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Sorry for what looks like another update. I saw I had another chapter with the old title so I changed it

The next day when I wake up my cramps are pretty much gone seeing as it's the third day and tomorrow is my last day. I quickly decide to shower before making myself breakfast.

When I'm out I pull on a random black short set and some socks. I don't bother making my bed because I've been spending a lot of time in it and I'll most likely be right back in it after I eat.

I quickly make my way down the stairs and when I get in the living room I make eye contact with auggie and slightly jump.

He looks dead. Is he not getting enough sleep? There's no reason for him to not be. I quietly say, "Do you want me to make coffee?" He looks at me with a blank face before saying, "When have you ever seen me drink coffee bella?"

I look down while my cheeks heat up from embarrassment before nodding and finally going into the kitchen.

I try and quickly make myself something to eat so I can leave. The whole time the heat in cheeks never leaves. As I'm putting the cut up fruit in a bowl I sigh. I miss three days ago before I made him dislike me.

I know I was a little mean but I was hoping we could talk this out. Apparently he doesn't care enough to do that. Or maybe I haven't tried hard enough.

After drizzling honey over my bowl of fruit I grab a fork and make my way to where he's sitting. "Um, can we talk?" He looks over at me. "Why?" My lip wobbles slightly but I shake my head and turn around before I can start crying in front of him yet again.
My lovely little cycle has come and gone but august is still just as cold and distant with me. Definitely the worst period ever. Never had one bring me pain like this. I sigh for the umpteenth time just this morning before making my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

When I'm finished I grab a hoodie from my closet before making my way downstairs.

I make eye contact with august but quickly look away. I pout while walking into the living room. He used to bring me so much happiness.

I'm only sitting there for about five minutes when I get a call. I take a heavy breath in before pressing answer. "Hey Isabel."

I really really don't have the patience for this right now. "Hey baby bell. I was wondering if you'd like to have breakfast today!" I sigh. "Today isn't really the best day for that um,"

I choose to not even try and come up with a lie. "I'm kind of super sad and I'd hate to bring down the mood so maybe another day!" She quickly says she understands and to let her know when we could before saying her goodbye and hanging up.

I let out a breath and squeeze my eyes shut so I don't cry before going back to staring at the tv. I say staring because I really am not watching. I don't even know what's playing.

I jump when I hear a voice. "Why are you super sad?" I look over at auggie standing by the kitchen door. He really doesn't look good. He looks like he might be sick.

"I'm okay." He squints. "You just said you were super sad." I shake my head. "You don't have to-" I stop myself from saying worry and instead say, "It's okay. I'm fine." I end with a quick smile before going back to the tv.

"Arabella." My head snaps up to him. "What aren't you telling me?" I debate with myself for a couple seconds. Should I even tell him? Does he even care? It's only been a week. Maybe he likes it better when I'm not around. Maybe he doesn't want me to bring it up.

Maybe if I do then everything will fall apart. Maybe he wants to go back to sunshine. I quickly tune back in when I hear him cough. "Um. Nothing is wrong. There's nothing im not telling you."

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