59 | Revenge & Choice

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why is the like/reads ratio so painfully small? *sobs*
y'all can like a chapter for free and give me motivation you know *some more emotional drama background music*

anyways I'm still updating because it hurts but I still love you
*More like next time I'm going to come up with serious emotional blackmail hehe*


Vanraj :

I followed him outside to find him sitting under a tree by the road. He had obviously not expected anyone to follow him out.
He sat in silence, staring down at the footpath, eyes full of tears.

I drew in a deep breath, feeling my heart pace a little faster.
It was not like I did not have an estranged son before, but this felt different. Because this time, I did not know what exactly I would tell him, if he truly was my son.
Should I apologize for all those lost years? Or should I just hug him and cry?

I gulped nervously and sat beside him. He glanced up at me and immediately stood up.
"Why are you here?! Listen, none of your manipulation will work on me! I-"
"Is this your coping mechanism?", I asked softly. I realised I wasn't thinking anymore, I just said what I felt.
He paused, staring at me.
"Is this how you react when you are in pain? Anger is your coping mechanism?", I asked.
He gulped. This was not what he had expected.

"I.. I don't want to talk to you!", He shouted immediately and turned to jog away. I immediately stood up and caught hold of his wrist.
"You know everything, don't you? That is why those tears?", I asked softly.
He was struggling to free his hand from my grip.

"Leave me!", He said desperately.
I placed a hand on his shoulder lightly to stop him, but he abruptly winced.
As if I had touched a wound.
Still holding onto his wrist I carefully removed the t-shirt's collar a little.

"Don't!", He screamed, too late.
I noticed a thick red mark, like that of a belt.

"Is that..", I mumbled more to myself. My grip on his wrist loosened as he immediately ran past me.
I turned to follow him, but he bumped onto someone.

"Ouch!", I heard Viraj.
"Are-are you okay?", Meera it is. Viraj had crashed into her and fall backwards due to the impact.
He immediately stood up.
Meera glanced at me, understanding the situation.

"Oh ho.. look your clothes got dusty. Let me help you.", She said, kindly.
Viraj looked at her skeptically for a moment.
"I don't need help.", He said, but we heard the softening in his voice.
"It's okay.. don't worry. I will get you some chocolates also if you let me help.", She said, using her pro mother skills.

After a brief moment of Viraj looking at her suspiciously, he nodded.

Meera glanced at me with a silent statement, "I'm taking him, you manage the rest."
I nodded as I finally walked in.
My mind stuck at the thick belt mark.

He was living with a vile animal like Hitesh. It wasn't too difficult to understand what must have happened.
I felt a surge of rage, but looking at the packed auditorium, I knew I couldn't lose my cool. Not yet.

Malvika came jogging down to me.

"Where's Viraj?", She asked.
"He was annoyed with me.. so Meera kind of took him. He somehow trusted her more. Also I guess he knows about us being his parents.", I said hiding away one important detail, I knew it would trigger her.

She looked at me thoughtfully.

"And what are you hiding?", she asked straightaway.
"Nothing-", she placed a finger on my lips.
"Don't lie to me Vanraj Singh Rathore. I have loved you enough to know when you are lying.", She said sharply.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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