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We're sitting on the couch simply staring at each other.

For now anyways.

It appears as though the only thing we can say is, "I love you." My cheeks raise into an ear splitting smile as he says it again.

"Okay. No more! You've said it fifty times and you can't keep doing that. My heart can't take this much." He smiles at me. "But I do. Have for a long time and I want you to know that." I nod my head with a joking roll of my eyes.

"I do know that. You wont let me forget." This time he rolls his eyes. "Hey, you're the one who blurted it out over breakfast. I had to eat cold toast because of you!" My cheeks go red from embarrassment as he reminds me.

"Stop. I dont wanna remember that."

"Why? It was cute. It's the story I'm going to tell our grandchildren." My eyes go wide as he says this. Grandchildren? He wants to have grandchildren with me? He wants to have kids with me?

Wait. Kids.

"Auggie...." He looks at me with a slightly concerned face. "Um. You....released in me." His eyes move around as if remembering before he's letting out a breath.

"It would appear that I did. Uh, do you feel sick or anything?" I shake my head. "Not really but I don't know how this works. Should i get checked out?" He shrugs while making a face and i laugh.

We are so unprepared.

"Do you want to check now or wait until we get home?" I take a couple minutes to think it over. Either way I'll be happy but do I really wanna know right now? "Um. I wanna wait until we get home."

He nods at me before grabbing his forgotten glass of water. "Isn't it strange?" He hums. "What's strange?" Strange. Strange. "It's all very strange. Feels surreal." I feel his eyes on me so I turn to him.

"You're going to have to be more specific, buttercup. What feels strange and surreal?" I make a motion to the room.

"Everything. All of this is surreal. I'm in Paris. With you. I told you I love you. And you said it back! In Paris!" He smiles at me in awe and wonder. "Yes, we're in Paris and you said you love me and i said it back."

"Ya know....I think," I pause as he takes a drink from his glass. "I think I love you more. I think i loved you longer in fact." I end with a challenging smile and he quickly does what I thought he would.

"You don't. And that's a fact." He argued. I shake my head with a much softer smile.

"No, I think do and I have." I keep insisting but he cuts me off with a vigorous shake of his head and a hand up. "No no, baby. I'm not doing this with you. Nope." I burst into laughter and clutch my tummy.

I hear a low chuckle and laugh harder because I know that's his I'm-trying-not-to-laugh-so-I'm-gonna-let-out-the-shortest-and-lowest-laugh-I-can laugh.

"It's just crazy to think about and I will literally never stop making jokes about it."
"Our last day in Paris. What would you like to do?" I shrug my shoulders while slowly turning to the next page of Gemina. We've been like this for a little while, me sitting up on the bed, him laying with his head on my lap.

I'm not sure what he's doing but I've been reading for about two hours since we woke up and he's just been silently laying.

I move my book so I can see his face and mutter, "We've pretty much done everything I wanted to do so," I pause.

"What do you want to do Auggie?" He looks up at me confused. "I don't know. I don't want to waste our last day but I also don't want to leave the house." I let out a small laugh while looking at what page I'm on and closing my book.

"Well....I wanna wear something for you."

He looks up at me with raised brows. "You want to wear something for me?" I nod my head with a slight smile. "Yes. I packed it to wear at some point but I forgot about it until this morning, so...."

"Can I put it on?" He starts to nod before sitting up. "Wait-"

"Is something that will make me want you naked?" I think for a couple seconds before slowly nodding my head. He takes a deep breath before saying, "Okay. Okay. Go put it on."

I smile before hopping up and running into the other room.

Auggie's POV

I'm not sure what to think. She wants to wear something for me? What does that even mean?

She's been a little more bold in Paris, specially after our confession and I can't say I'm complaining but I am curious. My thought come to a halt when I hear her come to a stop outside the closed door.

"Close your eyes!" I smirk as I'm reminded of the last time this happened. The first time I ever made her cum. Seems like so long ago. "Are they closed!?"

"Yes baby, they're closed." I don't yell as loud as she did because the distance isn't as great as she thinks it but i do speak up a little. "Alright! Keep 'em closed, I'm coming in!" I nod my head knowing that she can't see me.

I hear her light steps get closer and closer until i can feel the heat coming off her body. "You said that the blue was your favorite color on me but I wanted to see if you felt that way about all blues or just that one."

When she says this my mind goes straight to the blue lingerie that she tried on. Its image burned into my mind. It was indeed my favorite and I don't think anything will beat it.

"Okay. Open."

When i open my eyes, my jaw practically hits the floor.

I was wrong. This beat it by a long shot.

My hands quickly find her waist and i pull her closer. "Arabella." She looks at me with wide eyes. "Is it a baby that you want? You want me to put a baby in you?" Her wide eyes get even wider as she looks down at me.

"Of course i want kids with you auggie but i didn't know that this would have your mind going there!" I look at her with a raised brow.

It's a baby blue set with a flowy, translucent skirt. Of course i would want to have sex with her. She looks like a dream right now. In fact, I'm almost positive I've had this exact dream.

"You- you make me feel things in just sweats and a t-shirt. How could you not know this would make me want to have sex with you?" She shrugs while placing her hands on my shoulders, her cheeks showing just how much that sentence got to her.

"I won't. Not right now because we still need to get you checked when we get back but just know you will be putting this on again at some point." She nods with a big smile. "Okay!"

As she goes to sit down on the bed I stop her. "What are you doing?"

"Sitting down?" My brows come together. Is she not going to change?

"Auggie. This is comfy! I don't feel like changing." My head tilts back as I let out a strangled sound. Why does she do these things to me. "Baby. At least put a shirt on." She shakes her head like a toddler while pouting.

"Baby." She shakes her head. "Uh-uh auggie. I don't wanna." I let out a short sigh while nodding and sitting back into the bed. Fine. This is fine. It's whatever. It's just a bra and underwear. The other day she walked around the whole morning in just underwear and I was fine. This. Is. Fine.

I'm not gonna show the set she's wearing until it really matters :))

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