12 | Darkness

567 43 15

Malvika :

I tried very hard to not fall asleep.

See, I know I am serious about nothing and being a "partner" and all I should be as foccused as Mister Vanar-raj, but come on! I was sitting in this dumb presentation for the last two hours. 
I looked at the wall clock, exhausted as the research team continued with their deep research on pharmaceutical drugs and the stock market.
To be very honest, I was a BA Hons. in Psychology, all this stock market and mutual funds were way beyond my league. 

I looked at Vanraj who was so focused. The only reason I said yes to this pharma idea is because Vanraj suggested it, in fact if he had said he wants to start a news channel with fake news, I would have said yes.

"And that will be all, sir.", The assistant finally said as I heaved a sigh of relief.
"Alright. From what I saw, I think the market's gonna be in our favour.", Vanraj said with his classic "I am gonna be the king" smirk.

"Sir, the market will be in your favour for quite some time now. You are all over the news.", One of the female members of the research committee said. She was almost my age, and definitely had a huge crush on my sharp jawlined husband.

Vanraj nodded with a smile.
"Thank you.", He said with utmost courtesy.
Huh! And he keeps throwing attitude at me!
Such a typical husband, I tell you.

"But sir, we have to finalize the name of the company.", Someone else said.
"Yes.. I was thinking about-"
"I have an idea.", I said standing up from my seat.

Vanraj looked at me with a raised brow, as if shocked at my interest.
"Please go ahead.", He said.
"I think.. You know we can keep it Vanika. Vanraj and Malvika.. Sounds perfect.", I said grinning.

He looked at me with his annoyed look now.
"We are not naming a baby girl, Malvika. It's a company-", Vanraj tried to say
"Company is like a baby! Bhai always says that!", I said stubbornly.
"But Vanika?! Like seriously? It is just a letter different from Virat and Anushka's daughter's name!", He said irritably.
"I am the one financing! My decision should be final!", I said irritably.

"Oh really?! Great then! I don't need your financing!", He said angrily.
"HAW! How dare you! Fine! I am chucking this contract with you in the dustbin!", I replied angrily.
The other people in the room stared at our "intense" fight in shock. The door creaked open and Bhai walked in, with Meera.
But I was least bothered.

"Chuck the contract?! Fine! Go away then-"
"Yeah I am going to my dream trip to Egypt-"
"Fine! I don't care, go to Egypt or Erzurum, I don't give a damn!', He said crossing his hands before him like an angry kid.

"Bhai! Give me a coin.", I said irritably.
Akshay bhai stared at me in confusion.
"Give na!", I said, while Vanraj eyed me irritably.
Bhai handed me a coin reluctantly. 

"You. Annoying Monkey-"
"What the-"
"Look here, we will toss, if it is heads I win and we name the company Vanika. And if tails comes, you win.", I said.

"Are you guys seriously going to take decisions by tossing coins?", Meera asked awkwardly.
"Yes.", Vanraj said looking at me angrily, "Toss it then."

I tossed and the coin fell on the ground.
"IT IS A HEAD!", Bhai said happily. Of course he was on my side, just like luck.

Vanraj drew in a sharp breath irritably.
"Huh! Fine. Do whatever you want to!", He said picking up his file and leaving the room in attitude.
I looked at the Research team, "Guys, let the Marketing Team know that the company is called Vanika Group of Industries."

They were staring at me in shock.
They nodded awkwardly and walked out of the room.

"I never thought anyone could do that to Mister Shekhawat.", Meera said awkwardly.
"What does he think? He is the king? Huh!", I said sitting back on a seat.
"By the way, you have done some commendable work on Vanraj. I mean after what I have heard from Meera, he seems pretty decent now.", Bhai said sitting down beside me.

"Maybe you can stop your cold war with him then.", I said. Bhai sighed as he removed his spectacles.
"He is decent, but not trustworthy. If he can ditch Meera he might do it again.", He said.
I drew in a deep breath.


Vanraj :

I finally walked into our joint cabin to find Malvika sleeping, her head on the desk, over the different designs that the team had made for the logo. 
I didn't blame her, it was already late. 

I had been downstairs all day finalizing locations and clients.
I quietly sat back on the seat opposite to her.

I drew in a deep breath, looking at her. 
The words she had said last night seemed to echo in my ears. She trusted.. me? Me of all people? 

Maa always wanted me to do well in life, her intention wasn't exactly wrong, but somehow I didn't feel like ditching this girl. She was a kid, so honest, no filter whatsoever. Cheating her would taint my soul, to say the least.
I looked at the clock, it was one at night.

"Oi.. Mukku.", I said softly.
"Let me sleep..", She mumbled.
"Let's go home. You can sleep there.", I said.
"Nah.. I wanna sleep in office.", She said stubbornly.
"No. Good girls sleep at home.", I replied, this is exactly how I would convince my daughter when she would want to sleep in the drawing room sofa.

Malvika looked up in annoyance.
"I am a bad girl. Okay? Bye.", She said and went back to sleeping.
I sighed.
Such a drama.

"Fine. I am going home.", I said standing up, yawning. It was already raining outside. Malvika sat up, looking at me with narrowed eyes.

And suddenly the lights went off.

"Oh no! Current gone! Ugh!", She said irritably. I gulped nervously looking around in the darkness. 

I hated darkness!

I searched for my phone in my pocket immediately.
"You-you have some light- I-", I mumbled desperately searching for my phone in the darkness.
"Wait.. you are afraid of the darkness?"
"Who? Me? No.. No.. Just-", I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and froze.

"Malvika, it is you?", I asked in a trembling voice.
"Noo..", Of course it was her, half giggling.
"I don't like these jokes!", I turned towards her in the darkness. I could barely see her outline due to the street lights.
I felt her wrap her arms around my neck.
"So Vannu has a crush on Madhuri Dixit, is afraid of darkness and is actually a fan of BTS-"

"Now who told you that!", I said in absolute outrage.
She edged closer. I could hear her breathing.
"I guessed it.", She said softly. I suddenly realised we were this close for the first time. 

"You are getting too close now-"
She placed her finger on my lip. I felt electricity coursing through my being at her touch. This had never happened to me before this. 
"I am your wife.. maybe.", She said softly.
"Malvika.. I-I don't think.. I mean..", I mumbled. I could almost hear my pacing heart. 

What was happening? Why did this proximity make me feel this way? 

"You know I love this darkness.", She said softly as she lined her finger down my jawline. 
"No one can see me.. People can only feel what's around them.. Only hear the silent breathing, the heartbeats.. I find it particularly romantic.", She added.

I knew she was smiling dreamily.
"You can hear my heartbeat?", I asked softly.
"Hmm..", She mumbled.

Suddenly the lights came back. I saw her before me, our faces only inches apart. 
She looked at me with a smile.
"See.. now you are not afraid of the dark..", She said with a smile.

And I realised.. had this been me alone here, I would have shouted, screamed and probably run around in fear.

"Because you were here..", I mumbled. She took a step away from me.
"And I will be there if you need to get out of darkness anytime.", She said grinning as she walked back to her desk.

I knew she didn't mean it metaphorically. She didn't think that much.

But I realised.. I did need someone to hold when I was afraid.
I did wish someone got me out of the darkness.

I smiled as she packed up her stuff to go back home.
With me.


"Unbreak the broken
Unsay the spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out of the train wreck.."


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