4 | A Connection

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Vanraj :

We got off at the Sunrise International School. I drew in a sharp breath. 
"You know this was where Bhai and I studied.", I looked at Malvika with a raised brow.
"Here? What do you mean? I mean-"
"You didn't know we were from Ahmedabad?", She asked as if it was the most obvious thing. I gazed at her for a moment and looked away.
"I didn't do enough research about your schooling.", I said awkwardly.

"That's the problem. People often don't look into the origins of a person. They only see the success. They only see the person, not what made him.", She said looking at the building endearingly.
I hadn't heard truer words in my life.
"True that.", I said with a subtle smile, "Lets go in."

She followed me, as she looked around fondly.
This school was the best school in the whole city, where the kids of the richest people studied. Meera and I might have not been on the same grounds anywhere.. except when the topic was about our kids. With whatever salary I had, we had admitted our children to the best school.

Now Meera was working as well, so we shared the fees. Also because my savings were constantly depleting owing to my joblessness.

"You know Raj, that was where we had canteen food. Ah! It used to be delicious. That time was the best. Almost a decade back! We used to get three sandwiches, French fries and lemon juice all for ten rupees!", She said.
My lips broke into a smile.
"You remembered a fond memory of yours?", she asked as she walked down to the school ground with me.

"Fond? No No.", I said, "I was around thirteen that time.. I wanted to buy this sticker book, it was also ten rupees-"
"So you had to beg before your parents for it?", She asked with a raised brow.

"No.. I wasn't really interested in getting slapped across the face.", I said, she did look taken aback but didn't question, "We were quite poor honestly. So for the sticker book I had to pull a wooden trolley with bricks. There was this construction site beside my school, I had volunteered. I remembered my hands getting cut and red.", I said looking at my hand, proudly.

"All this for a sticker book?", Malvika asked, visibly taken aback.
"It was worth the effort though. I put up the Superman stickers on my wall. And it remained until we painted the wall three years back.", I said smiling.

Malvika clearly couldn't relate. Obviously, when you get everything on the platter you cannot appreciate the efforts behind it.

We walked into the ground where several stalls were set up by children and their mothers.
I was searching for Pakhi's one. 
"Bhai!", Malvika shouted excitedly.
I looked up straight, a few metres from me, stood Akshay Singhania. He looked exactly like his photographs on the business magazines.

Clean shaven, rimless spectacles and an air of confidence. He wore an olive green suit. His face broke into a smile as he noticed his sister.
"Mukku!", He said with a charming smile and Malvika rushed and hugged him tightly. I looked at the shop before which he stood.
"Papa!", I noticed Pakhi wave happily at me. I immediately walked down to her and lifted her in my arms.

"You missed me?", I asked with a smile.
"Obviously na! You are so late!", She said in fake annoyance. I kissed her softly on her cheek as she hugged me tightly.
Akshay looked at me, and then at Meera and then back at me. As if he was shocked.
"Bhai, this is Raj. I mean Vanraj Shekhawat. I told you about him.", Malvika said. Akshay nodded, looking visibly uncomfortable, we shook hands.

"And..", Malvika looked at Meera who stood right there, looking at me as if I was some ghost.
I didn't see any reason for her shock.
"And this is.. Meera?", Malvika asked, almost dazed.
I raised a brow.

"How do you know her?", I asked. Malvika was about to say something when Meera interrupted her.
"Um.. Mister Akshay, you said you wanted some choco fudge? Should I pack it for you?", She asked, I knew her well enough to know she was purposely trying to shut the topic.
"Yeah-yeah. Surely.", Akshay said awkwardly, as well.

I looked at both of them, perplexed.
"You know Papa.. Bhai didn't come here also because you were coming.", Pakhi said. I drew in a sharp breath.
"Never mind.. You are here, that's enough for me.", I said forcing a smile.
"You have a son as well?", Malvika asked.
"Yeah. He's ten.", I said with a forced smile.
"Oh man, you don't look a day older than twenty five and you have two kids. That's an accomplishment.", She said grinning.

Personally, I LOVED compliments but I was trying to be very humbled and nodded with a smile, "Thank you so much."

"I need to go.", Akshay said abruptly.
"Why? Is everything okay?", Malvika asked.
"Yeah.. yeah everything's fine. I have to go and check your new office also mine. Actually I have made it in the same building so.."
"Wow! That means you and I will be working in the same office! That's super cool!", Malvika said.
"Yeah.. yeah.", Akshay constantly looked at Meera, as if he was guilty.

"Okay bye guys.", Saying so Akshay left instantly.
"Umm.. He's a little weird.", Malvika said with a small smile. She looked at Meera as if they were acquainted with each other quite well, but didn't mention anything else.

Basically all these people were hiding something from me.

"You know what Raj? I am leaving with Bhai. I will send pictures of the new office. Also! We need to hold a big launch event.", Malvika said as I nodded, trying to see beyond what she showed.
Her eyes didn't give away a word more than what she wanted, I realised.
"Also! What should we name our company?", She asked.

"I will think about it.. And brief you about the names tomorrow.", I said with a fake smile.
"Yep. Bye guys.", Saying so she too left her like brother.

"Both the siblings are weird.", Meera said smiling to herself.
"What is that you guys are hiding?", I asked straight away.
"What hiding? Nothing-"
"Malvika knows your name. Akshay Singhania looks at you guiltily. You really think I am a fool?", I asked.
"Mister Shekhawat, you are an over thinker.", She stated.

"Ex Mrs. Shekhawat, I thought we were cordial now and you'd talk to me like a friend.", I stated coldly.
She looked at me irritably.
"What do you want to hear?"
"How does a man as powerful as Akshay Singhania and his sister know you?", I asked straight away.

She sighed.
"He asked my name-"
"I need the truth.", I stated coldly.
She shut her eyes irritably and finally said,

"Akshay Singhania was my ex - boyfriend from school."
"And we are working together on the Ahmedabad project.", She added sighing. 

I drew in a cold breath.

And this meant in that office, I was supposed to face my past and future, altogether.


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