiled to myself and nodded as we headed into the building.

"You know I had so much fun here as a student.", She said, as she held my hand.
"I studied in the government school right behind this.", I stated, almost sighing, "I had a terrible hold over English in my initial years. Then I went into English speaking classes to get a job."
"Even if you didn't know English, I'd love you.", She said as I looked at her and smiled.

"Who'd love me the way you do?", I asked softly as we headed down to the auditorium.
"It's more than who would you love the way you love me.", She said now settling the lapel of my suit with her free hand.

"Papa!", I heard Pakhi. She was in her uniform rushing down to us. Malvika released my hand and bent before her.
"You're looking super pretty!", My daughter chirped  and Malvika smiled lovingly at her.
"Had to.. After all my daughter looks like an absolute Disney princess.", She said.

Technically a princess she was.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hello Bro in Law.", This was Meera who had suddenly adopted the Gen Z language because why not.
"I am not your bro-"
"Oh you are.", She said having her fun.
"Oh come on Bhabhi. Poor thing was your ex. This is absolute emotional damage.", Malvika said giggling as she stood up.

"As it should be.", This was of course Akshay, who placed his hand around my should all of a sudden.
I sighed, exasperated.
"Hello Mukku!", This was Samar.

He had become extremely fond of Malvika for some reason. It felt genuinely good, except that I was a teeny bit jealous.
Malvika instantly gave him a hug.
"How have you been?", She asked settling his collar just the way she had been settling my suit's lapel.
"Doing just fine. You're looking pretty.", He said.

"Parents please get seated with your children.", There was an announcement. Obeying like good citizens, I sat with Malvika and Pakhi in the front row. Meera, Akshay and Samar sat right beside us.
Akshay made it a point to sit beside me and keep his wife and now his newly adopted son away from me.

Talk more about annoying brothers of your girlfriends.
Not to mention he was also my ex's husband so I had to deal with it anyways.

I knew exactly how this worked. We'd be called up on the stage and asked questions about each other that we write on a board and if it matches then you are the best couple and parent and if it doesn't, well you still get the same Haldiram Hamper.
Mostly couples are absolutely perplexed about each other like Meera and I every single year.

They started calling people up, and started it with Meera and Akshay itself.

They sat on the chairs that were turned opposite to each other.
"Okay, so what is Meera ji's favourite colour?", She asked.
I still had no idea. My memory regarding likes and dislikes was pathetic anyways.
Both of them wrote the same colour though, "Red."
And henceforth every single question that they were asked, they had answered in sync.

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