15 | Old Fear & New Clients

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Malvika :

I finally walked into the empty cabin. 
Vanraj was off for a client meeting, he said the client was a 'surprize' sounding like a five year old who had just won a prize in a lucky draw.

He can be really cute, when he wants to be.
I wore this blue formal suit to match his royal blue suit. He is quite obsessed with blues and blacks. I had started to understand his choices a little, like he loved his fluffy side pillow, he would listen to music (K-pop) right before important meetings, and was a tea lover. Daily soaps and romantic movies were his true love and he was a fitness freak.

I sat back at my seat, looking at his empty seat.
I was so used to seeing this man around me that his absence felt so weird. The "Vanika" logo was put up on the wall. It was on a purple background with a straight white M and V overlapping it, upside down. 

I had chosen it, and he had not even checked before finalizing.

Just then my phone rang.

I picked up the call, "Malvika! Hey this is Sarah! Did you see the news?", This was a random friend I met in Thailand.
"News? Why?", I asked.
"Did you know your husband cheated on his ex wife?", I heard. 

I felt colour leave my face.
"What..?", I asked softly. Not because of the news, but because it was out.
"Yes! It's all over the news and social media-"
"Alright, listen, I know everything. And I am fine with it.", I stated first, "Secondly, I need to go and stop this so bye."

And I hung up.
I was about to stand up when the door opened.
Hitesh Kulkarni walked in, with an evil grin.
"Aww.. Look who's secret is out.", He said. I drew in a sharp breath. I felt rage, but more than that I felt fear.

I clearly remembered the horrifying pain I had gone through as his wife. 
I stood up, trying very hard to look strong.

"Tit for tat. Your darling hubby tried to harm my reputation and I destroyed his. What a genius I am!", He said grinning.
My legs had frozen, the cabin was empty, and I was defenceless. I gulped nervously as he walked down to me.

He walked in the same menacing manner, flashes of past appeared before me within moments. I clutched the edge of the table. He had seen the fear in my eyes.

"I love to see this terror in your eyes, babe.", He stood before me with a smirk. He wore a white suit today, his hands in his pocket.
I wanted to answer him, take a stand for Vanraj, but my voice had given away. As he  stood before me, I felt terror in it's truest form. Every second I feared he'll open his leather belt to hit me. 

I felt weak, pathetically helpless. Tears gushed into my eyes. I was unable to breath properly.
"Don't even try next time..", He said in a menacing whisper, a tear escaped my eye. His lips curved in a victorious smirk.


"So a white monkey is here yet again to screw whatever reputation he has?", A known voice said, the voice I yearned to hear. 
It was Vanraj.

I suddenly felt secure, the fear reduced, I instantly wiped my tears.
Hitesh turned towards him grinning.
"Reputation? Aww.. Your reputation is destroyed boy. Not mine.", He said confidently.
Vanraj walked up to me, and stood before me, protectively.

I looked at him, as his lips curved into his devilish smirk.
"Who will destroy me? You? A cartoon like you? Sorry man.", Vanraj said, taking a step towards Hitesh.
He didn't give Hitesh a chance to reply as he caught hold of Hitesh's collar.

"How dare-"

"Now listen to me carefully.",  Vanraj said in a suppressed anguish, looking right into Hitesh's eyes. I could feel the rage in his aura. He didn't need money for power, his aura emanated a dominating power around him.

"If you ever enter my office or even talk to my wife, I will kill you.", He said in raw anger.
"You are threatening me?!", Hitesh tried to shout, but his voice trembled.
"I can do much worse than this Mister Kulkarni.", He said coldly.

"Have-have you any idea if I do a FIR against you-you-"
"Sssh.", Vanraj said, he sent chills down my spine as well.
"Listen my dear dumb leech, if you disturb me or my wife again, no media, police or even God will be able to save you.", He said coldly, "Understood?"
Hitesh gulped nervously and nodded.
"Good for you.", He said and pushed Hitesh. Hitesh looked pale. He instantly turned and walked out of the cabin.

Vanraj turned towards me, drawing in a deep breath.
I looked down.
He had stood up for me that day before the world.. and I couldn't even defend him in an empty room.
He walked down to me, and placed his hand on mine.

I felt a surge of warmth, of care, of comfort. I looked up at him.
"Don't worry. I will handle everything.", He said, giving me confidence. He wiped off the fresh tears from my eyes with his thumb.
"I am here.", He said softly. I felt my throat numb away, I wanted to hug him and breakdown. But I didn't. I didn't know how he would react, if it would be okay..

"Come with me, we will meet the new client in the board room.", he said with a smile. Forced, but he did smile for me.
I nodded, smiling back.


Vanraj :

I took Malvika into the board room. She paused for a moment or two and then burst into excitement.
"Vanshi!", She squealed happily, as if meeting her old school friend. 
She rushed down to Vanshika Arora Rathore and gave her a tight hug.

"Aww.. Mukku, you are not supposed to look this good in formals.", Mrs. Rathore replied smiling back at Malvika who couldn't stop gushing over the former's charming looks.
Adityaraj Rathore watched the two ladies in conversation. 
"Adi! Gosh, you look so gorgeous!", Malvika said turning her attention towards him.

"Finally someone notices me.", Adityaraj said as if depressed.
"Huh! Such a drama!", Malvika said walking down to him and giving him a tight hug as well.

I sat awkwardly.
Maybe it was just me, because all these people were from the elite society while I was just a middle class man.
"Wait, you guys are our new investors?", Malvika asked.

"Not exactly. I am your marketing and advertisement associate while Adi is the investor.", Mrs. Rathore said with a subtle smile.
"Wow! That's so cool!", Malvika said hugging Mr. Rathore once again.

Was it only me who noticed this?
I realised all four of us were in blue, and co incidentally, Mr. Rathore and I wore te exact same colour. The only distinctive factor would be his lion shaped broach on his suit, which was diamond studded.

"You guys have met Vanraj that means, right?", Malvika asked as I nodded, smiling slightly.
"Yes, we did.", Adityaraj said with a smile, looking at me. I instantly looked down at the deal papers, awkwardly.
"I know he's a little boring and shy-"
"Boring and shy? Who? Me?", I asked looking at Malvika with a raised brow.
I mean demeaning me before investors didn't sound like a cool idea to me.

Malvika realised it and instantly an awkward silence fell.
"Vanraj.", Mister Rathore said with a subtle smile, "I understand for you this is really serious, but it's okay. We don't do business that seriously also. Mukku is an old acquiantance, family friend types. So please, ease out."

"I understand sir.. but-"
"Please, no ands and no buts.", Mrs. Rathore added, "I understand you are feeling a little awkward around us since you've met us for the first time, but please don't be. Adi and I are personally quite fun."

I was not convinced owing to Mister Rathore's reputation as a dominating and ambitious businessman, but I gave an acknowledging nod anyways.

"Also regarding this new news article about you..", Mister Rathore said looking through his tab. I felt my face go hot.
"It-It is not how it is-"
"I know.", Mister Rathore said, "And even if it is, it's alright. Mistakes happen in life. No one here is as pure as a basil leaf. I will get this news shut immediately."

"Thank you..", I said awkwardly, I didn't want to take the favour but anyways.
"Vanraj, it's okay to do mistakes and learn. Mistakes make you a better person, so don't be so conscious. It's fine.", Mrs. Rathore added with a warm smile.

This was exact opposite to what Maa had said, but it somehow made me feel better about myself.


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