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When we get back to the house i quickly take off my shoes. "I told you your feet would hurt." I vigorously shake my head. "They dont hurt! My feet are cold!" He gives me a mocking smile before going back to our room.

He comes back out in a t-shirt and some sweat shorts and can i just say, he looks so good. Such a simple outfit but that coupled with the way his hair is slightly tasseled and the relaxed and at peace look on his face....Makes this trip all the more worth it.

Not to say he doesn't look relaxed and at peace at home but i think sometimes he's on guard. Im not sure why but he is. I dont think too much about it when i see it. I simply let him be his usual protective self.

"Hey listen,"


We start at the same time causing a fit of laughter to erupt after a moment of disbelief but he quickly tells me to go ahead. "So i know we're in Paris and all but how do you feel about just chilling?" I pause. "Like just watching a movie or something? Or several movies?"

His face morphs into a half smile before he's nodding at me. "I would love to just chill with you Arabella Quinn."

And so that's what we do. After, of course, i showered and changed into a fluffy, white crop top and short set with a matching robe.

Well....he watched. I think. He was at least looking at the tv. I was simply pretending. Pretending that I wasn't stealing glances at him every two seconds. Pretending that I wasn't thinking about three words on the tip of my tongue because that would just be crazy right?

It would be crazy of me to say those words. I haven't even known him for a full year. We aren't even together so that would be absolutely insane.

"Bella," i quickly shift my eyes back to the screen before humming. "I....wanna tell you something." The pause and lack of confidence in his voice makes my breath hitch. It seems kind of serious and that scares me. "It's something about the military and i dont want you to look at me differently. I dont want this to change anything."

Now he's really scaring but i still move myself so im facing him and give a nod to let him know im listening. " know how i said i was honorably discharged?" I nod again and go to speak but he cuts me off. "That's not entirely true." My brows come together in confusion. What does he mean?

"I was discharged but it wasn't honorably. I...." He trails off but i choose not to speak. For some reason i feel as though if i speak ill scare him into not saying another word and this seems like something he's wanted to tell me for a long time.

"I got into a fistfight with a superior." He takes a breath. "Well, if you could call it that. He never threw a single punch. I didn't let him."

I nod my head. "This....doesn't change a thing." He looks over at me with full eyes. "Im sure you had a good reason." He wouldn't just fight someone randomly.

He nods his head vigorously. "I did. I had a good reason. He-" He freezes and gives me a weird look. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

He shakes his head. "You dont need to know. Just know he was a bad person and did bad things." I slowly nod my head before smiling at him. He gets a small look of confusion on his face before smiling back. The confusion never leaving.

"Thank you for telling me. I really like when you share things with me. Makes me feel like you're comfy with me and i lo- like that." I end with a grin and slightly red cheeks, hoping he didn't catch my little slip up.

I dont know why im so scared to say that word. In this context its different. I shouldn't be scared. I love lots of things. Cake for one.

"I am comfortable with you." My cheeks get a little more red before i put my attention back on the movie.

And that's how we spent the day. Watching tv and having small conversations every once in a while. That is, until dinner time when we were both more than a little hungry.
The next three days are spent relaxing and slowly but surely exploring Paris. And i do mean slowly. "What's tomorrow?"

Auggie looks over at me with knowing smile before declaring, "August twelfth. Also known as the day Arabella Quinn was born. Tomorrow is your birthday baby." I give him a close eyed grin before sliding over to him. "Yes it is."

I've only asked him about thirty times and im sure he's tired of me but im just so excited. I get to spend my twenty third birthday in Paris with auggie. That's really all i could ask for. Im sure maybe a year ago I would've wanted to spend it with my mom but....that's kind of off the table right now.

We're talking more but its still a little strained.

Moving on though because i will not allow a few sour thoughts to ruin my good mood.

"What would you like to do today, love?" I think for a couple seconds before saying. "Do you wanna stay in until lunch and then go exploring again?" He looks around before nodding his head.

I grab my robe before dragging him to the balcony with me. "I just wanna look for a couple seconds." He gives me a look. "Bella,"

I cut him off with a prolonged please. "You're afraid of heights, love." I nod my head. "I know but its such a pretty view! As long as i dont look down, ill be fine!" He takes a deep breath before nodding his head and leading me to the rocking chairs out there.

As soon as i sit down i feel him grab my hand and i smile while intertwining our fingers. I take a deep breath and close my eyes before simply enjoying the soft summer breeze.

"It's nice here." I hear a soft hum. "It's very nice here." Would i want to live here? Maybe. Maybe one day but not right now. If i leave now i think my mom and i would slowly drift apart until there's zero communication. I think i would also miss my residents at sunshine. So maybe not now but one day.

"Lets go inside now." Auggie nods his head at me and slowly walks me back to the house. Making sure to cover my peripheral vision so i dont catch a glimpse of how high we are.

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