Falling in....

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Upon arriving back home auggie very quickly loses most of his clothing. I will never get used to him walking around in shorts or joggers with no shirt. It's almost like he wants me to fall for him.

And fall i have.

It's almost crazy the way I've fallen for him. From the way he pushes me and the way he pulls me. Pushes me to be better for myself. Pulls me into him. Over and over again with the pulling me into him and i let him. I let myself fall into him.

Fallen for the way he treats me. Fallen for the way he speaks to me. Fallen for the way he looks at me and slowly leans against the wall and says, "So....what are we doing my love?" I glance up at him as he....leans against the wall....and says,

"My love, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

I softly smile at him before telling him what he absolutely doesn't want to hear. "I'm thinking about our plans and what-" He lets out a small groan like a child would when you tell them they can't play or can't stay up for longer. "And what we're doing and where we're going. I think i figured it out but I obviously want to run it by you."

He gives off a short nod before coming to sit in front of me. I give him a small bread smile before telling him he's gonna have to wait because i was too busy thinking about him. I don't say that last part even though i really want to. I don't tell him that he clouds my mind so much.

I don't tell him that i just corrected myself in my head. I don't tell him that I don't wanna say he clouds my mind. I don't tell him that he brings so much yellow and pink and red to my mind. That he brings all the colors of like like to my brain. That when i turn over and see him in the morning all i wanna do is kiss him and tell him i like like him.

That i feel all the cheesy sayings when he looks at me. I tell him none of that because....because I'm scared. Even though he says he's obsessed with me I'm scared that he doesn't feel what i feel.

So i simply tell him that i was too busy thinking.

And then i go upstairs to change.

When i get back down to the kitchen where he is, i slide into my chair before smiling at him. He smiles back before saying, "You make me want to do things." I cock my head. "What do you mean do things?"

He stares at me for a couple seconds with a soft smile. "You make me want to do things. You make me want to do things with you and for you."

I let out a breath and I can't help but fall just a tiny little smidgen little bit more. He says things like this and I can't help but hope. Hope he feels the same way i do. But instead of asking him, instead of saying something, anything about my feelings for him i say, "So about where we're going."

I don't miss the way he slightly deflates. The way his shoulders kind of slump and he slowly sits back in his chair. "As cliche as it sounds i wanna go to Paris with you." I also don't miss the way the corners of his mouth come up just a little. "Why?"

"I wanna see everything they talk about in movies but i wanna see it with you. I wanna eat weird probably gross French food with you. I want to dance in front of a window looking over at the Eiffel Tower with you. I want to lay in a Parisian bed with you because we know we wont want to get out of bed when the time comes."

What was once just the corners of his mouth coming up has now slowly stretched into a full blown, gorgeous, blinding smile. "I would love to go to Paris with you Arabella Quinn." I smile at him before grabbing my phone.

I pull out the notes app and make it bullet points.

1 tell mr. green the plans
2 find a place to say where i can clearly see the Eiffel Tower
3 plan things to do
4 august sixth to the twentieth. Two weeks
5 drag Auggie shopping with me
6 vgdsulfb egyidfgy
7 never let Auggie write a bullet point because what is that
8 stop bullying august evans

I let out a small chuckle as he yanks my phone and writes another bullet point. He is such a child sometimes. Auggie gives me a soft knowing look but i ignore it. I know exactly what that look is for. Now that i know where we're going and when, he wants me to call Mr. green but I don't want to. "Bella," I shake my head.

"Cmon darling. The sooner you make that call, the sooner you have no other reason to call him. The sooner you no longer have an important call to make...." He trails off. "Unless you don't want to go to Paris with m-"

"I'm calling! I'm calling!" I quickly bring my phone to life and find Mr. Green's contact.

After finishing the call i let out a deep breath. That genuinely never gets easier. I've only had to call him a few times and it truly is never fun. These past few months with my whole work "situation" I've had to speak to him more times than I'd like but even speaking to him in person is hard.

"See? That wasn't so hard was it?" I give him a slightly annoyed look. I know he saw the bullets of sweat dripping down my face that whole ten minute conversation. I know he did so why? Why does he feel the need to tease me like this?

"You're the one who's a bully Auggie. Not me."

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