57 | Smitten Goofball

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Vanraj :

I still couldn't believe it had happened. I was still dazed at the thought that she remembered me.
It was like a dream come true.

10 years.. a time so long that could have been ours.
I sighed as I finally walked into the hall room.

I looked at my wrist watch, drawing in a deep breath.
"Sir, the arrangements have been made.", The event manager said. I simply nodded as I looked back up, at the stage.

I stood in the same hall that had once been the location where we had launched Vanika Group of Industries.
Same place, same date, just ten years apart.

Nothing had changed here, except the wall paint.

Malvika had wanted to keep this whole return of memory thing a secret. She wanted to reveal it here, in this party. So I was supposed to pretend like she was still trying to figure out who I was.
I wore my black suit over a white shirt, the same one that I had worn for our first launch.

A partnership was all that started this crazy ride of a love story.
Sometimes it was amusing.

"I see someone blushing secretly in his old suit.", I heard from my side. Meera stood looking at me, trying very hard to keep a straight face.
"You've known me for the longest time.. so what do you think it is?", I asked doing very little to hide my smile.
"Ah.. that someone has finally remembered you.", She said plainly.

"Damn.. you know it?", I asked, half annoyed.
"If you keep smiling to yourself everyone will. Vanraj ji give an effort to hide your dramatic revelation.", She said grinning.
"That's about me.. what about you?", I asked drawing in a deep breath.

"About me.. yes. I have two projects coming up. Samar is going for his business assignment to the US and Pakhi needs to be given extreme motivation to study and not make reels on Instagram. A packed schedule, you see.", She said smoothly.

"You are ignoring—"
"Akshay is a closed chapter. And that's how he will be.", She said looking me in the eye.
"You deserve your happily ever after as well.", I said sighing.
"I have my happily ever after. This is my happily ever after, Vanraj. Ten years have gone by and I haven't regretted anything. Haven't been left alone under the name of 'my sister needed me' or 'I got manipulated'.", She said plainly.

"You deserve a life partner.", I said simply.
"I have two wonderful friends in you and Malvika. I have a son who'll give up everything just to see me smile. And I have acclaim in the business world. I have respect and individuality. I don't think you need a life partner for a happily ever after. If you have a soulmate, good enough. If you don't have one.. you become your own soulmate.", She said.

"I'm building a temple for you so that you can preach about your wonderful theories.", I said breaking into a smile. She punched me on the arm, in mock annoyance.
"With Mukku your crass sense of humour is back as well.", She said grinning.

"Raj!", I heard from behind as I turned.

The moment paused.

I felt my heart pace a little faster.
The way she called my name would always give me a boost of dopamine. I turned to find her, walking down to me, in the same gown.

The very same gown she had worn on our first launch.
It still made me skip a heart beat.
She looked etheral. Aging had only made her look more beautiful.

"I'll be back.", I heard Meera from a distance as my hearing was marred by my own pacing heart.

Malvika walked down to me, beaming.
"Looks like someone's smitten.", She said breaking into her charming smile.
I looked down, feeling the warmth in my cheeks, the butterflies.
Could men feel butterflies too? Do we blush too? I guess we do.
"Since forever.", I said smiling as I took her hand in mine.

I softly kissed her hand and placed it on my heart.

"Where's our daughter?", I asked.
"I want to tell her all of this personally. I don't want her to know it this way.", She said edging closer to me and settling my shirt's collar.

I looked past her and froze.

Hitesh Kulkarni.

"Kulkarni..", I whispered.
"I called them.", She said softly.
I looked at her, confused.
"Why would you want them to be here?", I asked in an urgent whisper.

She wrapped her arms around my neck.
"That's our son, Vanraj. And we are getting him back.", She said simply.
"But..", I said sighing.
"Trust me.", She said with a soft smile.

I nodded.

She released me and stepped away.

She turned to face Hitesh.
Viraj was with him, looking at both of us with a strange expression.

"Not sued by your dad, yet.", Malvika said grinning.
"That's what I'm wondering. Why are they still out, Dad?", He asked irritably.

Kids get on your nerves sometimes. I drew in a deep breath, trying to hold my patience.

"Ah.. Viraj. Don't talk that way.", Hitesh said, trying to pass it as a joke.
"Yeah.. especially when you are talking to one of the world's biggest business personalities.", I said with a forced smile.

"So what? My dad owns huge estates! You are nothing before him.", The boy snapped.
I took a step towards him and knelt before him.
"You know I could snap your Dad's teeny tiny business with one phone call, so try and stop flexing about it.", I said, trying to sound as sugarcoated as possible.

"Thanks Raj.", Malvika said sharply. I immediately stood up.
"Have a good time.", Malvika said with a fake smile to Hitesh. He nodded taking Viraj with him.

"That kid is dead annoying. He's anything but our son.", I said irritably.
"Vanraj, he is annoying.. that confirms he is your son.", She said seriously.
I looked at her with narrowed eyes.
"I was never like that.", I said immediately.
"You don't remember how toxic you were when we met?", She asked, as if amused.

"Oh please.. I'm not toxic.", I said completely denying.
She raised a brow.
I paused and sighed.
"Fine. As you say.", I said, giving up.
"Good boy, Raj baby.", She said breaking into a smile.

"And as of that boy.. he will also become a goofball like you. I know it.", She said looking at Viraj, right past me.

I looked at Viraj too.
Not too sure.

Only time will tell.


Updated after months I guess.
So sorry hehe.

Would love your comments and votes!

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