"Peaceful" grocery trip

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"It's that time of the week again." Auggie glances over at me. "What time?" I close the fridge and walk up to him. "Time for grocery shopping." He makes a face before nodding and heading upstairs.

"You're not coming?" He stops and looks at me from the top of the steps. "Am I supposed to wear this to the store?" I look down at his black shirt and black swear shorts and shrug. "You expect me to go out in this? When you're most likely about to go put on a dress or skirt and heels?"

I shrug again. "You don't have to match my fanciness auggie. I'm always gonna dress like that." He nods his head. "Exactly. And I would look atrocious standing next to you. Can't let my baby be alone." And I simply don't say anything and let him walk off because my?

My baby? His? Not that I mind that at all but he can't just spring things like that on me. As I'm sure we all know even the smallest of things make me blush but when he says things like that? I don't even start off as a light pink. I go straight to rose red.

I take a deep breath and slightly rub my ears so the heat goes away before walking upstairs. "By the way auggie, you could never look atrocious." He stops buttoning his pants and looks up at me.

"Compared to you? Yes I could." I shake my head with a smile while walking into my room.

Since it's summer now and temperatures are reaching eighty already I decide to go with a strapless and sort of backless, cream colored dress with lavender flowers sprinkled all over, and simple cream sandals.

Since it's summer now and temperatures are reaching eighty already I decide to go with a strapless and sort of backless, cream colored dress with lavender flowers sprinkled all over, and simple cream sandals

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"You never match me." I look over at auggie with a half smile. "I match you sometimes." He purses his lips. "Besides, I don't have a black dress, so find me one and I'll match with you." He nods his head while squinting and I quickly realize that I shouldn't have said anything because now there will packages showing up with my name on them with a billion and six black dresses in them.

"I take it back."

"Too late. I will be finding you some black dresses." I sigh. "Or you could just start wearing color." He makes a disgusted face. "Or I could not. Don't suggest something so gross." I laugh while rolling me eyes before walking downstairs with him hot on my trail.
When we arrive at the store I don't bother with the whole split up argument. I know that it's not going to happen. "Im gonna walk to the meat section, feel free to follow." He smirks before pulling the car from the front.

As I'm walking back I hear a loud whistle and since im used to auggie getting my attention that way I quickly look back. Unfortunately auggie is already looking back at me and shaking his head in a way that says wasn't me.

My brows knit together but since it wasn't him and it has nothing to do with me, I keep walking.

Four different sections and an almost full cart later someone is stopping our previously peaceful trip. "I thought that was you....guys." I glance up but have to do a double take when I see who it it.

"I was trying to get your attention earlier." I stare at him before going back to what I was looking at. Regular cheez its or white cheddar. Tough decision since they're both very good.

"Woah. You throwin a party or something?" I look back up at him before going back to the boxes. Maybe I'll just get both. I quickly turn to look at auggie and sign both?

He nods his head at me before going back to what he was doing. Which was apparently glaring at the side of aaron's head. "Really Bella? You're just gonna ignore me."

I quickly set both boxes in the cart before letting out a deep breath and turning towards Aaron. "My memory isn't that great sometimes but I could've sworn I told you to call me Arabella if you were going to address me."

He looks shocked for a second before he's holding his hands up in surrender. "You seemed pretty weird that day, how was I supposed to know you were serious?" I raise my brows while holding onto the cart.

"I was very serious." I glance back at auggie but he's just staring at me. "And did you ever stop to think that maybe I was "weird" that day because you were in my home?" He looks taken back but he quickly switches to a smile.

"Cmon Bella. We used to be friends. We can go back to that." I give him a slight glare. "Arabella. And no we can't." I grip the cart and pull it towards me while taking a step.

"Don't ever come to my home again. You aren't invited and I will count it as trespassing and call the police." And with that statement I walk the cart and auggie to the next aisle.

As I'm walking down it I feel a slight tug on the cart and look back to see auggie giving me a concerned look. You okay? I nod my head. "Yes of course. I actually feel much better, thank you for asking."

His head tilts before he's smiling at me. He nods his head towards the aisle to let me know I can keep going and so I do.
By the time we get home my legs feel ready to break and my whole body wants me to collapse. "Oh no. Come one Bella, we have to put these away." He tries to pull me up but do to him never wanting to hurt me his grip is pretty loose so I softly pull my hands back.

"Come on. It won't even take that long." I shake my head and sink further into the couch. "I will literally do anything if you do it all yourself!" He stops and stares at me. "Anything?" I give him a scared look but slowly nod my head.


And he walks off. Right into the kitchen with the last three bags I dropped in front of the couch. "But if anything is in the wrong place you can't yell at me!" I take in a quick breath before practically running to the kitchen.

"Move! I'll do it myself!" I swear I see him smile at me from the corner of my eye but I don't pay much attention. My main goal is to get all of this put away and quickly get into the shower to soothe my sore bones.

It wouldn't be so much if we didn't go grocery shop for the next month. We really don't like leaving the house.

When I finish up I slowly walk out to auggie who has been sitting on the couch the whole time. "I...." He looks over at me. "Have a question." He nods his head. "But I want to take a shower first." He gives me a slow nod.

"Alright. Should I be worried?" I shake my head. "I only ask because the way you're speaking right now has me worried and if it were a regular old question why would you wait?"

I'm quick to reassure him it's nothing bad. "It's not a serious question and you shouldn't be worried. I just feel gross and my bones hurt so i wanna get clean first. Ya know so I can ask the question and then we can relax." He nods.

"Alrighty then."

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