26 | To New Beginnings

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Vanraj :

I rushed into my house. It was already dark. The event was to start in an hour and a half.

The house was empty. Everyone had probably left for the event already. 
I drew in a deep breath and walked in through the door.

"Malvika? I-I am sorry about that..", I said but no reply came.
What happened to her all of a sudden? She had driven the car in a wild speed as well. 
I climbed up the stairs and walked down to my room. The door was firmly shut.
"Mukku open the door!", I said knocking at it.

I heard sobs from inside.
I drew in a sharp breath.

I ended up hurting someone who cared for me, again!
I drew in an exasperated breath.
"I-I am sorry.. please..", I said, feeling helpless.
"It's not your-your fault.. It's me. Leave Vanraj.. Please.", She said in between her sobs.

I sighed.
"Go! Go away! Please!", She shouted, as if frustrated.

I took a step back and drew in a deep breath.
She was not going to open the door.

An idea crossed my mind. I instantly jogged downstairs and out of my house, into the lawn.
The ladder. If she could climb up drunk, I didn't mind trying. I set the ladder under the balcony and climbed up.

I clutched the balcony's railing and climbed onto the balcony.
The door was left open. I couldn't see her inside. The lights of the room were off. An ancient fear seeped through me, but I didn't have a choice.
I walked into the room slowly. 
"Malvika-", I paused as I heard sobs from my side.

I looked down. 
She sat at the corner of the room, curled up. Sobbing, her face buried in her knees. I gulped nervously. I felt a sharp ache across my heart. I drew in a deep breath and walked down to her.

I knelt before her.
"Malvika..", I said in a soft whisper.
She looked up, her face was absolutely tear smitten. The street lights lit the room in a silvery glow. 
"Go away Vanraj.. please-"
"At least tell me.. why are you crying? I-I have shouted on you before this also but-"
"Why don't you just let me be?! Why don't you just go away like all the other guys?! Why?!", She said breaking into fresh tears.

I drew in a sharp breath.
Her tears hurt me more than anything.

"Because I am your partner. Life partner.", I said, trying very hard to keep my voice steady. My hand trembled, as I placed my hand on her cheek. 
"What is it? Tell me..", I said softly.

"No-nothing-I-I can never get over that trauma.. Why-why am I so weak?! Why?! You-you pulled my hand.. for that also I am crying-like a kid.. You-you are right.. I-I am a stupid kid.. I-I can't get over only..", She mumbled sobbing. She sounded helpless.
"But-but what do I do? Every-everytime someone pulls me like that-I-I- remember him.. I-I-can't-", She mumbled, crying.

I sat down before her. I blinked off the moisture from my eyes.
"You-you go.. Handle the event.. I-I will be fine-", She mumbled.
"Mukku.. You are not weak.. what makes you think you are at all?", I said softly. She looked at me.
"Don't you see? I am here! Crying like a kid-"
"It's alright.", I said, holding her hand. She instantly wrapped her hands around me, tightly.
She broke down, crying loudly.

I drew in a deep breath. I slowly caressed her hair, hoping to grant her some comfort.
"You'll be fine..", I said softly.
"I-I did everything-therapy-medicines-nothing helps.. See how-how I over reacted..", She said crying, clutching onto me as if her life depended on it.
"Wasn't I over reacting? I was also shouting at you because you did the right thing..", I said softly.

"All of us have our own traumas.. all of us react a certain way because of them.. it doesn't make you weak. I-", My voice broke but I continued, "I shouldn't have pulled you that way either.."
"No.. It's me."
"It isn't Mukku!", I said sharply.
"You are scolding me also now!", She said burying her face in my chest.

"Why are you saying my Mukku is wrong? Mukku's perfect.", I said. She looked up at me, through the blur of her tears.
"But I didn't ask you and-"
"Yes. You should have at least told me before doing it.. That bit I deserved.", I said softly, as she released me of her hug.
I removed her hair off her face, tucking the strands carefully behind her ear.

"But I was wrong as well in yanking your hand that way.", I added.
I held my ears with my hands, "Sorry."
Her lips finally broke into that enchanting smile.
"Now you are being cute.", She said.
"I am cute. Don't you know? Vanraj is super cute, just that people don't appreciate it enough.", I said, as I smiled back at her.

She pulled my cheek as I released my ears.
"I appreciate you.", She said pulling my cheek harder. I grinned back.
"Oh God!", She said suddenly standing up, "We are late! And now I look like this witch! My mascara is smudged! OMG! Now what will I do?!"

This woman, I tell you.

I stood up dusting my hands and suit, which was now wet with my wife's tears.
"And look at you! Your suit is also wet-", I placed a finger on her lips.

She paused looking at me in shock.
Our eyes locked, in the blur of our tears and little light, ironically we saw each other's real self.
"You will be fine. Trust me.", I said, trying to sound as comforting as I could be.
I removed my finger from over her lip. She looked down blinking off the fresh tears that had welled up.
"I-I hope so..", She muttered looking down.

I edged closer to her. She looked up at me.
"And as I said on that sinking ship that day.. You are the bravest woman I have ever met. You literally saved my life, Malvika. If it wasn't for you I-I would have died-", She placed her finger on my lips.

"I know this is very daily soap kinda thing but.. Don't say you'll.. you know.. leave.", She mumbled looking down, a tear escaped her eye.
I held her finger and took it to my chest, on my heart.
"I would have, if you didn't come back for me.", I said, "You chose to be the bravest, Malvika. And you are. This trauma that keeps pulling you down will one day lose before your grit."

"I-I can do nothing Vanraj.. Don't you see it? All these years I have only wasted my brothers money.. I have done nothing.. what grit are you talking about? I haven't seen failure only!", She said, "Everyone says I am a spoilt brat because I am!"

And I thought rich and powerful people are happy. This woman proved every notion and belief of mine wrong.

I drew in a deep breath.
"Well then aren't we starting off something new today? Something that is yours, more than mine? You said that Vanika was your baby, then?", I said.
"But.. there also.. you do all the work and-"
"Then you do it. Just ask me what you want to and I will hand it over to you.", I said.

I held her hand, "I trust you, just the way you trust me.", I said. 
She looked at me, as if surprised.

"You do?", She asked.
"Of course, I do. And I am here for you. I might not have the opportunity to save your from a sinking ship but I am always ready to save you from this sinking broken feeling.", I said with a smile.

She placed her hand on my cheek.
"I am sorry too.", She said with a smile, "I know your fear.. your fear of being disapproved.", She added.
I drew in a sharp breath.

"It's okay. We are still learning about each other.", I said with a subtle smile.

She suddenly placed her lips on mine and pulled me into a deep kiss.
This time I had no reason to refrain. I let her engulf myself in the whirlwind of emotions as she deepened it.
We parted, panting for breath.

"That was definitely the best one.", I said grinning, my face felt warm, a rush of hormones throughout my being.
"That was to new beginnings.", She said grinning.
"Am I receiving one after the event as well?", I asked with a wink.

"Ah, I might give that a thought.", She said as she walked down to the light switch and turned on the light.
"Yeah, first you need to stop looking like a witch, I guess.", I said laughing.
I received a "huh, jealous uncle" and a poke on the arm as she headed back to the dressing table.


To new beginnings B) 
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