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When I wake up the next morning I quietly squeal as I remember our date but then I remember that Mr. Green will be stopping by today.

It took a while for us -or at least me- to fall asleep since I'm so used to having auggie's warmth and steady heartbeat but it has to be done.

Honestly not really but I'd hate for the one time we decide to sleep together to be the day that Mr. green decides he needs to start looking at all the rooms again. Then there would be so many questions that neither me or auggie feels like answering.

I quickly look at the time to decide wether or not I have time to take a shower but when I see it's only eleven I relax. I still have an hour before he gets here.

I take my time in stretching before grabbing my towel and making my way to the shower.

When I get out I pull on underwear, grey shorts, a white crop top and a grey cardigan that I strongly feel belongs to August. I also pull on some fuzzy socks before grabbing my phone and putting it in the pocket.

I look out over the steps and try to stop myself from "tidying up a little bit

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I look out over the steps and try to stop myself from "tidying up a little bit." I can see that it's not messy in the slightest but I can practically feel the dust settling on shelves. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "It's not messy. It's not messy. Not at all. Mr. Green isn't going to put on white gloves and take a finger across any shelves. It'll be fine. It's not messy."

I repeat that a couple times before opening my eyes and smiling. "I can smell you, ya know." I hear footsteps and then feel arms around my waist. "Do I at least smell good?" I nod.

He does. I don't wanna be cliché and say he smells manly because I would be lying. He smells....I don't know. Rich? He smells delicate and like....I don't know.

Like if a man were written by a woman this is how he would smell. He smells like comfort and safety. If that makes any sense.

All that to say he smells good. Really good.

"Mr. Green will be here in about twenty minutes. Should I make him a snack?" I feel him shrug against my back. "If you think he'll stay long enough to eat." I slightly nod my head while thinking.

I know we had the whole six minute thing but that pretty much went out the window. Not that he's here for hours but it's definitely over ten minutes now.

I know he said he would assure my mom that I'm safe but I think he might have taken it a bit too seriously. Not that I think he's also concerned for my well being but he always makes sure I'm comfortable and safe.

He asks lots of questions that make me feel like a child being spoken to by a social worker after I got hurt while my parent wasn't paying attention.

He never out right asks me if I feel like I'm in danger but he says things like and do you feel as though you're walking on egg shells around him? and I answer the same way every time.

"No. I don't." Now if he would've asked me a that week that auggie was upset then I might've said yes. Probably not but who knows?

After a couple minutes of thinking I decide to make some raspberry lemonade and cucumber salad. Just a light and summery snack for this wonderful spring day. Nothing too crazy and nothing that'll take a long time.
Almost immediately after im done the bell rings throughout the house and I look over at auggie who's been sitting on the counter watching me. He gives me a bread smile and begins his ascent up the stairs.

He almost never stays for this. For some reason he doesn't like the way Mr. Green speaks. Especially the way he speaks to me.

I make a slightly sad face as I watch him disappear before answering the door with a smile. "Hi Mr. Green!" He gives me a fatherly smile and makes his way inside. "I've told you time and time again to call me Earl." I softly chuckle at that but I don't find it funny.

Last time I called a boss by their first name I was fired. Never again. Almost everyone called her by her first name so I thought it was okay. I should've known it wasn't by the way she spoke to me. She never really liked me. That's in the past though.

"I've made some cucumber salad and lemonade. Would you like some?" He nods at me and I make my way to the kitchen with him cold on my trail. I say cold and not hot because he's walking rather slowly and if I didn't know it was because he is looking around then I would think he needs a cane.

I quickly but carefully pull down a glass with a matching glass bowl and fill them before finding him a fork. After taking a couple bites he softly sets his fork down. "So, how has everything been?" I softly smile before turning away to find myself a glass as well.

Why doesn't he just ask what he wants to ask. "It's been good. After months we finally used the pool yesterday." He smiles at me. "Oh? How was it?" My smile never leaves as I nod and say, "It was great. The water was the perfect temperature and the wind was just perfect." He nods before slightly leaning forward.

"Where is Mr. Evans?" I try and hide the slight confusion that comes after he says his last name. It's been a while since he called him that. "He's upstairs. I can't really say what he's doing as he's been up there a while but if you'd like I can call him down."

I pray that he doesn't say yes because as I said earlier auggie is not his biggest fan. My prayers are answered when he shakes his head with a wave of his hand. "No need. I was simply wondering."
After only twenty minutes and a lot of awkward questions Mr. Green is finally gone. Not that I hate when he's here but I've come to realize that me and auggie are very much okay with never having visitors.

Since it's been about five months since we've been living together Mr. green only comes every other Sunday, his doctor comes three times a month or more per my request and his therapist still comes once a week.

The rest of the time is spent just me and auggie doing almost same things everyday. You think it would get boring but honestly it doesn't.

He's doing a lot better with being out in public places so we eat out and go shopping a lot. Still doesn't like talking in front of strangers but it's better than it was.

"Auggie he's gone!" I drink the rest of my lemonade but I don't hear anything back so I quickly set the dishes in the sink and head upstairs.

When I get there I see him laying down on my bed sleeping. I laugh quietly at that. Why did he come in here and not his own room?

I shrug before taking my cardigan off and getting into bed beside him. Might as well take a short nap too.

I cuddle into his side and move his arm so it's around me before trying to get closer. "What are you doing?" I jump slightly but don't stop. "Tryin to get comfy." He nods before picking his own arm up and sliding my body practically underneath him.

I smile again this chest and snuggle further into him before drifting off to sleep.

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