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By the time he's finally done applying the cream on my thighs my butt is already starting to go numb. "Hey uh," I glance over at him before shutting my eyes again. "I'm sorry about the swearing."

I let myself giggle at that. "Is okay. I didn't mind." I don't hear anything back but I feel his arms wrap around me before I'm being lifted again. "I'm gonna put you on your bed for now because I need to change the sheets....and maybe open a window. It smells like sex in here."

I lightly slap his chest while he chuckles at my reaction. He softly lays me down before covering me up. "I'll be right back." I nod at him while grabbing the remote to the tv I never use and pulling up bobs burgers.

Auggie comes back maybe ten minutes later with his phone, some carrot sticks and a bottle of strawberry water. "I realized while I was loading the washer that I interrupted your breakfast." He gives me a sheepish look but I just smile while taking the water and snack.

As I'm placing the glass on my side table I feel him getting into bed and slowly pulling me into him. "You don't have to move so slow. I'm almost completely numb from the waist down." He stops and laughs at that.

"I just didn't wanna accidentally hurt you." I shake my head. He had no problems with pain forty minutes ago. "The bath and cream did wonders auggie. I feel fine now." He nods at me while bringing me even closer.

"You're cold." I nod my head. "It's freezing in here." He sits up slightly to grab the yellow blanket at the end of my bed before spreading it out over us. "Thank you."
A few hours later and we're in the same positions but simply talking. Talking about what? Everything, the tv having been turned down a while ago.

"Tell me about your dad." I smile. "My dad?" I take in a breath as I start to reminisce. "My dad was....he was the sweetest man in the world. He cared so much about everything and everyone. He was so kind and joyful right up until his last moments."

Auggie nods at me while readjusting himself to lay next to me instead of on me. "What about your mom? I only know her from recently and...." I chuckle. "I know you don't like her."

He gives me a bread smile and I laugh again. "My mom used to be better. Not that she's bad now but she didn't use to be so much like Isabel. When my dad died she had a hard time but I was already moved out so it was just her and Isabel and I guess that's when they started to become alike." He nods in a go on way.

"She was pretty much like my dad. I uh," I stop to laugh. "In elementary school I used this get made fun of because everyone thought my parents were hippies because of how happy and nice they were." He gives me a confused look.

"I know, who makes fun of someone just because their parents are hippies? Acting like it's the seventies but she's still happy these days. Just about different things." He raises his brows.

"Different things indeed." I nod at him. "Yea, so that's my parents and I already know about yours." He grimaces as if remembering his own parents.

"It's almost dinner time." He nods at me. "What do you wanna do?" He looks me up and down. "Can you even walk right now?" I gasp. This whole time I've been sitting and before that he carried me. I don't even know the answer to that question.

"I don't-I don't know." He smirks. "Then I guess we're ordering food." I nod with a smile. "I need to feed chili and Gerald." He shakes his head.

"I got it. I don't trust you to walk down the stairs." I smile as he leaves the room still shirtless.

When he comes back he has my phone and I expect him to come back to bed but he just stops at the door. "What?" He gently smiles.

"You." I smile back him. "What about me?" He slowly walks toward me while saying, "Just you. You're gorgeous and you look even better with my marks on you." My face heats up as I remember him pointing out the bruises on my waist during bath time.

"Mhm." He chuckles as he lays next to me and brings my hands down to my lap. "What do you want to eat?" I think for a couple minutes. "Maybe smamiches?" His head cocks to the left.

"From where love?" I groan and lean back against the bed. "Why are you making me choose? I don't know what I want." He laughs. "You've only had carrot sticks today. I just figured you would be hungry." I nod at him.

"I am but I want chicken tenders and you don't like those." He nods while thinking. After a couple seconds he says, "We don't have to eat the same thing baby. I can get something different."

I nod at him and tell him to pull up doordash on my phone. "Wouldn't it be easier to go get it?" I pout. "I don't wanna." His eyebrows knit together. "Are you feeling okay?" I nod. "I just don't wanna leave right now."

He gives me a skeptical look. "Is it your lower half?" I shake my head. "No, im fine. The numbing stuff is wearing off but I'm okay. The bed is comfy." He nods while squinting. He doesn't believe me.

"Okay I got you chicken tenders, mashed potatoes and lemonade of the frozen variety." I grin at him. "What are you eating?" He shakes his head and my smile drops. "You didn't get yourself food?" He shakes his head and i snatch my phone from him.

I quickly order a flatbread spinach and feta pizza before turning to him with a scowl on my face. "I got you pizza." His brows raise and he looks at me shocked. "Why are you mad at me?"

"Because you haven't eaten today and you just thought you could not get yourself food and I wouldn't care?" His shocked face turns into a smirk. "I did eat today." Now I'm confused. "I ate you." My face drops.

"I hate you." His smirk doesn't leave as he shakes his head and says, "No you don't." I pout but choose not to say anything.

Nothing I could say anyways. We both know he's right. I could never hate him.
The next day pretty much goes the same way as the afternoon. Lounging around, eating snacks, auggie not letting me even try to walk and once again ignoring my mom and sister's texts.

"Auggie," He looks over at me. "I just realized something." He gives me a go on look. "You never kissed me." His face turns to confusion.

"All throughout yesterday you didn't kiss me. Not once." His eyes look around like he's going through a play by play of yesterday before he's looking back at me. "Do you want me to kiss you? Cause yesterday was more of a punishment, I didn't think you wanted to kiss."

I furrow my brows. If that was a punishment then what is the reward? "Well I want a kiss now." He silently chuckles before walking up to me and grabbing my face. His eyes search mine for a couple seconds before he leans down and kisses me.

I quickly kiss back but he pulls back and stares at me before giving me a half smile. "Now that I could get used to." I grin at him before he's pecking my lips and going back to the counter where he was standing before I called his name.

"What do you want to do today?" I think for a couple seconds. "Wanna go get lunch?" He looks back at me. "Can you walk?" I sigh before shakily standing up. Between the dull pain in my lower region and not having walked for the last twenty four hours it's a struggle.

"You're a little wobbly but alright. If you feel up to it then we can go." I nod before walking to the stairs but I quickly freeze at the bottom.

I can practically hear the smirk in Auggie's voice as he says, "Well go on." I snarl and stomp my foot on the ground but quickly regret that action.

"Can you just help me?" He walks over and puts his hands on my waist before guiding me up the stairs.

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