"To you."

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Bella's POV

It was amazing. I stood there in shock. I could listen to him laugh all day long. For the rest of my life if I could. His laugh could win wars, if you don't mind me saying. He stopped laughing and I pouted. "You don't have to ask to leave Arabella, you can go" I beamed at him and said I would see him tomorrow. "Goodnight Miss Quinn" I opened the door and looked back. "Goodnight Auggie"

When I stepped out and closed the door I saw the same nurse who told me to be careful. She looked shocked but I simply smiled and told her to have a wonderful night.
When I got into my car I couldn't help but let a soft smile rest on my lips. I turned my car on and looked at the clock. 8:00 pm. I clocked out of work at 7:41 Pm. How did we talk for almost 20 minutes? Who cares. It was time well spent.
When I arrive at home I quickly take a shower and find my strawberry milk t-shirt and some bright red underwear. I grab my phone and plug it up before going to sleep.

I'm woken up by a phone call. I check the time and see it's 3 minutes before my alarm is supposed to go off. I could've gotten three more minutes of sleep. I pout and answer the phone. "Hi mom" I hear her sigh on the other line. "Hi sweetie. Did I wake you?" You already know that you did mom. "No, my alarm was going to go off in a couple minutes so I would've been awake anyways." I get up and let my hair out of the braids I put in. I don't know why I put it in braids all the time. My hair is naturally curly. "Oh sweetie are you still working at that nursing home?" I can hear the disgust in her voice. She's never liked my job. She's thinks it's dangerous to work with veterans. Even though she knows it not she still calls it a nursing home. We don't even have a lot of older patients. That's a different branch. Our oldest patient is maybe 60. "Sweetie? Are you there?" I come back to reality. "Yes mom. I'm here but I'm sorry, I have to start getting ready for work. Did you need something?" I hear her chuckle. "How did I raise such a polite daughter? Anyway love I just wanted to see if you were free tomorrow? Your sister has a surprise and wants to have a girls lunch." I'm not sure why she said 'girls lunch' it was only us girls. My dad died a while back. It was just my mom, my sister isabel and me.

And yes both of our nicknames are Bell. Most people call me bella though. When my dad was alive he used to call us his little blue bells. I'm not sure why. Both of us hated the color blue. Now I kind of like it.

"Yes I am mom. Text me tomorrow and tell me when and where and I will be there."

The phone call ends soon after that and I begin getting ready. I wash my face and pull my hair up into a top bun before remembering that I didn't wash my uniforms yesterday. I go into my closet and pull out my spare. I prefer the other uniforms because they aren't as tight. My boobs and butt got bigger and I had to size up but I kept this one just in case. It's a little tight and I don't like it but it will have to do for today. I quickly throw my clothes into the washer and grab my things before going into the kitchen. This time I grab my 'love again' cactus water bottle and fill it with cold water.

I grab my purse, phone, keys, my water bottle and 2 strawberries

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I grab my purse, phone, keys, my water bottle and 2 strawberries. I quickly eat them before throwing away the tips and heading out the door.
When I get to work I head straight to my locker before clocking in. I almost made myself late. It could have been a number of things really. Eating, being on the phone, putting clothes in the washer, trying to fit into this uniform, staring at my self in the mirror for 11 minutes after I washed my face. It really could have been anything. I'll never know though.

I quickly get all the news from the nightly nurse so she can go home and make my way around the rooms. I get to the last room on my floor and pop my head in. "Hi Carolyn" She smiles at me and then scowls. "I thought I told you to take it easy. You've been here everyday this week" I grin at her before walking in. "Carolyn, I worked Tuesday and Wednesday but on Thursday someone asked me to take half of their shift and I couldn't say no but I had the rest of the day off and I don't work again until Monday. Then I'm off until Thursday" She gives me a look but begins to smile at me. We talk for a few minutes before she winces. "Miss Carolyn if you were in pain why didn't you tell me?" She just waves me off. I get the doctor in charge of her medicine in the room before saying goodbye and telling her I would come by later.

I take the stairs up the floor 3 this time. By the time I get up there I regret not taking the elevator. I didn't think it would be that many steps. I take a minute to catch my breath before exiting the stair case. I greet everyone on the way to his room but once again I'm stopped before I can get in there. "Hey bella" I smile at him. "Hi Danny" He comes in for a hug and who am I to say no to a hug? He hugs me a little tight and I ask if he's alright. "Yea, I'm fine. It's just been a long week and I'm not done yet." I nod at him and say "in the wise words of miss Carolyn, take it easy" He pats my bun and smiles before leaving.

I lean up against the wall across from auggie's room and prepare myself for the rest of the day after this. I can feel it's going to be a good day. After all today is hug day. I bring my hand up and knock and like last time a second later the door is thrown open. "Hello Miss Quinn" I wonder if he knows he can call me Arabella. I decide to play along. "Hello mr Evans" He gives me a look before stepping to the side. I guess he doesn't like that. "How are you feeling today?" I look back at him. "Aren't I supposed to be asking you that?" He shrugs. "You usually call me by my first name," He pauses "you didn't today." It's my turn to shrug. "Well today is a special day" He gives me a confused look before nodding his head. "Yes. Fridays are special." I smile. "To you." My smile drops.


I take a step back at the same time the door opens. "Hi August!" Clare. Great. And here I thought today was going to be good. I thought I wouldn't run into her at all today. He looks between the two of us. "I'm getting tired of asking you why you are always in his room and never on your floor Quinn." Then stop asking me Clare. I nod. "I was just leaving anyway. Goodbye Mr. Evans. Goodbye Clare" I take a step toward the door before my last name is being called "Miss Quinn" I look back at him and half smile. Then I walk out.

I take the stairs down to my floor. It wasn't as bad walking down and I needed the extra time. I know I shouldn't feel like this over a hug but I had been looking forward to it all week. Since it was the beginning of the day I knew it was going to be a long one. I know he said he didn't like hugs but couldn't he at least pretend?

For me?

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