6 | Destiny

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Malvika :

The marriage was over. All the rituals, everything, all the promises that we were forced to take.
Vanraj looked particularly annoyed but he did everything none the less. I glanced from him to the fire and then back to his annoyed face.

After the marriage he was forced into a room in the village while I was taken to a temple to meet the Purohit.
It was a magnificent temple, carved out of marble and stone. I slowly climbed the few steps in the heavy ghagra and walked into the main building. Opposite to me was the statue of the Devi Maa they had mentioned, carved out of stone.

The Purohit was sitting before her offering some prayer. He stood up and walked down to me. He handed me a wooden box with a smile. I took it reluctantly and opened it. It was segmented inside. In one segment, the larger one, there was a beautiful necklace of gold and in the other were two rings, again it looked like it was gold.

I looked at him perplexed.
The two women who had got me here bowed and left.

"You might think we are insane. Why would be forcefully marry you with him and then gift you all this? What was our gain.. right?", He asked.
I nodded. That was exactly what I thought.
He drew in a deep breath and smiled. He turned towards the idol behind him.

"This is our Devi Maa. All these years of our existence we have married several couples, gifted them the same thing as you. And we do it because destiny wants us to.", He said.
"Destiny?", I asked softly.
"Indeed.. Both of you have had a troubled past in marriage. Am I right?", He asked.

I knew Vanraj had a divorce and I knew how my marriage had ended in only a year.

I nodded awkwardly.
"How do you know?", I asked.
"Devi Maa said so."
I raised a brow, "That is not possible. It's only an idol and your belief. How can your idol talk?"
He smiled as he turned, "Somethings are beyond ordinary understanding, dear. But they exist. But the reason I have called you here is to tell you something important."

This whole supernatural thing was exciting but scary as well. 
"Your destiny is intwined with him. This was meant to be.", The Purohit said, "I have read your destiny and his.. I know he will try his very best to tear this bond with you, that is his nature. But you have to hold onto him."

"Why should I? I mean.. it is not my responsibility to set him right? He is anyways forever annoyed.", I said instantly, remembering how he misbehaved with me.
The Purohit turned towards me with a subtle smile.
"You don't have perfect people in the world. You make them perfect for you.", He said.

I drew in a deep breath.
"Don't let this marriage break, anyways even if you tried you won't be able to. You can leave for home by today evening or tomorrow.", He said. I looked at him for a moment and nodded.

"And what if he disapproves of this marriage? If he ditches me the way he ditched his ex wife? If-if he tried to harm me?", I asked straight away.
"The first one, he might but he will not do anything to hurt you. I have read his future, there are secrets he doesn't know about himself. His identity.. it is not what he thinks..", He said.

I did not understand what he meant but bade him farewell and walked into the room Vanraj was in. 

I slowly opened the door and walked in. The man stood at the window silently.

"This wedding is nothing but a joke! You mean nothing to me!", He shouted as I faced his back.
"But now we are married! You cannot just-"
"You have no idea about what I can do!", He shouted turning towards me, there was rage in his eyes.
"I cannot involve myself into this! Not again! No!", He shouted.

I drew in a deep breath.
"I don't care if you like it or not! If we are married, then we are! I am your wife-"
He picked up a vase and threw it onto the floor in rage as he looked at me from across the room.

"You will never be my wife. I do not accept you.", He stated in cold fury, looking straight into my eyes.
I felt a chill down my spine.
"I do not accept you.", He repeated, his voice dropping dangerously low.

I could have easily left and said I needed a break, and run away, as I had been doing for the last few years. But today somehow, I didn't feel like running away. I was ready to face him. I drew in a sharp breath and walked down to him, looking him in the eye. 

"Mister Vanraj Shekhawat.", I said coldly, "I know you are not used to keeping promises but you have taken those seven promises with me. You cannot casually forget it."
I could see raw fury in his eyes as he looked straight back into my eyes.
"Which promises have I not kept?", He asked in his dangerously low voice.
"I know about you and Meera.", I stated plainly.

He drew in a sharp breath, tears of rage welled up in his anguished eyes.
His fists were clutched.
"Then you are a fool to remain in this wedding with me.", He stated coldly.
"I respect the decision of destiny.", I replied, I had no idea where I was getting this confidence and courage.

I had been quite timid before such people all my life, but somehow I was answering him fearlessly.

His lips curved in a sarcastic smile, "Destiny? The same destiny that snatched my children from me? Same destiny that snatched my job?"
"No.", I replied simply, looking him in the eye, "The destiny that tied you to Meera, that got you that job you were so proud of."

"Bad choice, Miss Singhania.", He said stepping back with a sarcastic smirk, "You will get nothing by staying with me, my nature is destruction, and ultimately you will be destroyed."

I saw something in him, something I knew too well.
Self loath.

"You will destroy me?", I asked smiling, my voice seemed hollow, "Sorry Mister Shekhawat, but you entered the game too late.. I have been destroyed before."

He looked at me with a raised brow as I turned away.
"What do you mean?", He asked, in a spiteful voice.
"Maybe you were too busy looking at my net worth, money and cars instead of who I really am.", I stated curtly before walking out of the room.


he calls it an accident, she calls it destiny.
What is in store for them?

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