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By the time we get back home it's already much too late for me to start a project....

At least, that's what I used as an excuse when I demanded (read: asked very nicely) auggie take all the stuff upstairs and put it in the corner of my room.

"So you're going to handle this tomorrow?" I nod at him. "Yes. You of all people should I know I can't leave it like that." He cocks one eyebrow before walking over and standing in front of me.

"What would you like to eat bella?" I accidentally let out a laugh and he tilts his head to show confusion. "It's just- You always ask me what I want to eat like you're gonna cook,"

I grin up at him. "And we both know you can't cook." He scoffs. "I can cook, I just simply don't like to." I nod in a mocking way. "Besides. Why would I give up the opportunity to watch you pace the kitchen in nothing but my shirt?"

My ears get hot first and I know it's gonna spread to my cheeks so I quickly get up and make my way to the stairs. "You never answered me baby." I stop walking but don't turn around.

"I'm gonna shower and change. I'll cook something. You just relax and....watch me since that's apparently your favorite thing to do." I hear him let out a breath.

"It only took you almost eight months to realize that."
When I get out of the shower I pull on an all yellow crop top and shorts set before starting my walk down the stairs.

However it's quickly put on hold as i feel a sharp pain in my foot

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However it's quickly put on hold as i feel a sharp pain in my foot.

I let out a small whimper before sitting down. "Bella?" I pout as I look at my foot that is now dripping blood.

I try to stop the tears that threaten to come down my face but I can't as i softly call to him. "Auggie, please come here." His soft but kind of heavy steps are heard and as soon as he rounds the corner and sees me his face drops.

"What happened?" I stick my foot out while pointing. "I got a splinter!" I don't mean to sob as I speak but I've never had a splinter before and I never knew they hurt this bad.

"I've told you time and time again to wear socks upstairs, love." My pout deepens. "Can you just help me please and not lecture me right now?" He nods his head while muttering an apology.

As he picks me up I tell him to be careful since we are on the steps and my foot is letting out a significant amount of blood. "I'm not sure how many times I have to tell you but you are not heavy."

I nod but I really don't believe him. I know I'm not as chubby as I use to be but I'm also not Isabel's size. Even after having a baby she went straight back to her hourglass figure.

When he sets me on the couch he sits down on the ottoman in front of me and I softly bring my foot up into his lap. "Um....Bella?" I divert my eyes away from my foot and to his face.

"This isn't wood." My eyebrows knit together as confusion takes over my whole face. "It's glass." My eyes widen and I quickly ask him how it got on the floor and if he dropped anything recently.

"I think I would remember dropping glass and im almost positive you would remember if I dropped glass as well." I nod my head. He's right. But that would explain why it hurts so bad and why it's bleeding so much.

Not that it's pouring blood or anything but I imagine this is more blood than any regular old splinter would cause. "I'm going to go get a few things. I'll be right back." I nod my head before hovering my foot above the floor.

When he comes back he has tweezers, a few paper towels, (wet and dry) a couple bandaids, and some cream.

"Why did you bring two bandaids?" He looks up at me confused. "Did you not look at this?" I shake my head. When I looked at it earlier all I saw was blood.

"It looks like it went in and then up. It's like this big." He holds up his fingers about an inch apart. "This is probably going to hurt a lot because I need to expose the glass before I can pull it out."

I look at him in awe. Is this how I sounded at work? So professional and serious.

And hot.

He looks up at me one last time and I can't help but remember a time when he gave me this exact look, only the circumstances were very different. When he brings the tweezers close, on reflex I move my foot back and he looks up at me with a blank face.

"Should I expect that you'll do that often?" I sheepishly nod my head and he nods his before grabbing my foot and holding it in place.

I bite my lip as I feel him slightly pull some skin back to get to the glass. "Ow!" He nods his head while still pealing back. "I know I know. It hurts but you'll feel better once it's gone." I nod my head with a pout as he continues.

By the time he finally gets the glass out the tears that were previously threatening to come out have already stained my face. "I'm just going to assume that some glass fell off something we brought home today."

I nod my head because it makes sense but also doesn't but I don't feel like arguing that his statement is flawed. "You stay here and I'll go sweep," He pauses and looks up at me with what looks like fake annoyance.

"And I guess I'll cook tonight." I smile at him. "You don't have to. It doesn't hurt as much anymore." He shakes his head. "It's fine. You always cook. The least I could do when you're hurt is make a little food."

My smile doesn't leave as I watch him get up. I quickly reach my hand out and he just as quickly holds it while giving me a confused face. "You just played nurse bun. That was the least you could do. Cooking is nothing small and I appreciate you doing it."

He gives me a half smile before kissing my hand and walking away. Thank god for that because if he hadn't he would've seen my entire face go rose red.
When he finally finishes making whatever it is he's making the pain in my foot is pretty much gone. "I could've helped you." He gives me a look. "As you've said five times already. And as I've said, I didn't need your help. Your job was to sit and relax."

I purse my lips and grumble all the way to the dining room. "Stop mumbling you big baby." I make a face at him and he smirks. "Or. You can continue and I'll count it as a strike."

And I promise it takes everything in me to stop mumbling because a good part of me wants to continue. His smirks grows as I'm sure he sees my internal battle.

"Oh you wanna continue so bad. You want a strike. You want me to take you upstairs and pleasure you in ways only I can." I'm almost positive the whimper I just heard came from my own mouth but to save the little bit of dignity I have left I'll say it wasn't.

"Oh look at that. You haven't said a word and you're pretty much begging." I don't know if it's the way he's speaking to me or what he's saying but one of them have me squeezing my legs together. "But I won't." And I pretty much cry at that statement.

"You're injured. What kind of man would I be if I destroyed your innocence just a bit more when you're hurt? Certainly not a man I want to be." I know, I know he's playing with me but I can't help but slightly agree.

Trust, I am fully aware of the fact that he is mocking me and if it were a serious injury then I would be on the same page but we're talking about a splinter. A splinter!

I know it's been a month and I'm so sorry but I had the worst writers block. Every time I went to write more chapters my head was empty and also I've started a new book lol

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