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When we get into my room he lets go before walking to his and I walk to my closet. After seeing that it's seventy four degrees outside I grab the green polka dot dress that I have yet to wear and some plain black sandals.

August comes into my room right as I stand up

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August comes into my room right as I stand up. "That's pretty." I smile and say thank you while grabbing his arm and pulling him to the stairs.

Since it's so warm out I ask auggie if he wants to walk but Im quickly reminded that isnt a good idea when he presses on my lower back.

"You are trying to test your body right now." I scrunch my nose a couple times. "I just keep forgetting about it." He chuckles before buckling me in.
When we get to a cute little diner we're quickly escorted to a booth not really in the back but also not in the middle. It's like right behind the middle.

"I think I'm gonna get this swamich." He looks at me with a smile before looking down at the menu again. He quietly tells me that he isn't that hungry and just wants soup so I nod while squinting.

"How are you still alive?" His head snaps up to me while giving me an incredulous look. "You barely eat. You shouldn't be as meaty as you are."

He smirks and I can see him trying to hold in his laugh while saying, "Meaty?" I try to hold back a smile because this is serious. "Yes meaty. You're so....built but you eat like once a day if that."

He shrugs while looking out the window. "I'm just not that hungry." I nod and decide to let it go. He clearly doesn't want to talk about it. He usually never looks away from me if we're having a conversation and if he does he looks back before he speaks.

One thing about august evans is he likes to hold intense eye contact. It scares me sometimes but you get used to it.

When our waiter comes back I can tell that he also like holding intense eye contact but apparently only with women.

A disgusted shiver runs up my back as he asks what I want in a low voice and I clear my throat before saying, "Uh yea, I'll have the Italian sub with no bell peppers or onions and he'll have a large chicken noodle soup." He nods while writing it all down and I promise if he didn't have to tell the cook he wouldn't have left.

I make a face before looking back at august but he's already staring at me. I cock my head to the left as if to ask what.

"That made me uncomfortable." I nod. "Me too auggie. Me too."
"I said I don't wanna move." I say this while folding my arms over my chest. "Bella. You don't wanna move but you don't wanna stay here. You don't want me in here but you start sobbing when I leave. I don't know what you want from me."

I slightly roll my eyes before looking him directly in his. "I want you to leave me alone." His face goes blank and he nods before walking out the door.

I'm sure you can guess what time of month it is. At least I know I'm not pregnant. Yay....

I groan before standing up and tightening the strings on auggie's shorts (that I stole from him this morning) and pulling a t-shirt on. No, I wasn't just naked from the top up. I have on a crop top but it's making my boobies uncomfy.

I wish wish wish I knew why I was trying my hardest to get auggie mad at me but I don't. I don't want him gone. I want him in here with me massaging my hips so this pain goes away.

I want him in the same room because he smells really good and it provides me with comfort. I want him to make me hot chocolate even though I don't like drinking that during this particular week because he swears he knows me.

I want him back in here.

Before I can realize what's happening tears are rushing down my face like mini waterfalls. I try to suck it back in and not sob out loud so I don't disturb auggie but it doesn't really work.

However to my surprise auggie doesn't come running in like he usually would if I started crying. Instead I'm left in the middle of my bedroom floor, standing there....alone.

I cry harder as I realize he's just doing what I told him to do. I swear I didn't mean it. Auggie. Please stop listening to me.

A few minutes later and the waterworks have stopped on their own and still no auggie. Did he leave me?

I huff and pout as I realize he's really not coming back. Maybe not even for the night but I need him. Not only can I barely get sleep without him but he would really help with my cramps.

My pout settles in deeper and I quickly walk back to my bed. No use in staying up and thinking about how ruined my day is. I quickly find a cartoon to watch before gathering all my blankets on my bed and cocooning myself into them.

Only about seven episodes of gum ball later do I find myself finally drifting off to sleep.
When I wake up it's still bright outside but looks like it might be afternoon. I check the time and see that it's only just now one and I was only asleep for a couple hours.

Unfortunately I'm not awake because auggie came back. No no I'm awake because there is a storm outside.

I pull my blankets further around me and pout. I softly stand up before dragging myself to the bathroom.

When I'm done I quickly wrap myself back into the blanket and make my way down the stairs. I stopped and looked in his room but I didn't see anyone.

I see him sitting on the couch watching some random movie and sigh. "Auggie." His head slightly moves toward my direction before its going back.

My pout sets in deeper as I come off the last step and walk over to him. "Augs." He glances up at me before looking back at the tv and I feel tears prick my eyes again.

My lip begins to wobble as I stand in front of him with bubbly tears running down my face. "Auggie," He double takes at me before he's quickly standing up and wiping my tears.

"Why are you crying?" His voice isn't that cold but much colder than he's spoken to me in months and it doesn't help my tears. "Why are you mad at me!"

He leans back probably from my volume before saying, "Who said I was mad?" I pout again before backing away from him. I look him in his eyes before taking another step back. Maybe I'm being too much? Too clingy?

Maybe he's not as affected by spending time away from me as I am with him. I quickly shake my head at that thought and try and smile at him.

"Um-" I cut myself off to take a deep breath as tears are still running down my cheeks. "What d-do you want for lunch?" He slightly tilts his head. "Why are you crying?"

I wave him off. "I'm fine. Are you hungr-" He cuts me off with an exasperated sigh. "Can you just tell me what's up?"

I blink a couple times. "Nothing is up. Just cramps. Super painful." That felt bad. I don't like lying to him. "Now what do you want for lunch?" He takes a step forward but I take one back.

"Do you want me to rub it?" I step back as he brings a hand forward. "No! I-uh I'm fine." He looks taken back but doesn't say anything. "What do you want for lunch?"

He sighs again before saying he's not hungry and I nod before walking back upstairs. I wasn't that hungry in the first place but if I'm gonna stop being so clingy I have to start with being okay not being in the same room as him 24/7.

The rest of the day goes just like that. Me upstairs watching gum ball and him downstairs.

I had to stop myself from going down there about five times but it's for the best.

Worst period ever.

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