Stuffed mushrooms

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Bella's POV

I somehow convinced him to let me drive despite his argument that I was still tired. Which I am but I can still drive. I'm not tired enough to fall asleep at the wheel. As I'm driving I start to get hungry. "Hey, do you wanna go home still or do you want to go get food?" I pause and look at him. "If we go home I can cook but I didnt know if you wanted something specific" I trail off at the end because he isn't saying anything. Just staring at the side of my head. I go to open my mouth to say never mind but he opens his mouth. "I'm good with either one but if we do go out we have to be back by 5" I nod at him. 5 is when his doctor and therapist come by. His doctor is only there for about 10 minutes but his therapy session is about an hour long.

"We'll go out"
We end up at this cute little diner by our house. I've never been here but it looked so cute from the outside. I tell him to wait in the car while I see what's happening on the inside. When I get in I immediately see 2 big groups of teenagers and very quickly decide that this is not where we are eating. Before I can get out a couple of the teens spot me and make their way to me. "Hi, you're like really pretty!" I look at the girl. "Thank you so much!" I try to walk away when she puts her hand on my arm and pulls me back. "Aren't you going to compliment me?" I shake my head and try and pull my arm away.

"You know. You aren't that pretty. Like at all" I nod my head at her and try to pull away again. "Please let go. My....boyfriend is waiting for me in the car" I know he's not my boyfriend but once again it seems like the only way to get her to let go. "Ha! Boyfriend? Yea right"

I look back and see him making his way out of the car. No no no. If he sees this he'll get mad. I don't want him mad. I look back at the girls and see them laughing. I pout and beg, "Please stop if he sees this he might get mad. Please let go of me!" The girls only laugh harder. "You should just stop. You're embarrassing yourself"

I pull as hard as I can and go flying into hard chest. I quickly lean up and look back. "Auggie! Please walk out" He looks extremely mad. "August please" He looks down at me and grunts. I grab his hand and pull him out without a single look at the girls. Then I hear what I think is supposed to be a whisper. "How did she get him?" I feel him stop walking and my heart sinks. He quickly turns around and takes two long strides to the girls.

"She got me because she's nice and extremely gorgeous and unlike you three she doesn't try to bring other women down" Then he walks away again and drags me behind him. This time I look back and see them looking a little scared but mostly angry. I sigh in relief and pull myself into his side as we walk. I thought for sure he was going to yell. I need to stop judging him.

When we get into the car I sigh and slump my shoulders. "Do you still wanna eat out or do you want to go home now?" He looks over at me. "Let's go out" I nod my head and start the car. I pull out of the parking lot and start driving. Then I hear him say something that almost makes me crash. I feel the heat rise to my cheeks and I know it isn't going away any time soon.

"By the way I meant what I said in there. You are extremely gorgeous Arabella."
We found a dark restaurant and went in. Everyone else looked far more fancy than us and for a second I thought we wouldn't get in but we quickly got sat down and asked what drinks we would like. I asked for a non-alcoholic champagne with a rose in it and he asked for a water. "When we get home can I make us hot chocolate?" He laughs at me but nods. Part of me wants hot chocolate but most of me just wanted to hear him laugh again.

We both decide to get mozzarella sticks and stuffed mushrooms as appetizers. I practically bounce in excitement for the stuffed mushrooms. For some reason I'm really excited about them. As soon as I saw them on the menu I almost squealed. When she comes back with the appetizers she asks if we are ready to order. I get steak and lobster and he gets steak with shrimp.

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